The Presidency of Scott Walker

Who is that bitch from Cally? forgot her name, the one that was taking any case from those hot white women who claimed they were sexually aroused by Herman Cain. If its Scott Walker in the end, she will put out a national ad seeking 12-25 woman who were either sexually violated or hair-dragged by Scott Walker.
Gloria Allred.


Republicans would do well to make sure she and Nancy Grace publically endorse Hillary.
Scott Walker and Cruz, both are the biggest fears of the left. Why? along with Rubio, they could take enough purple states away from Hillary!

As a member of the left...I feel comfortable with Hillary's chances against anyone you named. Every one pretty much except Christie and Bush.

The old, screechy-voiced bat is a crazy-eyed, leathery has-been.

Your gift to the DEMS is accepted...I'm sure
My gift to mankind is my opposition of the DEMS.
Posts like yours help the opposition more than you think.
I wonder what publication will have a cartoon front cover of Walker in caveman wear dragging a hot white & naked cave-woman into his cave after he wins the nomination.
I think we can all agree that Scott Walker wont even have a long list for VP. Can you just imagine a waiting room with Paul,West,Cruz and Rubio? Walker in the office. it would be like a waiting room scenario for a job interview. I wonder who will be sweating the most.
I think we can all agree that Scott Walker wont even have a long list for VP. Can you just imagine a waiting room with Paul,West,Cruz and Rubio? Walker in the office. it would be like a waiting room scenario for a job interview. I wonder who will be sweating the most.

Maybe no one. Frankly, if I were Walker, I'd take either Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez as a running mate.
I think we can all agree that Scott Walker wont even have a long list for VP. Can you just imagine a waiting room with Paul,West,Cruz and Rubio? Walker in the office. it would be like a waiting room scenario for a job interview. I wonder who will be sweating the most.

Maybe no one. Frankly, if I were Walker, I'd take either Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez as a running mate.
same here, but Martinez hasn't shown any interest in being VP, she would take in the Hispanic vote.I think she is happy where she is now. Scott Walker will obviously look at the map(assuming he wins) and he will know what states are his, and figure out what candidate will help him in the few purple states. But I think Walker should easily sweep the rust belt.
same here, but Martinez hasn't shown any interest in being VP, she would take in the Hispanic vote.I think she is happy where she is now. Scott Walker will obviously look at the map(assuming he wins) and he will know what states are his, and figure out what candidate will help him in the few purple states. But I think Walker should easily sweep the rust belt.

i think that would depend on a lot of things. First, can he get the nomination against a far better organized and financed Jeb Bush. Possibly.

Second, can he actually appeal to a Presidential election audience. The reason why he won in Wisconsin 3 times was because he was dealing with off-year electorates that tend to be smaller and lean more right wing. Can he peel some of the Obama voters away from Hillary? Possibly. I think he had Blue-Collar cred that McCain and Especially Romney didn't have.

Third- can he play the game at the national level? Can he appeal to a national audience? He did very well at the Freedom Summit, sounding pretty good when a lot of those people came off like nuts.

Fourth- Are there any skeletons in his closet we don't know about yet. The reason why the GOP often goes with retreads is they don't want October Surprises like Bush's DUI conviction in 2000, that did cost him the popular vote.

In short, I could possibly vote for Walker, but even I admit, there's a lot I don't know yet and neither do you.
same here, but Martinez hasn't shown any interest in being VP, she would take in the Hispanic vote.I think she is happy where she is now. Scott Walker will obviously look at the map(assuming he wins) and he will know what states are his, and figure out what candidate will help him in the few purple states. But I think Walker should easily sweep the rust belt.

i think that would depend on a lot of things. First, can he get the nomination against a far better organized and financed Jeb Bush. Possibly.

Second, can he actually appeal to a Presidential election audience. The reason why he won in Wisconsin 3 times was because he was dealing with off-year electorates that tend to be smaller and lean more right wing. Can he peel some of the Obama voters away from Hillary? Possibly. I think he had Blue-Collar cred that McCain and Especially Romney didn't have.

Third- can he play the game at the national level? Can he appeal to a national audience? He did very well at the Freedom Summit, sounding pretty good when a lot of those people came off like nuts.

Fourth- Are there any skeletons in his closet we don't know about yet. The reason why the GOP often goes with retreads is they don't want October Surprises like Bush's DUI conviction in 2000, that did cost him the popular vote.

In short, I could possibly vote for Walker, but even I admit, there's a lot I don't know yet and neither do you.

