The Poverty Excuse

During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.
......that doesn't make sense--the run of the mill people didn't have that much $$$/or invested
another fk up by you

Goldman Sachs ripped off a ton of people on the run up to the 2008 crash. Nothing happened. Well, not true. They were gave billions more.

Timmy Geithner said many bankers ran afoul of the law but it would be bad for the economy to actually pursue charges. No one was held accountable. I'm suppose to care about someone stealing a sandwich?
......but you have no PROOF they stole $$$$$$--there were no convictions/etc--

Convenient eh? SInce there will be no convictions here either, no harm done.
.....we KNOW--we know--you want guilty before innocent--guilty with no proof of guilt--very American

Trump was found guilty,
only in your mind

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
key word SETTLEMENT = not guilty of a crime

Fraud is a crime.......unless you have money.
Up for debate is a reform proposed by Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. For up to 100 different misdemeanor crimes, including theft, harassment, shoplifting, trespassing, and more, an individual could be excused if he or she claims poverty was their motive.

“In a situation where you took that sandwich because you were hungry and you were trying to meet your basic need of satisfying your hunger; we as the community will know that we should not punish that,” King County Director of Public Defense Anita Khandelwal said of the proposal, which she helped craft. “That conduct is excused.”

The intent of the proposal is to avoid punishing desperate people just trying to survive. But the provision exempts not only stealing food or similar necessities, but stealing anything—if you claim the money gained from its sale would be used for essentials.

First and foremost, this policy would obviously incentivize more crime and more theft.

Words fail to adequately describe the idiocy behind such proposals. If you want something, steal it and if you get caught plead poverty and cry me a river. This is basically anarchy, who could operate a business under such rules? Somebody breaks into your business and steals you blind and nothing happens. Or they burn the place down citing BLM. If you were an insurance company, would you insure a business in Seattle under such laws? Geez, such a beautiful place that is on the fast track to being a shithole city.

Why limit it to just "misdemeanors"? Why shouldn't crack pushers, loan sharks and contract killers who rely on their illicit earnings to pay for necessities be entitled to the same considerations.

Because that's not what the proposal said. Quit making shit up.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.
......that doesn't make sense--the run of the mill people didn't have that much $$$/or invested
another fk up by you

Goldman Sachs ripped off a ton of people on the run up to the 2008 crash. Nothing happened. Well, not true. They were gave billions more.

Timmy Geithner said many bankers ran afoul of the law but it would be bad for the economy to actually pursue charges. No one was held accountable. I'm suppose to care about someone stealing a sandwich?
......but you have no PROOF they stole $$$$$$--there were no convictions/etc--

Convenient eh? SInce there will be no convictions here either, no harm done.
.....we KNOW--we know--you want guilty before innocent--guilty with no proof of guilt--very American

Trump was found guilty,
only in your mind

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
'''''claiming the course misled them with claims of teaching real estate success.''''

there are lots of STUPID people in the world --that's not Mr Trump's fault or a crime
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.
......that doesn't make sense--the run of the mill people didn't have that much $$$/or invested
another fk up by you

Goldman Sachs ripped off a ton of people on the run up to the 2008 crash. Nothing happened. Well, not true. They were gave billions more.

Timmy Geithner said many bankers ran afoul of the law but it would be bad for the economy to actually pursue charges. No one was held accountable. I'm suppose to care about someone stealing a sandwich?
......but you have no PROOF they stole $$$$$$--there were no convictions/etc--

Convenient eh? SInce there will be no convictions here either, no harm done.
.....we KNOW--we know--you want guilty before innocent--guilty with no proof of guilt--very American

Trump was found guilty,
only in your mind

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
key word SETTLEMENT = not guilty of a crime

Fraud is a crime.......unless you have money.
we've been over that before---Mr Trump was not convicted of a crime--plain and simple
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.
......that doesn't make sense--the run of the mill people didn't have that much $$$/or invested
another fk up by you

Goldman Sachs ripped off a ton of people on the run up to the 2008 crash. Nothing happened. Well, not true. They were gave billions more.

Timmy Geithner said many bankers ran afoul of the law but it would be bad for the economy to actually pursue charges. No one was held accountable. I'm suppose to care about someone stealing a sandwich?
......but you have no PROOF they stole $$$$$$--there were no convictions/etc--

Convenient eh? SInce there will be no convictions here either, no harm done.
.....we KNOW--we know--you want guilty before innocent--guilty with no proof of guilt--very American

Trump was found guilty,
only in your mind

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
'''''claiming the course misled them with claims of teaching real estate success.''''

there are lots of STUPID people in the world --that's not Mr Trump's fault or a crime

And yet it was.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.
......that doesn't make sense--the run of the mill people didn't have that much $$$/or invested
another fk up by you

Goldman Sachs ripped off a ton of people on the run up to the 2008 crash. Nothing happened. Well, not true. They were gave billions more.

