The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...and they failed.

And by that, I mean the collective group of people who wield the real power in America despite who win elections: the moneyed elite, the Ivy League graduates, the deep state, the media corporations, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the people who decide at cocktail parties what's really going to happen, despite the express will of the American people.

Hillary was their candidate, and they cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination using super-delegates and other cheating methods like giving Hillary the answers to debate questions.

Trump was never supposed to win the Republican nomination, Jeb Bush was the elite's choice, but something happened the elite did not forsee, Trump generated a wave of enthusiasm in people who did not go to the cocktail parties, they lived in the hinterlands which the elites have written off because they consider people who live there to be backwards, for example they still believe in God and go to church.

So when Trump won, they were shocked and appalled, so they launched a coup d'etat to overthrow him.

But now, they have nothing, but don't think they will give up, their type believe they are ENTITLED to power and they won't let a small thing like an United States election get in their way.

And now they're trying to abolish the Electoral College so it never happens again, the little people in Ohio and Pennslyvania will never again have a say in any election, it will all be decided in New York City and Los Angeles.
The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...

How did they try to overthrow him exactly?

By tricking Russians into running an interference campaign?
By tricking Trump into licking Putin's ass and loving wikileaks while his son held meetings with Kremlin reps. to get dirt on Hillary?
By Tricking Trump into firing the FBI director which directly lead to special investigator appointment?
By Tricking Trump into trying to fire special investigator that unltimately cleared him on conspiracy with Russians?

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The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...

How did they try to overthrow him exactly?

By tricking Russians into running an interference campaign?
By tricking Trump into licking Putin's ass and loving wikileaks while his son held meetings with Kremlin reps. to get dirt on Hillary?
By Tricking Trump into firing the FBI director which diirectly lead to special investigator appointment?

And yet, Mueller came up empty.
The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...

How did they try to overthrow him exactly?

By tricking Russians into running an interference campaign?
By tricking Trump into licking Putin's ass and loving wikileaks while his son held meetings with Kremlin reps. to get dirt on Hillary?
By Tricking Trump into firing the FBI director which diirectly lead to special investigator appointment?

And yet, Mueller came up empty.

1. You didn't answer the question

2. You are an idiot if you belive that. Report is highly important in documenting the Russian interference, capturing volumous evidence of Trump's obstruction of justice efforts and assuring us that while there was plenty of contacts with Russians, there is not evidence of full on co-ordinated conspiracy between Trump campaign and Kremlin.
The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...

How did they try to overthrow him exactly?

By tricking Russians into running an interference campaign?
By tricking Trump into licking Putin's ass and loving wikileaks while his son held meetings with Kremlin reps. to get dirt on Hillary?
By Tricking Trump into firing the FBI director which diirectly lead to special investigator appointment?

And yet, Mueller came up empty.

1. You didn't answer the question

2. You are an idiot if you belive that. Report is highly important in documenting the Russian interference, capturing volumous evidence of Trump's obstruction of justice efforts and assuring us that while there was plenty of contacts with Russians, there is not evidence of full on co-ordinated conspiracy between Trump campaign and Kremlin.
No indictments, sweetheart.
The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...

How did they try to overthrow him exactly?

By tricking Russians into running an interference campaign?
By tricking Trump into licking Putin's ass and loving wikileaks while his son held meetings with Kremlin reps. to get dirt on Hillary?
By Tricking Trump into firing the FBI director which diirectly lead to special investigator appointment?

And yet, Mueller came up empty.

1. You didn't answer the question

2. You are an idiot if you belive that. Report is highly important in documenting the Russian interference, capturing volumous evidence of Trump's obstruction of justice efforts and assuring us that while there was plenty of contacts with Russians, there is not evidence of full on co-ordinated conspiracy between Trump campaign and Kremlin.
No indictments, sweetheart.

You sure? Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Cohen and Stone along with all the Russian companies and nationals will be relieved to hear that.:rolleyes:

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation
The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...

How did they try to overthrow him exactly?

By tricking Russians into running an interference campaign?
By tricking Trump into licking Putin's ass and loving wikileaks while his son held meetings with Kremlin reps. to get dirt on Hillary?
By Tricking Trump into firing the FBI director which diirectly lead to special investigator appointment?

And yet, Mueller came up empty.

1. You didn't answer the question

2. You are an idiot if you belive that. Report is highly important in documenting the Russian interference, capturing volumous evidence of Trump's obstruction of justice efforts and assuring us that while there was plenty of contacts with Russians, there is not evidence of full on co-ordinated conspiracy between Trump campaign and Kremlin.
No indictments, sweetheart.

You sure? Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Cohen and Stone along with all the Russian companies and nationals will be relieved to hear that.:rolleyes:

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation
Did any of this have anything to do with Russia/Trump collusion?

I thought not.
Matthew 24:37-39 King James Version (KJV)
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:37-39 King James Version (KJV)
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Soon. Very soon
The people who really run this country tried to overthrow an elected President...

How did they try to overthrow him exactly?

By tricking Russians into running an interference campaign?
By tricking Trump into licking Putin's ass and loving wikileaks while his son held meetings with Kremlin reps. to get dirt on Hillary?
By Tricking Trump into firing the FBI director which diirectly lead to special investigator appointment?

And yet, Mueller came up empty.

1. You didn't answer the question

2. You are an idiot if you belive that. Report is highly important in documenting the Russian interference, capturing volumous evidence of Trump's obstruction of justice efforts and assuring us that while there was plenty of contacts with Russians, there is not evidence of full on co-ordinated conspiracy between Trump campaign and Kremlin.

Like was said on Tucker last night, it's become a full on religious belief. But I think more than that, I think it's crossed over into zealotry
the people who decide at cocktail parties what's really going to happen, despite the express will of the American people.
The will expressed by the American people in Hillary's favour by three million?
Three million totally fooled poor souls, for whom have been led like lambs to a slaughter in their lives, and this by following the Democrat agenda. The long term idoctronation had been revealed in the election, and it was an amazing thing to witness upon just how far this nation had gone down the rabbit hole over time.

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