The reason he sounded level headed is because the GOP is often very similar to the old parable about the man with one eye being the king of the land of the blind. You put him on stage with Rand Paul and Scott Walker sounds pretty reasonable. You put him up against Hillary or Warren and the first thing you think of is that he is anti-employee; pro business. When you have a nation of wage earners who have seen their wages stagnate for little reason other than enriching the business will be a hard sell in the best of times. In 2016 it will be another nail in the coffin for Walker.

I feel the lack of college degree is more important than you think. Say what you want about where we are as a nation but I'm hard pressed to come up with another nation that wouldn't take our set of problems over theirs. Our standard of living is the highest overall, we have vanquished every foe, and we did so being among the most benevolent nations (both to our own citizens and the world as a whole) on the map. College educated broad thinkers have gotten us to this point. And that's all fine and good I suppose. But what Walker will be asking a lot of people to do is to install him as President when he has less education than a lot of those persons' kids and grand kids. It's going to be a hard sell.

Most of America did not get to go to college, and will not vote for a man that quit so close to earning the degree, no matter what he went on to do.

It is a profoundly twisted view of what college is and represents when you think that a successful man is less because he did not gain a degree.

He didn't need one. Walker has become quite successful without a degree.
I think the not finishing college IS important.

Too many Americans wish they had been able to go to college, and would resent someone who dropped out so close to finishing.

He'll serve well in Jeb's cabinet.
College or no college, if he stands up to the bullying from the left, doesn't let them define the terms of the debates (like Romney did), and shows conviction and passion in his campaign (unlike McCain), he will beat the shit out of Hillary. He's already proven himself as a leader and he will be representing the many millions of people who are sick of seeing their country spiraling downward under our current commie bastard president.
The reason he sounded level headed is because the GOP is often very similar to the old parable about the man with one eye being the king of the land of the blind. You put him on stage with Rand Paul and Scott Walker sounds pretty reasonable. You put him up against Hillary or Warren and the first thing you think of is that he is anti-employee; pro business. When you have a nation of wage earners who have seen their wages stagnate for little reason other than enriching the business will be a hard sell in the best of times. In 2016 it will be another nail in the coffin for Walker.

Or not. Maybe you need to talk to some of those wage earners who are pretty sick of supporting six figure pensions for government workers who have no-show jobs. Walker picks his targets carefully.

I feel the lack of college degree is more important than you think. Say what you want about where we are as a nation but I'm hard pressed to come up with another nation that wouldn't take our set of problems over theirs. Our standard of living is the highest overall, we have vanquished every foe, and we did so being among the most benevolent nations (both to our own citizens and the world as a whole) on the map. College educated broad thinkers have gotten us to this point. And that's all fine and good I suppose. But what Walker will be asking a lot of people to do is to install him as President when he has less education than a lot of those persons' kids and grand kids. It's going to be a hard sell.

68% of Americans don't have a college degree. Frankly, it's the people from Yale and Harvard who've gotten us into the mess we are in... give me a guy from middle America any day of the week.
I think the not finishing college IS important.

Too many Americans wish they had been able to go to college, and would resent someone who dropped out so close to finishing.

He'll serve well in Jeb's cabinet.

Guy, the American people aren't going to elect Jeb. All Hillary or Warren have to do is a "Best of the Bushes" reel with unemployment lines, wars and Hurricane Katrina footage..

Most republicans don't want Jeb. "We don't like him but we hope you will" didn't work with McCain, it didn't work for Romney. What makes you think it will work well for Bush?
The reason he sounded level headed is because the GOP is often very similar to the old parable about the man with one eye being the king of the land of the blind. You put him on stage with Rand Paul and Scott Walker sounds pretty reasonable. You put him up against Hillary or Warren and the first thing you think of is that he is anti-employee; pro business. When you have a nation of wage earners who have seen their wages stagnate for little reason other than enriching the business will be a hard sell in the best of times. In 2016 it will be another nail in the coffin for Walker.

Or not. Maybe you need to talk to some of those wage earners who are pretty sick of supporting six figure pensions for government workers who have no-show jobs. Walker picks his targets carefully.

He's anti public union which is going to deliver PA, OH, IL, MI, to the Democrats. That's 74 electoral votes to the DEMS. I don't think he can count on winning WI in a presidential election year. But lets give him that. Hell, give him Iowa too. Hillary and the DEMS take MN, VA (tons of public union workers there), MD (same case), NY, NJ, all of NE outside of New Hampshire. Lets give Walker Florida although there are a lot of guys living on pensions in Florida. DEMS take NV, NM, CA, WA, and OR. Am I leaving anything out? Likely no. Basically the same 2012 map except make WI, NH, IA, and FL red. That gets him to 255.

