The Poverty Excuse

The argument wasn't that he stole anything but being unable to actually address the argument this is where you had to go.

Your argument is the poor are poor because the rich are greedy, and I fail to see the dynamics of your claim.

I have no doubt that is true. It's why I support it all falling apart. You wait until the illegals you allow in get the right to vote. It is going to happen.
He allows them to come in? If you review the past four years, it was the Dims in Congress who prevented Trump from doing anything about illegal aliens.

Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions.
Only morons swallow your assumption that going after employers is the only solution. Furthermore, when did anyone prevent law enforcement from fining employers who hire illegals?
It's been explained to you. I would suggest you are just playing ignorant but I really don't know if that is true.

No, it's just your reasoning makes zero sense. Nobody ever became poor or remained poor because of money other people made or got. You can't explain it nor give me an example of that happening, and no, stimulus checks have nothing to do with poverty.
It usually takes about 2 years for vast increases in the money supply to show up as inflation.

But this has been going on since the beginning of the recession under Obama.
If you look at the chart, it shows a huge spike this year. However, the growth rate was much greater under Obama than it was under Bush. I suppose the sluggish economy is the only reason inflation didn't get out of control. It will get out of control in 2022, however.
The argument wasn't that he stole anything but being unable to actually address the argument this is where you had to go.

Your argument is the poor are poor because the rich are greedy, and I fail to see the dynamics of your claim.

I have no doubt that is true. It's why I support it all falling apart. You wait until the illegals you allow in get the right to vote. It is going to happen.
He allows them to come in? If you review the past four years, it was the Dims in Congress who prevented Trump from doing anything about illegal aliens.

Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions.
Only morons swallow your assumption that going after employers is the only solution. Furthermore, when did anyone prevent law enforcement from fining employers who hire illegals?

again you argue dishonestly. No one made the argument you argued against. Why do you feel such a need to defend your ideas in such a dishonest manner?
It's been explained to you. I would suggest you are just playing ignorant but I really don't know if that is true.

No, it's just your reasoning makes zero sense. Nobody ever became poor or remained poor because of money other people made or got. You can't explain it nor give me an example of that happening, and no, stimulus checks have nothing to do with poverty.

If I'm doing fine on $15k a year but the government pumps billions into the markets, I no longer am. That wasn't my choice.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.
Generally they do, dumbass. It's Trump haters who support unequal justice.

There was a ton of fraud and illegal actions that lead up to the 2008 crash. No one was held accountable. Banks then stole billions more in the way they addressed forclosures and no one was held accountable.
The bottom line: Trump was not charged with fraud.

It was fraud though. I've covered this over and over. We don't address the rich the same as the poor.
That's purely your opinion, and it's totally worthless.

It's a fact. The CEO of Boeing should have went to prison.

Make a poor decision while driving and kill someone and you can get charged with manslaughter. He had a poor decision that killed 350 people and he retired with over $60 million dollars.

Why not blame the people pushing for more "eco-friendly" planes which is why the 737 is having the issue in the first place?

No it isn't. The problem was Airbus created a safe plane that operated in a more efficient manner and businesses were being them up. Capitalism. Boeing felt a need to take a short cut because of greed.

Sorry, but if you can blame the CEO you can blame the people pushing for more "eco-friendly" planes.

The airlines also wanted a 737 platform, not a new platform due to training requirements, want to blame them as well?

The buyers are pushing for more eco-friendly planes. Why wouldn't they? They are less expensive to operate.

So why not call them criminals?
The argument wasn't that he stole anything but being unable to actually address the argument this is where you had to go.

Your argument is the poor are poor because the rich are greedy, and I fail to see the dynamics of your claim.

I have no doubt that is true. It's why I support it all falling apart. You wait until the illegals you allow in get the right to vote. It is going to happen.
He allows them to come in? If you review the past four years, it was the Dims in Congress who prevented Trump from doing anything about illegal aliens.

Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions.
Only morons swallow your assumption that going after employers is the only solution. Furthermore, when did anyone prevent law enforcement from fining employers who hire illegals?

again you argue dishonestly. No one made the argument you argued against. Why do you feel such a need to defend your ideas in such a dishonest manner?
You just made that argument, moron. I simply interpret what you post. You just don't like it when someone characterizes it accurately.

Allow me to quote:

"Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions."
It's been explained to you. I would suggest you are just playing ignorant but I really don't know if that is true.

No, it's just your reasoning makes zero sense. Nobody ever became poor or remained poor because of money other people made or got. You can't explain it nor give me an example of that happening, and no, stimulus checks have nothing to do with poverty.

If I'm doing fine on $15k a year but the government pumps billions into the markets, I no longer am. That wasn't my choice.
Actually it is because you voted for the scumbags who make it possible.
...Boeing felt a need to take a short cut because of greed.

Do you have a link to a memo or something from Boeing along the lines of "Attention everyone, we should cut corners now because of greed"?

Yes, it's been well documented. It's why we know what happened. Boeing execs were warned about what they were doing but did it anyway.
They didn't do it because of greed, moron. Do you imagine execs want their planes to crash?
If I'm doing fine on $15k a year but the government pumps billions into the markets, I no longer am. That wasn't my choice.

That's government actions, not actions of the rich. And what little inflation it causes doesn't effect you all that much. Wait until Biden makes MW $15.00 an hour. Then you'll see real inflation.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.
Generally they do, dumbass. It's Trump haters who support unequal justice.

There was a ton of fraud and illegal actions that lead up to the 2008 crash. No one was held accountable. Banks then stole billions more in the way they addressed forclosures and no one was held accountable.
The bottom line: Trump was not charged with fraud.

