The President of the United States


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Mar 11, 2015

And if you don't think so, what Trump did at the G7 is evidence of who runs this country
Putin doesn't care about the trade balances, he cares about the friendly relationships and co-operative attitude the western nations share with America and each other. That's why he has tRump working to piss off all the other western leaders.
Perfectly said! I am literally sitting here wondering WHY do leftists HATE America so much? Great economy? Eh Pelosi says it sucks,fixing trade? AHHH world is on fire! Its because if Trump wins,American wins and if America wins Trump gets reelected!


View attachment 197612
Putin does indeed have balls. We don't actually know for sure if he's married or not though.
Perfectly said! I am literally sitting here wondering WHY do leftists HATE America so much? Great economy? Eh Pelosi says it sucks,fixing trade? AHHH world is on fire! Its because if Trump wins,American wins and if America wins Trump gets reelected!

You got it backwards.

Everything you say here is wrong. Job growth has been pretty good for a while and it was happening before Trump took office. Trump inherited a healthy economy, his policies did not turn it around. That's untrue. Full employment has been stated at under 5 percent and it was under 5 percent when Trump took office. He entered office with full employment. Obama took unemployment down from at least 10 percent to 4.8 when Trump took office. You Trumpettes have consistently lied about these matters. Unemployment was on a downward trend long before Trump took office, it started in 2010. And right now we are headed for inflation but you are so much in love with Trump that you can't see the trees in the forest.

Last when you look at the state of this country, it is not healthy. In that regard Trump has failed. Unemployment rates are not the only thing that matters and in every category of leadership, we don't have a president that's doing the job. He's about to put tariffs on our allies and they are retaliating. If that isn't stopped all your carnival barking will end. And you won't be able to use that sorry --- chickenscratch punk defense of Obama didn't do this it or Hillary is a crook. We are increasingly becoming isolated from the rest of the world. This is a failed presidency at this point. There have been more kids killed in schools this year than have been in Afghanistan thus far this year. The president is under investigation and is doing his level best to obstruct at every chance. Now he has declared himself above the law and the chief law enforcement officer in this country. Things are not good here and 3.9 unemployment is not going to fix the damage this idiot is doing to this country.

Trump is going to get the same credit you gave Obama. F--- Trump.
Another liberal Trump hate thread, shocker. Poor libs you need to get a grip because president Trump is only just getting started! :eusa_dance:
Yet another thread proving that some on the left have lost their minds.
Perfectly said! I am literally sitting here wondering WHY do leftists HATE America so much? Great economy? Eh Pelosi says it sucks,fixing trade? AHHH world is on fire! Its because if Trump wins,American wins and if America wins Trump gets reelected!


View attachment 197612

Trump has no balls. That's why Putin is our president.
I wish. Putin disappointed me when he didn't come here and drag shitstain obama out of the white house with a chain around his neck.
Perfectly said! I am literally sitting here wondering WHY do leftists HATE America so much? Great economy? Eh Pelosi says it sucks,fixing trade? AHHH world is on fire! Its because if Trump wins,American wins and if America wins Trump gets reelected!


View attachment 197612

Trump has no balls. That's why Putin is our president.
I wish. Putin disappointed me when he didn't come here and drag shitstain obama out of the white house with a chain around his neck.

You know what they say.... wish in one hand...

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