Timmy Geithner said many bankers ran afoul of the law but it would be bad for the economy to actually pursue charges. No one was held accountable. I'm suppose to care about someone stealing a sandwich?
......but you have no PROOF they stole $$$$$$--there were no convictions/etc--

Convenient eh? SInce there will be no convictions here either, no harm done.
.....we KNOW--we know--you want guilty before innocent--guilty with no proof of guilt--very American

Trump was found guilty,
only in your mind

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
key word SETTLEMENT = not guilty of a crime

Fraud is a crime.......unless you have money.
we've been over that before---Mr Trump was not convicted of a crime--plain and simple

Because he had money.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.
......that doesn't make sense--the run of the mill people didn't have that much $$$/or invested
another fk up by you

Goldman Sachs ripped off a ton of people on the run up to the 2008 crash. Nothing happened. Well, not true. They were gave billions more.

Timmy Geithner said many bankers ran afoul of the law but it would be bad for the economy to actually pursue charges. No one was held accountable. I'm suppose to care about someone stealing a sandwich?
......but you have no PROOF they stole $$$$$$--there were no convictions/etc--

Convenient eh? SInce there will be no convictions here either, no harm done.
.....we KNOW--we know--you want guilty before innocent--guilty with no proof of guilt--very American

Trump was found guilty,
only in your mind

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
'''''claiming the course misled them with claims of teaching real estate success.''''

there are lots of STUPID people in the world --that's not Mr Trump's fault or a crime

It is Trump's fault and a crime to lie about what he sells.
Up for debate is a reform proposed by Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. For up to 100 different misdemeanor crimes, including theft, harassment, shoplifting, trespassing, and more, an individual could be excused if he or she claims poverty was their motive.

“In a situation where you took that sandwich because you were hungry and you were trying to meet your basic need of satisfying your hunger; we as the community will know that we should not punish that,” King County Director of Public Defense Anita Khandelwal said of the proposal, which she helped craft. “That conduct is excused.”

The intent of the proposal is to avoid punishing desperate people just trying to survive. But the provision exempts not only stealing food or similar necessities, but stealing anything—if you claim the money gained from its sale would be used for essentials.

First and foremost, this policy would obviously incentivize more crime and more theft.

Words fail to adequately describe the idiocy behind such proposals. If you want something, steal it and if you get caught plead poverty and cry me a river. This is basically anarchy, who could operate a business under such rules? Somebody breaks into your business and steals you blind and nothing happens. Or they burn the place down citing BLM. If you were an insurance company, would you insure a business in Seattle under such laws? Geez, such a beautiful place that is on the fast track to being a shithole city.

Up for debate is a reform proposed by Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. For up to 100 different misdemeanor crimes, including theft, harassment, shoplifting, trespassing, and more, an individual could be excused if he or she claims poverty was their motive.

That is an excellent idea Lisa.
What's your address?
It is much the same logic as the notion that companies can "accidently" kill their employees through negligence without being held criminally liable, because the common good of the economy demands such a blood sacrifice. Except with a more populist twist.
The employees themselves don't get together for a safety meeting once in a while? They don't have the means to address safety hazards on the job before they get out of hand?

The white-collar boss or accountant isn't on that floor, and is not the real expert on what's safe and what's not.

It isn't really that hard. Don't come to work stoned or high or drunk etc.
Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

The same way they do now.... solid security systems to catch them when they do it.

They just can't hand them over to the cops for the white kids to get a talking to and the black kids go to jail.
It is much the same logic as the notion that companies can "accidently" kill their employees through negligence without being held criminally liable, because the common good of the economy demands such a blood sacrifice. Except with a more populist twist.
The employees themselves don't get together for a safety meeting once in a while? They don't have the means to address safety hazards on the job before they get out of hand?

The white-collar boss or accountant isn't on that floor, and is not the real expert on what's safe and what's not.

It isn't really that hard. Don't come to work stoned or high or drunk etc.

Example of a case where employee was fired after complaining to his boss about unsafe working conditions

Amazon illegally fired worker who made safety complaints
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.

No, he would have gone to jail. Most of the guys Jordan Belfort ripped off weren't the ultra wealthy, and he went to jail too.
Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

The same way they do now.... solid security systems to catch them when they do it.

They just can't hand them over to the cops for the white kids to get a talking to and the black kids go to jail.

But in this situation the people doing it would get a pass, and then realize there is no down side to robbing the businesses over and over.

And when one of the owners loses his shit and beats the crap out of the thief you will then call for his head.
A lot of people totally missed the point of this thread. It isn't that poverty causes crime, but that Seattle wants to excuse criminal activity if you can claim poverty as an excuse. Does anyone want to address the concern that you won't be prosecuted for a crime if you can convince the DA or judge that you're poor?
I would expect that a lot of people/business and/or property owners would eventually conclude that if our 'justice' system is unable or unwilling to prosecute those who violate their rights then whatever restraint they may have felt when dealing with that segment of the population might just disappear.

That or they're going to have to modify the laws so that "self-defense" or "defense of others" also includes defense of one's home, business or other property.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

Idiot has an idiotic position. Not surprised.

You believe that a fair justice system is stupid. That is the problem.

You are blathering about a "fair" justice system, what is fair about letting people take a pass because they claim they are poor?

