Ron Paul: End The Fed


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
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Madame Speaker, I rise to introduce legislation to restore financial stability to America's economy by abolishing the Federal Reserve. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, middle and working-class Americans have been victimized by a boom-and-bust monetary policy. In addition, most Americans have suffered a steadily eroding purchasing power because of the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies. This represents a real, if hidden, tax imposed on the American people.

From the Great Depression, to the stagflation of the seventies, to the current economic crisis caused by the housing bubble, every economic downturn suffered by this country over the past century can be traced to Federal Reserve policy. The Fed has followed a consistent policy of flooding the economy with easy money, leading to a misallocation of resources and an artificial "boom" followed by a recession or depression when the Fed-created bubble bursts.

End the Fed by Ron Paul

This was Ron Paul's speech in the House of Representatives to introduce the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, H.R. 833.

H.R. 833: To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to... (
I admire the man's guts, that's for damned sure.

I don't think his solution will work, but he's sure as hell right that what we have now isn't working for the benefit of this society.
I admire the man's guts, that's for damned sure.

I don't think his solution will work, but he's sure as hell right that what we have now isn't working for the benefit of this society.

If people thought Ron Paul had the right ideas, they would have voted for him.

Personally, i think he's a lot of hot air...someone who claims to be opposed to earmarks, but takes earmarks for HIS constituency; and pretends to be for term limits, but keeps his own butt in his Congressional seat.
Oh my a politician who lies

Gee never saw that before
Yeah, well, ultimately, I think he's full of it and the people who think he's all that and a bag of chips just like him because he hates government and would hang Israel out to dry.

So the far reaches of the left and the white supremacists love him.

so one who agrees with Paul on some of his economics is a white supremacist?

that's funny.
Personally, i think he's a lot of hot air...someone who claims to be opposed to earmarks, but takes earmarks for HIS constituency; and pretends to be for term limits, but keeps his own butt in his Congressional seat.

I explained BOTH of those to you in another thread, but of course you ran off after I did so.

He also explained them both, too. You do realize he votes NO on bills he adds an earmark to, right?

If he didn't keep his seat, he as the only voice that speaks out against the establishment would be gone. What good would he be if he surrendered his seat? He's the one who ORIGINATED the term limits legislation. If he were to give his seat up, how does a man like him get to proceed with his ideas? If he doesn't play by the establishment's rules, the establishment will eat him alive. He takes no congressional pension, no paid junkets, no paid healthcare. Can you say the same about YOUR rep?

How about your PRESIDENT?
Yeah skull, jillian's got the whole Paul support base narrowed down to only two types of people. Since you agree with him on some things, you're quite obviously a skin head.

And if you aren't a skin head, you're a lefty. That's it. Those are the only two things you can be.

so one who agrees with Paul on some of his economics is a white supremacist?

that's funny.

I didn't say that, did I? I said the people who hate government love him, too.

and what's wrong with hating government?

people who hate government shouldn't run government. same as someone who hates museums shouldn't run a museum...and someone who hates chinese food shouldn't run a chinese restaurant.
Wait...he adds earmarks to bills he's going to vote no on, knowing full well they'll pass anyway, therefore pretending to his constituents he's honorable while he's still getting the earmarks?

And he supports term limits except on brilliant politicians such as himself?

I didn't say that, did I? I said the people who hate government love him, too.

and what's wrong with hating government?

people who hate government shouldn't run government. same as someone who hates museums shouldn't run a museum...and someone who hates chinese food shouldn't run a chinese restaurant.

If the people that think government is the problem would at least admit that corporations are just as much of a problem as corrupt government.

In fact, typically government becomes corrupt because corporations corrupted them.

so one who agrees with Paul on some of his economics is a white supremacist?

that's funny.

I didn't say that, did I? I said the people who hate government love him, too.

and what's wrong with hating government?

You mean aside from the fact that it's dumber than a bag of bricks?

Hey, here's a can hate BAD government and not make yourself look like an armchair anachist.

Of course if you keep pointing out bad government policies, sooner or later every clueless libertarian nitsit thinks you're a diehard leftie, but at least you'll be in good company (for a change).
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I didn't say that, did I? I said the people who hate government love him, too.

and what's wrong with hating government?

You mean aside from the fact that it's dumber than a bag of bricks?

Hey, here's a can hate BAD government and not make yourself look like an armchair anachist.

Of course if you keep pointing out bad government policies, sooner or later every clueless libertarian nitsit thinks you're a diehard leftie, but at least you'll be in good company (for a change).

god forbid someone disagree with the "master" of government right?

god forbid if one points out a blatant abuse of power as long as that abuse is directed at people you don't like

how will you feel when the government doesn't like you?

government is a control on the people, one can allow for the fact that some government is necessary and still dislike the very fact that it is necessary.
and what's wrong with hating government?

You mean aside from the fact that it's dumber than a bag of bricks?

Hey, here's a can hate BAD government and not make yourself look like an armchair anachist.

Of course if you keep pointing out bad government policies, sooner or later every clueless libertarian nitsit thinks you're a diehard leftie, but at least you'll be in good company (for a change).

god forbid someone disagree with the "master" of government right?

I disagree with the master of government all the time. So far, God hasn't objected.

god forbid if one points out a blatant abuse of power as long as that abuse is directed at people you don't like

Hey, jerkoff, let's not move the goal posts, shall we?

I reponded to the assinine post you wrote, remember?

how will you feel when the government doesn't like you?

The government likes me? They sure as hell have a strange way of showing their affection, then.

government is a control on the people, one can allow for the fact that some government is necessary and still dislike the very fact that it is necessary.

Disliking the fact that government is necessary is a long way from saying that you hate government.

I hate gravity too, when it's working against my interests.
and what's wrong with hating government?

You mean aside from the fact that it's dumber than a bag of bricks?

Hey, here's a can hate BAD government and not make yourself look like an armchair anachist.

Of course if you keep pointing out bad government policies, sooner or later every clueless libertarian nitsit thinks you're a diehard leftie, but at least you'll be in good company (for a change).

god forbid someone disagree with the "master" of government right?

god forbid if one points out a blatant abuse of power as long as that abuse is directed at people you don't like

how will you feel when the government doesn't like you?

government is a control on the people, one can allow for the fact that some government is necessary and still dislike the very fact that it is necessary.

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
Sir Winston Churchill
British politician (1874 - 1965)
I admire the man's guts, that's for damned sure.

I don't think his solution will work, but he's sure as hell right that what we have now isn't working for the benefit of this society.

If people thought Ron Paul had the right ideas, they would have voted for him.

Personally, i think he's a lot of hot air...someone who claims to be opposed to earmarks, but takes earmarks for HIS constituency; and pretends to be for term limits, but keeps his own butt in his Congressional seat.

The man has some good ideas. Remember just because a man is voted in doesn't make him the best choice aka Carter, GWB and yes Reagan.

But getting rid of the board and going to the gold standard is scary. Gold has gone through the roof, imagine where interest rates would be at if we had the gold standard. People's rates would adjust from the 5% to the 12% with a cap or 20%+ without a cap. You got in for a loan on a new home and the LO tells you not problem your rate is 22%, but we can get you at 21.125% if you pay a point!

The Fed Reserve Board is not perfect, but the gold standard is more of the 2 evils!
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