The Phoney Wind and Solar Fraud Explained

Prager University, relentlessly censored and silenced by Leftists in Silicon Valley.

They aren't censored. They are ignored. For good reason. Prager used to be somewhat of a decent conservative voice.
But like everybody else on the right, he sold out to the cult of Trump. This is dated. But you get the point. The natural evolution of energy.
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There is more science in this compilation than most people could absorb in three hours.
The Scary Graph (Keeling Curve) is a fraud, created to mislead and science should NEVER mislead. But fear-mongers do just that, constantly.


you still haven't learned that there is a very wide chasm between installed capacity and actual output have you (Vulgar name Likkmee)?

Leftists don't WANT to learn. They think they already know everything. (Hillary's gonna win for sure. Biden has it in the bag. America is "racist" and unborn babies are garbage to be thrown out at any woman's discretion, for any reason or no reason.)
The video is correct in arguing that wind and solar have low energy returns because there are limits which affect mining, but the same limits also apply to fossil fuels. That's why the energy returns for fossil fuels have also gone down, which is why the world has been resorting to unconventional production for more than a decade. And the EIA reports that that won't last as well because costs and debts are too high and oil prices too low.

And when oil prices go up, that makes renewable energy more attractive, but it doesn't increase energy returns. At the same time, the world economy craters because it needs cheap oil.
you still haven't learned that there is a very wide chasm between installed capacity and actual output have you?
See it every day.....Perfection/100% duty cycle is a pipe dream.
The video is correct in arguing that wind and solar have low energy returns because there are limits which affect mining, but the same limits also apply to fossil fuels. That's why the energy returns for fossil fuels have also gone down, which is why the world has been resorting to unconventional production for more than a decade. And the EIA reports that that won't last as well because costs and debts are too high and oil prices too low.

And when oil prices go up, that makes renewable energy more attractive, but it doesn't increase energy returns. At the same time, the world economy craters because it needs cheap oil.

Oh the silliness. Stock market worldwide declined when OPEC hike prices enormously.
Stock prices worldwide also declined when oil prices dropped unexpectedly a few yeas ago. So some wiseguy always has an excuse to "explain" whatever he wants to explain.
If the "energy returns" for oil are "low" as you claim, let's see you fly a commercial jet on solar power alone. I was amazed to learn that the battery in a Tesla weighs half a ton. How much would one weigh to power an Aerobus?
The video is correct in arguing that wind and solar have low energy returns because there are limits which affect mining, but the same limits also apply to fossil fuels. That's why the energy returns for fossil fuels have also gone down, which is why the world has been resorting to unconventional production for more than a decade. And the EIA reports that that won't last as well because costs and debts are too high and oil prices too low.

And when oil prices go up, that makes renewable energy more attractive, but it doesn't increase energy returns. At the same time, the world economy craters because it needs cheap oil.

Oh the silliness. Stock market worldwide declined when OPEC hike prices enormously.
Stock prices worldwide also declined when oil prices dropped unexpectedly a few yeas ago. So some wiseguy always has an excuse to "explain" whatever he wants to explain.
If the "energy returns" for oil are "low" as you claim, let's see you fly a commercial jet on solar power alone. I was amazed to learn that the battery in a Tesla weighs half a ton. How much would one weigh to power an Aerobus?

Oh, the silliness. You mean rigged stock markets and prices hiked not by OPEC but by market speculators.

Dropped unexpectedly. LOL.

Your last point shows you also know nothing about energy returns. I'm not talking about energy produced from fuel but the amount of energy needed to extract and process oil into fuel vs. what's produced from fuel. The returns have been going down since the 1970s.
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Oh, the silliness. You mean rigged stock markets and prices hiked not by OPEC but by market speculators.

Dropped unexpectedly. LOL.

Your last point shows you also know nothing about energy returns. I'm not talking about energy produced from fuel but the amount of energy needed to extract and process oil into fuel vs. what's produced from fuel. The returns have been going down since the 1970s.

Corporations typically earn profits on a percentage of sales revenue. You would know that if you had an MBA, as I do. But you do not. So as spot prices of crude oil have plummeted, AND the United States has begun fracking and is now crude oil self-sufficient, it no longer needs to buy crude oil from Middle East potentates, but in fact exports oil. This dramatic decrease is largely the result of closing businesses and traffic due to the Covid 19 panic. This is what the world would look like under the Green New Deal, touted by the militant Left.
Now try to giggle some more as you try to digest what I have shown you.

Yes and when the next virus hits, well than we have roaming bands in all countries.
Yes and when the next virus hits, well than (sic) we have roaming bands in all countries.

The Rolling Stones and other bands have been roaming all countries for decades. They didn't need any stinking virus or badges either.


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