The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

The Quran is plainly largely stolen from the bible. The Quran repeats many bible stories which are obviously Jewish myths and not historic facts. Never the less the Quran claims itself to be the words of God. One glaring falsehood in the bible is that the heaven and earth were created in six days, and the Quran exactly repeats this myth. Both the Quran and the bible also say one of Gods days is as a thousand years. The Quran also pays passing reference to many bible stories such as, Jonah and the whale, and Noah's ark, and the flood, and the drowning of the Egyptian army in the red sea. The most obvious case of copying the bible in the Quran is sura 12, the story of Joseph. The bible story of Joseph is a lucid narrative four times longer than sura 12 and it is filled with details that the Quran leaves out. Such as Josephs family history. Without that information the Quranic version of Joseph is an incoherent muddle that cannot be understood unless you have already read the bible.
The old testament of the bible is full of warmongering which can be discounted as Jewish myths, but the message of Jesus in the new testament is largely benign. The Quran however is full of blatant tribalism inciting hatred of unbelievers, and how to fight in the way of Allah, which includes a verse that says to strike the necks of unbelievers, and cut off their finger tips also. This verse is obviously saying strike their necks with a sword,and cut off the heads of unbelievers.
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

The Quran is plainly largely stolen from the bible. The Quran repeats many bible stories which are obviously Jewish myths and not historic facts. Never the less the Quran claims itself to be the words of God. One glaring falsehood in the bible is that the heaven and earth were created in six days, and the Quran exactly repeats this myth. Both the Quran and the bible also say one of Gods days is as a thousand years. The Quran also pays passing reference to many bible stories such as, Jonah and the whale, and Noah's ark, and the flood, and the drowning of the Egyptian army in the red sea. The most obvious case of copying the bible in the Quran is sura 12, the story of Joseph. The bible story of Joseph is a lucid narrative four times longer than sura 12 and it is filled with details that the Quran leaves out. Such as Josephs family history. Without that information the Quranic version of Joseph is an incoherent muddle that cannot be understood unless you have already read the bible.
There are no myths in the Bible.
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

The Quran is plainly largely stolen from the bible. The Quran repeats many bible stories which are obviously Jewish myths and not historic facts. Never the less the Quran claims itself to be the words of God. One glaring falsehood in the bible is that the heaven and earth were created in six days, and the Quran exactly repeats this myth. Both the Quran and the bible also say one of Gods days is as a thousand years. The Quran also pays passing reference to many bible stories such as, Jonah and the whale, and Noah's ark, and the flood, and the drowning of the Egyptian army in the red sea. The most obvious case of copying the bible in the Quran is sura 12, the story of Joseph. The bible story of Joseph is a lucid narrative four times longer than sura 12 and it is filled with details that the Quran leaves out. Such as Josephs family history. Without that information the Quranic version of Joseph is an incoherent muddle that cannot be understood unless you have already read the bible.
There are no myths in the Bible.
True. Men living to be 600 years old is quite common.
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

Wrong you are, obviously.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Mohammad was an illiterate, terrorist, warlord, caravan robber, mass murderer, rapist, pedophile thief?

That's factual history. Even the Koran documents it.

Prove that the Bible cannot be harnessed as an excellent terrorist's handbook.

Reading and understanding the Bible and you would know it is not. Of course you would have to be able to understand the written words or go back to school.

True. Men living to be 600 years old is quite common.

Both the bible and the Quran say that Noah lived to be 950 years old. But it is now believed that the numbering system of the early bible was mistranslated because a scribe did not understand the early numbers. Never the less the Quran copies the number exactly.
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

The Quran is plainly largely stolen from the bible. The Quran repeats many bible stories which are obviously Jewish myths and not historic facts. Never the less the Quran claims itself to be the words of God. One glaring falsehood in the bible is that the heaven and earth were created in six days, and the Quran exactly repeats this myth. Both the Quran and the bible also say one of Gods days is as a thousand years. The Quran also pays passing reference to many bible stories such as, Jonah and the whale, and Noah's ark, and the flood, and the drowning of the Egyptian army in the red sea. The most obvious case of copying the bible in the Quran is sura 12, the story of Joseph. The bible story of Joseph is a lucid narrative four times longer than sura 12 and it is filled with details that the Quran leaves out. Such as Josephs family history. Without that information the Quranic version of Joseph is an incoherent muddle that cannot be understood unless you have already read the bible.
There are no myths in the Bible.
True. Men living to be 600 years old is quite common.

eating healthy and hard work will provide miracles
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

Wrong you are, obviously.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Mohammad was an illiterate, terrorist, warlord, caravan robber, mass murderer, rapist, pedophile thief?

That's factual history. Even the Koran documents it.

Prove that the Bible cannot be harnessed as an excellent terrorist's handbook.

