The racist Officer Darren Wilson...


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
...hates black people so much, he saved the life of a black infant before he responded to the Michael Brown robbery call.

Report Darren Wilson Saved Black Baby s Life Right Before Michael Brown s Death
“As reported by the Bloomberg Politics news portal on Nov. 25, 2014, as well as of Saint Louis, Mo. on Nov. 24, 2014, prior to Officer Wilson responding to the radio call regarding Brown's strong arm robbery of a local convenience store, Wilson was involved with a sickly infant residing in an overwhelmingly African-American Section 8 housing complex,” wrote Whiteman in his report.

The report goes on to describe how Wilson responded to a call at Ferguson’s Northwinds Apartment Complex for an “emergency involving a 2-year-old child who had trouble breathing.” While attending to the sick child and the mother, Wilson reportedly got a call about the convenience store incident, but instead of responding himself, he reportedly stood with the family until health care workers arrived at the scene. It was only after they arrived that he responded to the theft call and, eventually, ran into Brown in the middle of the street.

In the report, Whiteman claims that the sick baby was “most likely” black because of a past report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that talks about the demographic of people living at the apartment complex in question.

“However, the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch reported on Oct. 18, 2014 that the very same Northwinds Apartment complex as one of many federally designated Section 8 Housing projects that the Post-Dispatch described as an ‘amalgam of crime, mismanagement and African-American poverty,’” reported Whiteman. “Furthermore, the Post-Dispatch made note that of the slew of low income projects (to include Northwinds) in St. Louis County, the overwhelming number of residents are black. According to the newspaper, ‘99 percent [are] African-American.’ The remaining 1 percent is divided between whites, Latinos, American Indians, Pacific Islanders, East Asians and those of mixed race.”​
...hates black people so much, he saved the life of a black infant before he responded to the Michael Brown robbery call.

Report Darren Wilson Saved Black Baby s Life Right Before Michael Brown s Death
“As reported by the Bloomberg Politics news portal on Nov. 25, 2014, as well as of Saint Louis, Mo. on Nov. 24, 2014, prior to Officer Wilson responding to the radio call regarding Brown's strong arm robbery of a local convenience store, Wilson was involved with a sickly infant residing in an overwhelmingly African-American Section 8 housing complex,” wrote Whiteman in his report.

The report goes on to describe how Wilson responded to a call at Ferguson’s Northwinds Apartment Complex for an “emergency involving a 2-year-old child who had trouble breathing.” While attending to the sick child and the mother, Wilson reportedly got a call about the convenience store incident, but instead of responding himself, he reportedly stood with the family until health care workers arrived at the scene. It was only after they arrived that he responded to the theft call and, eventually, ran into Brown in the middle of the street.

In the report, Whiteman claims that the sick baby was “most likely” black because of a past report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that talks about the demographic of people living at the apartment complex in question.

“However, the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch reported on Oct. 18, 2014 that the very same Northwinds Apartment complex as one of many federally designated Section 8 Housing projects that the Post-Dispatch described as an ‘amalgam of crime, mismanagement and African-American poverty,’” reported Whiteman. “Furthermore, the Post-Dispatch made note that of the slew of low income projects (to include Northwinds) in St. Louis County, the overwhelming number of residents are black. According to the newspaper, ‘99 percent [are] African-American.’ The remaining 1 percent is divided between whites, Latinos, American Indians, Pacific Islanders, East Asians and those of mixed race.”​

The movie "Crash" comes to mind here.

Of course it's insanity to pretend one knows what's in the man's heart based on a steady drip of sensationalized news tidbits. On some level we should know that. Somewhere.

Thanks Dave. This is context, which is always the first casualty.
Who said he hated black people?

Answer: The OP's Strawman
Riiiiight. Wilson is a racist, but doesn't hate black people.

So, nothing to say about Wilson saving the life of a black child? No? Of course not. It doesn't fit in with your programming.

Doesn't fit with TV's programming either, which is why we don't hear it.
Indeed. The media have an agenda to push, reality be damned.
Who said he hated black people?

Answer: The OP's Strawman
Riiiiight. Wilson is a racist, but doesn't hate black people.

So, nothing to say about Wilson saving the life of a black child? No? Of course not. It doesn't fit in with your programming.

Doesn't fit with TV's programming either, which is why we don't hear it.
Indeed. The media have an agenda to push, reality be damned.

That's a myth. The media are in it for themselves. So they sell The Crazy. The Crazy sells.

Your story here doesn't feed The Crazy, plus it requires thinking. TV doesn't like thinking. It likes explosions and blood. "Nice" doesn't sell. But gimme a good drive by, cop killing, fire, flood, tornado, riot, terrorist plot that succeeds, missing baby or good old highway chase with a film at 11 and the price of my commercial time just went way up.

That's what the agenda is. After all, political agendas don't pay no bills.

"Reality be damned" though, is spot-on.
Last edited:
Thanks for proving our point. Please learn to read.

Ernie, did you know you posted a "note to self" on the board? And who's "our"??

There are no "these people" here uttering such a sentiment. Only the OP proposed it, apparently as a strawman. So I asked the poster -- who is not you -- who it is he's talking about. Why don't you let him try to grapple with it. No offense but he's bound to be more entertaining.
The false narrative flowing diarrhea-like from the mouths of race-baiters Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, et al, aided and abetted by an assortment of lefty media fluffers, from the Trayvon Martin case through the Michael Brown case to date, has been to portray racist whites, Hispanic or otherwise, as gunning down innocent black "children" for no reason whatsoever other than they're black. With the clear implication of course that hatred of blacks is the root cause of their actions.
Who said he hated black people?

Answer: The OP's Strawman
Riiiiight. Wilson is a racist, but doesn't hate black people.

So, nothing to say about Wilson saving the life of a black child? No? Of course not. It doesn't fit in with your programming.

Who said he was a racist?

Answer: OP's second strawman created so he can play the victim

Who said he was racist? You are kidding, right?

Thats your answer? LOL

OP's strawman doesnt count nor does your sarcasm
Who said he hated black people?

Answer: The OP's Strawman
Riiiiight. Wilson is a racist, but doesn't hate black people.

So, nothing to say about Wilson saving the life of a black child? No? Of course not. It doesn't fit in with your programming.

Who said he was a racist?

Answer: OP's second strawman created so he can play the victim

Who said he was racist? You are kidding, right?

You can't make this stuff up.

Holy crap.


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