The problem with capitalism

You're correct, Mea culpa. What I listed was not Socialism, per se; yet they are not working in the Private Sector they work in the Public Sector. It is a series of occupations whose employees earn their wages and benefits by taxes. Not Capitalism not Socialism, thus an amalgamation, I guess.
Bye the way thank you for the word of kindness.
When the free enterprise system fails the majority of people it will cease to function, I do not know what will replace it but hopefully it will be less subjective and more realistic.
It won\t fail on its own it, will be destroyed and the main threat right now is the right wing , they by far with their trickle down lie type logic is the biggest thread to capitalism, and I'm taking the jump that that then means a possible end of free enterprise.
If we want to compete successfully with China, we need to CHANGE.
That process would involve learning from China's recent success, and that would be very difficult for SOME conservative white supremacists in the US since the undertaking would begin with acknowledging China's improvements on US Capitalism:

Richard D. Wolff - What China Learned From U.S. Capitalism’s Development - Brave New Europe

"Meanwhile, many policymakers in China have drawn lessons from the U.S. experience: which policies to replicate and which policies to discard.

"China saw that U.S. capitalists had often worked closely with the U.S. state successfully to undertake major projects by coordinating and mobilizing public and private resources..."

"In China, economic policymakers also have taken note of when weaknesses and reverses afflicted U.S. capitalism.

"The relatively unregulated capitalism after World War I eventuated in the 1929 crash.

"Likewise, the deregulated (“neoliberal” or “globalized”) capitalism after the 1970s eventuated in the 2008 crash.

"Refusing national health insurance enabled a private medical-industrial complex to overcharge and slow U.S. capitalism to benefit from its excess profitability. It also underprepared the United States for the COVID-19 pandemic with catastrophic results."
"Wages can be controlled by business". What's the alternative? Wages controlled by the government?
The Rugged Get Run Ragged

The alternative is wages controlled by employees. Without unions, it's Man Against Millionaire. Individualism is self-defeating if it is practiced to the extent of putting oneself in that situation. The economic elitists push it as a virtue because they can easily pick us off one-by-one, as they have also done to small businesses with this cronyvirus hoax.
The biggest problem with capitalism is when capitalism takes over the government. As in the rich are paying for things they want, over the wishes of everyone else.
If You Don't Support This, You Have No Right to Complain About Government Waste

I have nothing against that. On this very embee, I proposed that on their tax forms, everyone allocates to which branches of the government he wants his money to go and how much. I'd give a lot to the military, infrastructure, and to the Department of Labor and nothing towards welfare, foreign aid, or the dumbing-down Department of "Education."
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

There is no problem with capitalism. This thread is stupid
It doesn't always work out that way.
Workoholic Zombies

Just by the fact that they believe in some divine right of inheritance proves that the Economic Right doesn't believe in anything they preach about "working hard and getting ahead on your own."

If a Plute did that himself, his private actions show that he regrets what it did to him and wants to save his heirs from going through what he went through. But he's sure to brag about it to all the suckers who believe he's self-made rather than self-wrecked.
Their work is like playing monopoly. I don’t consider playing monopoly hard work.

I think the problem is you watch too many television movies. Wealth is not easily obtained and even harder to maintain. I've been to companies where the owner got too old or passed away and left the business to their kids. They ended up closing the doors a few years after.

Manipulating money is a gift not everybody has. Books were written about lottery winners where the worst thing that happened to them was striking it rich. In the end they were poorer than they started out.
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, capital, land, etc., by the community as a whole, usually through a centralized government.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state 3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done Definition of SOCIALISM

There is no argument this is the main no 1 tenet of socialism , your number three is rarely listed in comparison , You don't get your own definition of socialism Marxism or Communism. The idea that you think you can is humorous but not very convincing One more time (The means of production is owned and controlled by the state and the sales of that production is designated to the state.) if you think you can get past this to get to your definition you want you are wrong.

1a any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property 3a : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

No one compared poverty in this country to other country's .
Poverty in the US by comparison to other countries is relevant because given what resources are available, a person in the US in “poverty” is living pretty well. In addition, the US provides the best opportunity to become one of those millionaires or billionaires in comparison to any other country which is the primary reason people come here.

Class warfare here in the US does nothing except to erode our Middle Class, erode incentive, punish success, and move US towards more failed models of Socialism.
Poverty in the US by comparison to other countries is relevant because given what resources are available, a person in the US in “poverty” is living pretty well. In addition, the US provides the best opportunity to become one of those millionaires or billionaires in comparison to any other country which is the primary reason people come here.

Class warfare here in the US does nothing except to erode our Middle Class, erode incentive, punish success, and move US towards more failed models of Socialism.

The poorest one percent of the population in the US, are better off than the 99% living in a third world country.
Socialism, strictly defined, is State ownership of all those things...Subsidized or state funding of private operations is NOT SOCIALIST, it's mercantilism and crony corporatism.

100%'s you that knows fuck all, Colon.
You can call it what you like but you are taking other taxpayers money for your benefit.
Republicans like you cannot tolerate paying for someone else but are h sappy to take their taxes.

Next time you need a hospital, don't go to a public one. Go to th e private one. Send your kids to a private school and dintndrive on the government funded roads.
You are a hypocrit.
You can call it what you like but you are taking other taxpayers money for your benefit.
Republicans like you cannot tolerate paying for someone else but are h sappy to take their taxes.

Next time you need a hospital, don't go to a public one. Go to th e private one. Send your kids to a private school and dintndrive on the government funded roads.
You are a hypocrit.

You project a lot. Don't you.
I can’t stand on my own two feet and earn enough money…therefore I deserve a cut of yours…..oh and by the way, let tens of millions of illegal Mexicans in so I can compete with them.’
Standing on your own two feet became virtually impossible for millions of productive Americans after the mid-1970s when the aggregate incomes of Americans living below the 90th percentile began declining from more equal income distribution following WWII.

What happens to your economic independence when corporate raiders (vultures) ship your job to China after looting your pension plan?

Conservative slaves (MAGA) fail to understand their ideology is, at its root, a destructive system of inequality and prejudice founded on deception and dedicated to a single end: consolidating wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation.

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure

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