The Porajmos - More White Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Yesterday was International Holocaust Memorial Day

Millions of Jews were murdered during the Holocaust as were 80% of the Roma and Sinti population of Europe.

It was called the 'porajmos'.'

Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer
Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer

As long as there exists a racist subculture in the white community that claims their whiteness makes them superior, categorizes, separates, and stereotypes by race, white people exist and so does white racism. I will not be colorblind until whites stop doing what they do. So please don't preach to me in defense of white supremacy. It exists and the Roma face the full effect of white racism in Europe. Until that ends your sermon has no merit. Because people have forgiven whites time after time, yet they do not stop doing the things thy do. This is not about judging by skin color, stop repeating that nonsense. The racist subculture in the white community peddles that lie as a tactic to claim they are victims. Racism is a behavior practiced by a subculture in the white race and not the entire race. The only whites crying about revenge and how it's not all whites are those in the racist subculture. Understand that.
Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer

As long as there exists a racist subcukture in the white community that claims their whiteness makes them superior, categorizes, separates, and stereotypes by race, white people exist and so does white racism. I will not be colorblind until whites stop doing what they do. So plase don't preach to me in defense of white supremacy. It exists and the Roma face the full effect of white racism in Europe. Until that ends your sermon has no merit. Because people have forgiven whites time after time, yet they do not stop doing the things thy do. This is not about judging by skin color, stop repeating that nonsense. The racist subculture in the white community peddles that lie as a tactic to claim they are victims. Racism is a behavior practiced by a subculture in the white race and not the entire race. The only whites crying about revenge and how it's not all whites are those in the racist subculture. Understand that.

Thats like saying as long there is a criminal subculture among roma/black-americans who robb people as long there wont be any peace, and those communities are guilty. You do a similar thing as what those white racists do. Language is important, compromise is important, Im not supporting white supremacy though, or a subset of white people who preach that and it would be best if other white people condemn the white supremacists, it is better then if I do because Im not white and it could mislead me into being racist to whites, but not neccessary. But some white people or many white people are against white supremacy. Just like roma need to stop child marriage, they themselfes need to do that, if whites do it, it could mislead into roma hatred, but not neccessarily. I think we are not on oppossite sides though.

Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer

As long as there exists a racist subculture in the white community that claims their whiteness makes them superior, categorizes, separates, and stereotypes by race, white people exist and so does white racism. I will not be colorblind until whites stop doing what they do. So please don't preach to me in defense of white supremacy. It exists and the Roma face the full effect of white racism in Europe. Until that ends your sermon has no merit. Because people have forgiven whites time after time, yet they do not stop doing the things thy do. This is not about judging by skin color, stop repeating that nonsense. The racist subculture in the white community peddles that lie as a tactic to claim they are victims. Racism is a behavior practiced by a subculture in the white race and not the entire race. The only whites crying about revenge and how it's not all whites are those in the racist subculture. Understand that.
You are such a pitiful piece of shit. How many black people living in Cheverly Maryland made of themselves the American dream, instead of being a little pussyfied prog slave, who moans and groans about not getting his fair share, yet also the likes of Pro Basketball and Football players who rake in the Millions also went for the American dream , not be a whiney loser like you. Wake the fuck up dumbass, the progs are the reason why you are fucked up, they taught you, that you were a failure, that it was America that keeps you down, but you never seem to understand it is your political hacks who keep you down... No sympathy for stupid people, they dont want to get enlightened, just stay miserable and poor...

Must suck to be you...

Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer

As long as there exists a racist subculture in the white community that claims their whiteness makes them superior, categorizes, separates, and stereotypes by race, white people exist and so does white racism. I will not be colorblind until whites stop doing what they do. So please don't preach to me in defense of white supremacy. It exists and the Roma face the full effect of white racism in Europe. Until that ends your sermon has no merit. Because people have forgiven whites time after time, yet they do not stop doing the things thy do. This is not about judging by skin color, stop repeating that nonsense. The racist subculture in the white community peddles that lie as a tactic to claim they are victims. Racism is a behavior practiced by a subculture in the white race and not the entire race. The only whites crying about revenge and how it's not all whites are those in the racist subculture. Understand that.
You are practicing black racism.

The problem is not black skin color

anyone can be white no matter what color they are on the outside

Its black culture that is inferior and holds people in poverty
Thanks though for bringing up the Porajmos though. Many dont, or ignore it. Only the Shoah. I just saw a facebook post by Kurz, he never mentioned the Roma nor that he wants to fight anti-ciganism which is much more real threat especially in Bulgaria or countries like Ukraine.

I told him that he insulted me. On Facebook.

Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer

As long as there exists a racist subculture in the white community that claims their whiteness makes them superior, categorizes, separates, and stereotypes by race, white people exist and so does white racism. I will not be colorblind until whites stop doing what they do. So please don't preach to me in defense of white supremacy. It exists and the Roma face the full effect of white racism in Europe. Until that ends your sermon has no merit. Because people have forgiven whites time after time, yet they do not stop doing the things thy do. This is not about judging by skin color, stop repeating that nonsense. The racist subculture in the white community peddles that lie as a tactic to claim they are victims. Racism is a behavior practiced by a subculture in the white race and not the entire race. The only whites crying about revenge and how it's not all whites are those in the racist subculture. Understand that.
You are such a pitiful piece of shit. How many black people living in Cheverly Maryland made of themselves the American dream, instead of being a little pussyfied prog slave, who moans and groans about not getting his fair share, yet also the likes of Pro Basketball and Football players who rake in the Millions also went for the American dream , not be a whiney loser like you. Wake the fuck up dumbass, the progs are the reason why you are fucked up, they taught you, that you were a failure, that it was America that keeps you down, but you never seem to understand it is your political hacks who keep you down... No sympathy for stupid people, they dont want to get enlightened, just stay miserable and poor...

Must suck to be you...

No he's fucked up anyway, progs didn't need to.

I'd kill myself if I was this loser.
Yesterday was International Holocaust Memorial Day

Millions of Jews were murdered during the Holocaust as were 80% of the Roma and Sinti population of Europe.

It was called the 'porajmos'.'

Hey you retarded schmuck. Stalin and Lenin, your buddies, slaughtered at least 4 times what Dolph did. Dolph was an amateur compared to these other 2 homicidal maniacs. I know the Nazis and Commies would be the first to grease your ass. Far left and far right hate your mother fucking guts. Now go getta fukin job and quit munching on mommys tittie.
Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer

As long as there exists a racist subculture in the white community that claims their whiteness makes them superior, categorizes, separates, and stereotypes by race, white people exist and so does white racism. I will not be colorblind until whites stop doing what they do. So please don't preach to me in defense of white supremacy. It exists and the Roma face the full effect of white racism in Europe. Until that ends your sermon has no merit. Because people have forgiven whites time after time, yet they do not stop doing the things thy do. This is not about judging by skin color, stop repeating that nonsense. The racist subculture in the white community peddles that lie as a tactic to claim they are victims. Racism is a behavior practiced by a subculture in the white race and not the entire race. The only whites crying about revenge and how it's not all whites are those in the racist subculture. Understand that.
You are such a pitiful piece of shit. How many black people living in Cheverly Maryland made of themselves the American dream, instead of being a little pussyfied prog slave, who moans and groans about not getting his fair share, yet also the likes of Pro Basketball and Football players who rake in the Millions also went for the American dream , not be a whiney loser like you. Wake the fuck up dumbass, the progs are the reason why you are fucked up, they taught you, that you were a failure, that it was America that keeps you down, but you never seem to understand it is your political hacks who keep you down... No sympathy for stupid people, they dont want to get enlightened, just stay miserable and poor...

Must suck to be you...

As long as the system can be played, there will be no changes. Now with Progs in power, for how long should those who play by the rules keep paying for. At least joining them would put massive pressure on the budgets causing a situation to occur.
Thank you for bringing that up brother. But we shouldnt blame white people for it or modern white people or generally a category of white people, because there is no such thing as white people or white racism, there are certain institutional structures which are discriminative and certain individuals or a few more who are white racists, but there is no white racism or evil white people. Dont be deceived, we are all humans, and brothers and sisters in Christ, including whites. We shouldnt judge other by skin colour. Some germans, fought the nazis like Weiße Rose. English, Russians (White people) defeated Hitlers Germany. We must not allow ourself to be lead by the feelings of revenge, we must practice forgiveness. That being said we also should tell this story, that it is not forgotten, forgive but not forget because if it gets forgotten, it could happen again.

In Christ crucified, your brother Mortimer

As long as there exists a racist subculture in the white community that claims their whiteness makes them superior, categorizes, separates, and stereotypes by race, white people exist and so does white racism. I will not be colorblind until whites stop doing what they do. So please don't preach to me in defense of white supremacy. It exists and the Roma face the full effect of white racism in Europe. Until that ends your sermon has no merit. Because people have forgiven whites time after time, yet they do not stop doing the things thy do. This is not about judging by skin color, stop repeating that nonsense. The racist subculture in the white community peddles that lie as a tactic to claim they are victims. Racism is a behavior practiced by a subculture in the white race and not the entire race. The only whites crying about revenge and how it's not all whites are those in the racist subculture. Understand that.
Its about safety and civility.
White people invented racism. Of course they are good at it.
Communists in Europe popularized the term in the later half of the 1800's. It is no different than tribalism which been around pretty since people could form tribes.

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