The Racial Reckoning on the Roads


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Very interesting statistics. One reason that black drivers get stopped more often than white drivers is that black drivers are more likely to drive unsafely. So many police probably decided 'why bother' after Floyd.

As I may have mentioned once or twice over the past year, the media-declared “racial reckoning” following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, has been getting a lot of blacks murdered by other blacks. But I am not being ironic in saying that I am now stunned to find out that motor vehicle fatalities among blacks similarly soared 36 percent in June–December 2020 versus the same period in 2019, compared with a 9 percent increase among the rest of the population.
The federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently issued a report entitled “Early Estimates of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities and Fatality Rate by Sub-Categories in 2020” showing that total road deaths among all races were up 7 percent from 36,096 in 2019 to 38,680 in 2020.
That’s despite miles driven by the American public falling 13 percent last year due to the pandemic. Put them together, and that’s a ridiculous increase in the death rate of over 23 percent per mile.
Among those still on the road, spectacularly bad driving grew. For example, ejections (being thrown out of the vehicle) roughly doubled between February and April and remained consistently above 2019 levels for the rest of 2020.

But the worst single increase in deaths from 2019 to 2020 is 23 percent more black people being killed. The NHTSA writes:

Non-Hispanic Black fatalities, as a proportion of all fatalities, increased in most months from March to December. The greatest increase occurred in June (20% [black share in 2020] versus 15% [in 2019]). Total estimated Non-Hispanic Black fatalities increased by 23 percent from 2019 to 2020.

In contrast, among everybody else, road deaths were up less than 4 percent in 2020.

As I mentioned, in the last seven months of 2020, the era of the racial reckoning, black deaths increased 36 percent over 2019, while nonblack deaths rose 9 percent.


While black fatalities were up more than those of nonblacks in each of the first five months of 2020, black road deaths exploded in June along with riots and murders. In the tumultuous first month of the racial reckoning, 743 black people were killed in traffic fatalities, up from 478 in June 2019, a 55 percent increase.

Over the last seven months of 2020, 4,995 blacks died in traffic accidents compared with 3,660 during the same period in 2019, a worsening of 36 percent.

In the social sciences, that’s an enormous increase.




About the time last summer that the Associated Press started reverentially referring to blacks as “Blacks” (but continued to spell whites as “whites”), evidence began piling up that blacks had become a little too thrilled by their new image as morally deserving to be above the law. Mass shootings at black parties exploded as the thought of a black man being dissed (by another black) became increasingly intolerable in an American culture that now values black self-esteem above all.

Could it be that between the declining fear of being pulled over, the explosion in black feelings of exuberance and entitlement, not to mention the stimulus checks, blacks just started driving more recklessly?

Back in 2005, I was intensely denounced by ethical paragons such as John Podhoretz for observing that blacks “need stricter moral guidance from society.”

Well, we’ve since tried telling blacks that they are morally better than whites. How’s that working out for all concerned?
Could it be that between the declining fear of being pulled over, the explosion in black feelings of exuberance and entitlement, not to mention the stimulus checks, blacks just started driving more recklessly?

How myopic...
Very interesting statistics. One reason that black drivers get stopped more often than white drivers is that black drivers are more likely to drive unsafely. So many police probably decided 'why bother' after Floyd.

As I may have mentioned once or twice over the past year, the media-declared “racial reckoning” following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, has been getting a lot of blacks murdered by other blacks. But I am not being ironic in saying that I am now stunned to find out that motor vehicle fatalities among blacks similarly soared 36 percent in June–December 2020 versus the same period in 2019, compared with a 9 percent increase among the rest of the population.
The federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently issued a report entitled “Early Estimates of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities and Fatality Rate by Sub-Categories in 2020” showing that total road deaths among all races were up 7 percent from 36,096 in 2019 to 38,680 in 2020.
That’s despite miles driven by the American public falling 13 percent last year due to the pandemic. Put them together, and that’s a ridiculous increase in the death rate of over 23 percent per mile.
Among those still on the road, spectacularly bad driving grew. For example, ejections (being thrown out of the vehicle) roughly doubled between February and April and remained consistently above 2019 levels for the rest of 2020.

But the worst single increase in deaths from 2019 to 2020 is 23 percent more black people being killed. The NHTSA writes:

Non-Hispanic Black fatalities, as a proportion of all fatalities, increased in most months from March to December. The greatest increase occurred in June (20% [black share in 2020] versus 15% [in 2019]). Total estimated Non-Hispanic Black fatalities increased by 23 percent from 2019 to 2020.

In contrast, among everybody else, road deaths were up less than 4 percent in 2020.

As I mentioned, in the last seven months of 2020, the era of the racial reckoning, black deaths increased 36 percent over 2019, while nonblack deaths rose 9 percent.


While black fatalities were up more than those of nonblacks in each of the first five months of 2020, black road deaths exploded in June along with riots and murders. In the tumultuous first month of the racial reckoning, 743 black people were killed in traffic fatalities, up from 478 in June 2019, a 55 percent increase.

Over the last seven months of 2020, 4,995 blacks died in traffic accidents compared with 3,660 during the same period in 2019, a worsening of 36 percent.

In the social sciences, that’s an enormous increase.


All of this has its roots in the criminal Democrat Lockdowns; the Floyd rioting was actually Lockdown rioting conveniently hiding behind a racial fig leaf no one in their right mind bought into.

And if you thought last summer was bad, brace for this summer's Democrat Lockdown Eviction Riots.

Trump was the greatest president ever for Black Lives, and the Democrats destroyed Black Lives.

But the worst is yet to come.

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