Any ideology can be harnessed to commit terror and murder. It's not the ideology it's people. However, when you have an ideology who's prophet was a terrorist himself, it would be much easier. All the followers have to do is follow his example, as they are doing today.
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

Wrong you are, obviously.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Mohammad was an illiterate, terrorist, warlord, caravan robber, mass murderer, rapist, pedophile thief?

That's factual history. Even the Koran documents it.

Prove that the Bible cannot be harnessed as an excellent terrorist's handbook.

The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

Wrong you are, obviously.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Mohammad was an illiterate, terrorist, warlord, caravan robber, mass murderer, rapist, pedophile thief?

That's factual history. Even the Koran documents it.

Prove that the Bible cannot be harnessed as an excellent terrorist's handbook.

there is an easy test for that. Turn the other cheek and see how well you end up terrorizing others

True. Men living to be 600 years old is quite common.

Both the bible and the Quran say that Noah lived to be 950 years old. But it is now believed that the numbering system of the early bible was mistranslated because a scribe did not understand the early numbers. Never the less the Quran copies the number exactly.
I find it shocking, Shocking, that the gawds never proofread / performed final editing on any of the bibles.
The Holy Spirit is the proofread. He teaches us what the apostles or prophets meant when they wrote the scriptures and teach us the wisdom God shared with them.
The Holy Spirit is the proofread. He teaches us what the apostles or prophets meant when they wrote the scriptures and teach us the wisdom God shared with them.
Of course. So then, we can conclude that the bibles are flawed and that the "prophets" didn't know what they were writing?
Not liking Islam very much right now. Islam put out fatwas against cartoonist, chop off journalist's heads and crash planes into buildings. Not liking Islam very much right now, just a bunch of kool-aid drinking conformists.
I speak as a Muslim.

These are some words of God Almighty:

"The revelation of the Book is from Allah the Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom."

''Then Praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth,- Lord and Cherisher of all the Worlds! To Him be glory throughout the heavens and the earth: and He is Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom!"

''All-Knower of the unseen and seen, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."

''But those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and believe in the (Revelation) sent down to Muhammad - for it is the Truth from their Lord,- He will remove from them their ills and improve their condition."

I read the Koran and do believe that it contains truths-----like the descriptions of
muhummad and his friends raping and murdering and pillaging -----are true
I speak as a Muslim.

Belief must turn into sure belief. It reaches the point where when you are face to face with a lion, you are not fearing anyone but God, out of belief that God exists and does everything that happens. So there are no such things as "consequences for your belief".

Al Qaeda and so on blow up everything, even mosques, and that happens a lot. It's not just the West that is targeted. So don't say that Islam seeks to impose itself over other religions, or that this is Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) could not read or write. Since you agree to that it means you accept early sources. But what does it matter ? He never claimed he wrote the Qur'an. the Qur'an says : "We sent it down (the Qur'an) in a blessed night". It is the word of God sent down to the heart of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Then he recited it to the people.

War is about conquering territories. So yes, Muhammad conquered and subdued people. He was at war. God ordered those wars so it's normal He spoke a lot of hate to those He ordered fought. As to rapes, I don't know what you mean by that.

The Qur'an and the Gospel comes from the same one and only God. It's most normal that they contain similar stories, specially knowing that prophets are sent as teachers. Their life stories serve the purpose to teach mankind. So one may find the same story in every revealed book. Just like Jesus keeping with him someone, though he knew (since he was a prophet) that he was going to betray him. He kept him close to him, he was teaching. (In any case Jesus was not crucified).

I speak as a Muslim. Whenever I read a passage of the Bible, it's obvious to me that it is a man made book containing intentional lies and forgeries.

Muhammad was at war, and war is war. Don't call him a terrorist. He did not decide by himself to go to war. God ordered him to go to war, and God authorized him to go to war against those who sought to harm the Muslims. In the beginning, he had to endure these things without fighting back. What do Americans do ? They bomb buildings, kill civilians and then try to hide it. You'll tell me it's a mistake. That's fine but they keep bombing though by now they know civilians will get caught.

The books were not written by prophets or their helpers. It was God who revealed to prophets the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel, the Qur'an and so on. Then men changed those books, and put whatever they wanted in it and adopted these men-made books; except for the Qur'an which has been miraculously protected and kept authentic up to this day.

Islam and the Muslims are not the same. It's greatly unfair to yourselves to judge Islam by the Muslims.
Muslim75, There is a hadith in which Muhammad sent for the Torah and had it read to him. The Torah said the punishment for adultery was stoning so Muhammad ordered a couple stoned to death. This not only shows that illiterate or not, he knew the bible, It also shows he had no mercy. Compare this with Jesus stopping the stoning of a woman. There are other well reputed hadiths in which Muhammad also has people put to death.

As for God commanding war, that is totally insensible. God is the creator of all mankind and he would not play favourites and help one tribe over others. You say you can see the lies in the bible and I do not dispute that, but why can't you see the obvious lies all through the Quran?

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