We allow the rich a pass. Why should someone go to jail for stealing to feed themselves but not for ripping people off of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

That isn't about justice, it's about excuses. Ask Bernie Madoff if he got a pass.

He made the mistake of stealing from rich people. If they had been regular run of the mill investors he would have got a settlement.
......that doesn't make sense--the run of the mill people didn't have that much $$$/or invested
another fk up by you

Goldman Sachs ripped off a ton of people on the run up to the 2008 crash. Nothing happened. Well, not true. They were gave billions more.

Timmy Geithner said many bankers ran afoul of the law but it would be bad for the economy to actually pursue charges. No one was held accountable. I'm suppose to care about someone stealing a sandwich?
......but you have no PROOF they stole $$$$$$--there were no convictions/etc--

Convenient eh? SInce there will be no convictions here either, no harm done.
.....we KNOW--we know--you want guilty before innocent--guilty with no proof of guilt--very American

Trump was found guilty,
only in your mind

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
key word SETTLEMENT = not guilty of a crime
SETTLEMENT <> not guilty of a crime
It generally means they don't want to go to court and run the risk (or cost) of being found guilty of a crime or liable (in a civil case) to the plaintiff for a violation of their rights or some law. So they "settle out of court".
But in this situation the people doing it would get a pass, and then realize there is no down side to robbing the businesses over and over.

And when one of the owners loses his shit and beats the crap out of the thief you will then call for his head.

Darn straight I will. Disproporationate response.

I would expect that a lot of people/business and/or property owners would eventually conclude that if our 'justice' system is unable or unwilling to prosecute those who violate their rights then whatever restraint they may have felt when dealing with that segment of the population might just disappear.

That or they're going to have to modify the laws so that "self-defense" or "defense of others" also includes defense of one's home, business or other property.

Or we can stop using the Criminal Justice System to provide a ready labor force for the Prison Industrial Complex.
But in this situation the people doing it would get a pass, and then realize there is no down side to robbing the businesses over and over.

And when one of the owners loses his shit and beats the crap out of the thief you will then call for his head.

Darn straight I will. Disproporationate response.

I would expect that a lot of people/business and/or property owners would eventually conclude that if our 'justice' system is unable or unwilling to prosecute those who violate their rights then whatever restraint they may have felt when dealing with that segment of the population might just disappear.

That or they're going to have to modify the laws so that "self-defense" or "defense of others" also includes defense of one's home, business or other property.

Or we can stop using the Criminal Justice System to provide a ready labor force for the Prison Industrial Complex.

It's not your shit being stolen, it's not you livelihood being ruined. Most stores operate on pretty thing margins.
But in this situation the people doing it would get a pass, and then realize there is no down side to robbing the businesses over and over.

And when one of the owners loses his shit and beats the crap out of the thief you will then call for his head.

Darn straight I will. Disproporationate response.

I would expect that a lot of people/business and/or property owners would eventually conclude that if our 'justice' system is unable or unwilling to prosecute those who violate their rights then whatever restraint they may have felt when dealing with that segment of the population might just disappear.

That or they're going to have to modify the laws so that "self-defense" or "defense of others" also includes defense of one's home, business or other property.

Or we can stop using the Criminal Justice System to provide a ready labor force for the Prison Industrial Complex.

It's not your shit being stolen, it's not you livelihood being ruined. Most stores operate on pretty thing margins.

Of course it is. Corporate farms got billions and I'm on the hook.
But in this situation the people doing it would get a pass, and then realize there is no down side to robbing the businesses over and over.

And when one of the owners loses his shit and beats the crap out of the thief you will then call for his head.

Darn straight I will. Disproporationate response.

I would expect that a lot of people/business and/or property owners would eventually conclude that if our 'justice' system is unable or unwilling to prosecute those who violate their rights then whatever restraint they may have felt when dealing with that segment of the population might just disappear.

That or they're going to have to modify the laws so that "self-defense" or "defense of others" also includes defense of one's home, business or other property.

Or we can stop using the Criminal Justice System to provide a ready labor force for the Prison Industrial Complex.

It's not your shit being stolen, it's not you livelihood being ruined. Most stores operate on pretty thing margins.

Of course it is. Corporate farms got billions and I'm on the hook.

That isn't a crime you dundering empty headed noob
But in this situation the people doing it would get a pass, and then realize there is no down side to robbing the businesses over and over.

And when one of the owners loses his shit and beats the crap out of the thief you will then call for his head.

Darn straight I will. Disproporationate response.

I would expect that a lot of people/business and/or property owners would eventually conclude that if our 'justice' system is unable or unwilling to prosecute those who violate their rights then whatever restraint they may have felt when dealing with that segment of the population might just disappear.

That or they're going to have to modify the laws so that "self-defense" or "defense of others" also includes defense of one's home, business or other property.

Or we can stop using the Criminal Justice System to provide a ready labor force for the Prison Industrial Complex.

It's not your shit being stolen, it's not you livelihood being ruined. Most stores operate on pretty thing margins.

Of course it is. Corporate farms got billions and I'm on the hook.

That isn't a crime you dundering empty headed noob

It's all a crime.

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