It was fraud though. I've covered this over and over. We don't address the rich the same as the poor.
That's purely your opinion, and it's totally worthless.

It's a fact. The CEO of Boeing should have went to prison.

Make a poor decision while driving and kill someone and you can get charged with manslaughter. He had a poor decision that killed 350 people and he retired with over $60 million dollars.

Why not blame the people pushing for more "eco-friendly" planes which is why the 737 is having the issue in the first place?

No it isn't. The problem was Airbus created a safe plane that operated in a more efficient manner and businesses were being them up. Capitalism. Boeing felt a need to take a short cut because of greed.

Sorry, but if you can blame the CEO you can blame the people pushing for more "eco-friendly" planes.

The airlines also wanted a 737 platform, not a new platform due to training requirements, want to blame them as well?

The buyers are pushing for more eco-friendly planes. Why wouldn't they? They are less expensive to operate.

So why not call them criminals?

Call them whatever you want.
The argument wasn't that he stole anything but being unable to actually address the argument this is where you had to go.

Your argument is the poor are poor because the rich are greedy, and I fail to see the dynamics of your claim.

I have no doubt that is true. It's why I support it all falling apart. You wait until the illegals you allow in get the right to vote. It is going to happen.
He allows them to come in? If you review the past four years, it was the Dims in Congress who prevented Trump from doing anything about illegal aliens.

Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions.
Only morons swallow your assumption that going after employers is the only solution. Furthermore, when did anyone prevent law enforcement from fining employers who hire illegals?

again you argue dishonestly. No one made the argument you argued against. Why do you feel such a need to defend your ideas in such a dishonest manner?
You just made that argument, moron. I simply interpret what you post. You just don't like it when someone characterizes it accurately.

Allow me to quote:

"Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions."

More dishonesty.
It's been explained to you. I would suggest you are just playing ignorant but I really don't know if that is true.

No, it's just your reasoning makes zero sense. Nobody ever became poor or remained poor because of money other people made or got. You can't explain it nor give me an example of that happening, and no, stimulus checks have nothing to do with poverty.

If I'm doing fine on $15k a year but the government pumps billions into the markets, I no longer am. That wasn't my choice.
Actually it is because you voted for the scumbags who make it possible.

I voted for neither Obama, McCain, Romney , Hillary, Trump or Biden.

You did.
The argument wasn't that he stole anything but being unable to actually address the argument this is where you had to go.

Your argument is the poor are poor because the rich are greedy, and I fail to see the dynamics of your claim.

I have no doubt that is true. It's why I support it all falling apart. You wait until the illegals you allow in get the right to vote. It is going to happen.
He allows them to come in? If you review the past four years, it was the Dims in Congress who prevented Trump from doing anything about illegal aliens.

Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions.
Only morons swallow your assumption that going after employers is the only solution. Furthermore, when did anyone prevent law enforcement from fining employers who hire illegals?

again you argue dishonestly. No one made the argument you argued against. Why do you feel such a need to defend your ideas in such a dishonest manner?
You just made that argument, moron. I simply interpret what you post. You just don't like it when someone characterizes it accurately.

Allow me to quote:

"Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions."

More dishonesty.
I quoted you, you sleazy lying turd.
The argument wasn't that he stole anything but being unable to actually address the argument this is where you had to go.

Your argument is the poor are poor because the rich are greedy, and I fail to see the dynamics of your claim.

I have no doubt that is true. It's why I support it all falling apart. You wait until the illegals you allow in get the right to vote. It is going to happen.
He allows them to come in? If you review the past four years, it was the Dims in Congress who prevented Trump from doing anything about illegal aliens.

Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions.
Only morons swallow your assumption that going after employers is the only solution. Furthermore, when did anyone prevent law enforcement from fining employers who hire illegals?

again you argue dishonestly. No one made the argument you argued against. Why do you feel such a need to defend your ideas in such a dishonest manner?
You just made that argument, moron. I simply interpret what you post. You just don't like it when someone characterizes it accurately.

Allow me to quote:

"Trump is the only one that prevented him from going after the businesses hiring illegals by the millions."

More dishonesty.
I quoted you, you sleazy lying turd.

You accused me of saying it was the only solution. Nowhere did I say that.

I said it was a big part of addressing the problem and Trump completely ignored it.

You had to resort to a decietful argument to address that.
It's been explained to you. I would suggest you are just playing ignorant but I really don't know if that is true.

No, it's just your reasoning makes zero sense. Nobody ever became poor or remained poor because of money other people made or got. You can't explain it nor give me an example of that happening, and no, stimulus checks have nothing to do with poverty.

If I'm doing fine on $15k a year but the government pumps billions into the markets, I no longer am. That wasn't my choice.
Actually it is because you voted for the scumbags who make it possible.

I voted for neither Obama, McCain, Romney , Hillary, Trump or Biden.

You did.
Which means you voted for someone even worse.
It's been explained to you. I would suggest you are just playing ignorant but I really don't know if that is true.

No, it's just your reasoning makes zero sense. Nobody ever became poor or remained poor because of money other people made or got. You can't explain it nor give me an example of that happening, and no, stimulus checks have nothing to do with poverty.

If I'm doing fine on $15k a year but the government pumps billions into the markets, I no longer am. That wasn't my choice.
Actually it is because you voted for the scumbags who make it possible.

I voted for neither Obama, McCain, Romney , Hillary, Trump or Biden.

You did.
Which means you voted for someone even worse.

You voted for the problem. I did not.
I voted for neither Obama, McCain, Romney , Hillary, Trump or Biden.
So politically you are a nothing

neither warm or cold

I wonder why we waste bandwidth arguing with an inconsequential person like you?
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