I hope he gets the nomination from a purely political point of view. It all but ensures the election for the DEMS with whom I'm more aligned.

I feel the lack of college degree is more important than you think. Say what you want about where we are as a nation but I'm hard pressed to come up with another nation that wouldn't take our set of problems over theirs. Our standard of living is the highest overall, we have vanquished every foe, and we did so being among the most benevolent nations (both to our own citizens and the world as a whole) on the map. College educated broad thinkers have gotten us to this point. And that's all fine and good I suppose. But what Walker will be asking a lot of people to do is to install him as President when he has less education than a lot of those persons' kids and grand kids. It's going to be a hard sell.

68% of Americans don't have a college degree. Frankly, it's the people from Yale and Harvard who've gotten us into the mess we are in... give me a guy from middle America any day of the week.[/QUOTE]

What mess is that?

Strongest military in the world?
Rock solid infrastructure?
Highest Standards of living (or among the highest) for the longest time?
A society that can focus on Khloe and Kim and what Kanye and Taylor are planning instead of where their next meal is coming from?
Greatest personal wealth in the history of man?

The guy from middle America wants to do one thing at the end of the week--to paraphrase the guy from Runaway Jury; loosen his tie, sit in the Barkolounger, crack open a beer and let the 150 channels wash over him. Thanks to the Yale/Harvard guys...he can.

I love to hear people decry the state of affairs when it's one of the best deals you can expect as a human being. There are flights to other nations every day....hardly anyone on them (with the exception of those who live there) are on those planes with one-way tickets.
He's anti public union which is going to deliver PA, OH, IL, MI, to the Democrats.

Okay- Except for PA, all those states currently have republican governors who are cutting back on Public Union rights... So maybe it's not the big winner you think it is?

That's 74 electoral votes to the DEMS. I don't think he can count on winning WI in a presidential election year. But lets give him that. Hell, give him Iowa too. Hillary and the DEMS take MN, VA (tons of public union workers there), MD (same case), NY, NJ, all of NE outside of New Hampshire. Lets give Walker Florida although there are a lot of guys living on pensions in Florida. DEMS take NV, NM, CA, WA, and OR. Am I leaving anything out? Likely no. Basically the same 2012 map except make WI, NH, IA, and FL red. That gets him to 255.

I hope he gets the nomination from a purely political point of view. It all but ensures the election for the DEMS with whom I'm more aligned.

Be careful what you wish for. Here's what should worry you. In a Bush vs. Hillary matchup, I'd vote for Hillary. In a Walker vs. Hillary Matchup, I'd vote for Walker.

What you fail to take into account is Walker is likable and Hillary isn't. And unfortunately, the democrats don't have a plan B if Hillary takes a pass.

What mess is that?

Strongest military in the world?
Rock solid infrastructure?
Highest Standards of living (or among the highest) for the longest time?
A society that can focus on Khloe and Kim and what Kanye and Taylor are planning instead of where their next meal is coming from?
Greatest personal wealth in the history of man?

The guy from middle America wants to do one thing at the end of the week--to paraphrase the guy from Runaway Jury; loosen his tie, sit in the Barkolounger, crack open a beer and let the 150 channels wash over him. Thanks to the Yale/Harvard guys...he can.

I love to hear people decry the state of affairs when it's one of the best deals you can expect as a human being. There are flights to other nations every day....hardly anyone on them (with the exception of those who live there) are on those planes with one-way tickets.

If the best argument the Democrats can make at this point is, "Well, at least we are better off than Somalia," The Walkers might want to start measuring the White House for drapes now.
Gov. Scott Walker's corruption scandal brings shame to Wisconsin
July 2011. At that time, a staunch Walker supporter, William Gardner, was sentenced in Milwaukee County Circuit Court for two felony charges related to violations of campaign finance law. Gardner was the majority owner of Wisconsin and Southern Railroad, and during 2009 and 2010, he illegally funneled over $50,000 of company money to Walker's campaign through railroad employees. Gardner's scheme unraveled after his ex-girlfriend reported the activity to the Government Accountability Board. It was reported that Gardner and Walker met just days before Gardner's girlfriend notified the GAB, although Walker insisted later that he only spoke with Gardner about his "transportation philosophy."

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