The Politics of Fear.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
Michigan, USA
After 8 years of accusing Bush of Using Fear to rule, Obama is guilty of the same damn thing.

He tells us all if congress does not pass his bloated so called stimulus package which is actually nothing more than irresponsible pork spending, that we will "face an econimic catastrophe"

Shame on him, trying to force his bill through by scaring people. A Bill which will only make things worse. This is suppose to be change?
After 8 years of accusing Bush of Using Fear to rule, Obama is guilty of the same damn thing.

He tells us all if congress does not pass his bloated so called stimulus package which is actually nothing more than irresponsible pork spending, that we will "face an econimic catastrophe"

Shame on him, trying to force his bill through by scaring people. A Bill which will only make things worse. This is suppose to be change?

If the economic package is not passed, currently nothing else is in the works or will be done to help the economy.

And right now, the economy needs a boost of some sort. So hes not too far off.
Actually, he needs to let the market correct itself. The best thing the government could do would be to cut taxes and cut spending.
Actually, he needs to let the market correct itself. The best thing the government could do would be to cut taxes and cut spending.

This is no different than when the Republican Congress forced the Partiot Act through when everyone was still scared after 9/11.

The only difference is Obama is using peoples fear of losing their Jobs, and over stating the peril we are in in order to Railroad through a spending package. Instead of the Patriot act.

A spending Bill which WILL NOT help the Economy, and will only add to our long term problems with out of Control Debt.

This is a sad sad Day for America.

America Votes in Change, and that Change is for the Worse when it comes to Economic Policy at least.
After 8 years of accusing Bush of Using Fear to rule, Obama is guilty of the same damn thing.

He tells us all if congress does not pass his bloated so called stimulus package which is actually nothing more than irresponsible pork spending, that we will "face an econimic catastrophe"

Shame on him, trying to force his bill through by scaring people. A Bill which will only make things worse. This is suppose to be change?

If the economic package is not passed, currently nothing else is in the works or will be done to help the economy.

And right now, the economy needs a boost of some sort. So hes not too far off.

First off, all Economist DO NOT agree that if we do nothing we face a catastrophe. In fact Many of them are calling for exactly that. Many of them are saying we need to just let the market forces play out.

However for the sake of Argument lets say Obama is right and if we do not act we face catastrophe.

That does not mean the Best Solution, or the Only one is This Massive spending Bill we see right now. Obama is trying to tell us we either Do as he wants, or we suffer. He does not allow for any other way.

I can give you one fine example of a better way to spend 1 Trillion dollars.

3300 dollars for every man women and child in America. parents get 3300 for each Child.

That is how much money we are talking about. You could give every single American 3300 dollars. I guarantee you that would do far more to stimulate the Economy, and Help working people, than Any government spending programs.

It is dishonest, and unseemly of Obama to be trying to scare people into supporting this Bill as if it is the only way.

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