The PC Police should apologize....

The Jews certainly look at it differently, since today they have a well-armed nation.

which has been at war with its neighbors for 70 years and is an international pariah...

If only it were so during Kritallnacht. History may well have recorded Hitler's failed attempt at subduing a well-armed militia.

Uh, no. The Jewish Population in Germany before the Anchluss was only 500,000 against some 65 million Germans. It would have been a pretty one sided affair.

If anything, the fact that the Jews were victimized actually created a lot of sympathy for them, which is why Hitler made future efforts more covert. I doubt they'd have garnered as much sympathy if they sent little Hans home in a box.
A thriving, self-defending, unconquered international pariah. :)

How many were Nazis during Kristallnacht?

Still, no matter WHO defeated the Nazis, they did so because they had guns to defend themselves against ruthless butchers. A lesson we should all learn.
A thriving, self-defending, unconquered international pariah. :)

How many were Nazis during Kristallnacht?

Still, no matter WHO defeated the Nazis, they did so because they had guns to defend themselves against ruthless butchers. A lesson we should all learn.

No, the lesson we should learn is to not let the wealthy manipulate us into wars.
A thriving, self-defending, unconquered international pariah. :)

How many were Nazis during Kristallnacht?

Still, no matter WHO defeated the Nazis, they did so because they had guns to defend themselves against ruthless butchers. A lesson we should all learn.

No, the lesson we should learn is to not let the wealthy manipulate us into wars.
Hitler did accrue a lot of money. Mostly by confiscating it from the Jews he slaughtered.
Hitler did accrue a lot of money. Mostly by confiscating it from the Jews he slaughtered.

No, Hitler got power when he assured the Krups and the other German Industrialists that he really didn't mean any of that socialist shit, and he'd give them unlimited profits. then he went out and shot Ernst Roehm as a sign of fealty.
We were talking about money, not power.

Hitler had Roehm murdered because he feared a rival. Too much power in those prancing Brownshirts. ;)
Classic dementia - starting to revel over how many posts one's thread got.

"Classic dementia"? Do you have any idea what the symptoms and characteristics of dementia are?

If you're going to use personal insults -- I do realize how important that is to you folks -- you may want to understand terms.

And have you ever known anyone with dementia? Is it funny to you? Is it a condition you like to use for laughs regularly?

Oh, that's right. Only the PC Police are allowed to judge which words are acceptable for use in conversation.

Deflection, deflection, deflection. You folks illustrate my points with every post, and somehow you don't even see it.


Lol someone tells me I'm directly responsible for two police officers getting killed, and then starts crying about being personally insulted?

Fuck, man, you have lost it here. Go find Econchick whichever looney bin she ran off to. You two would make a good pair.

Apparently, in your mind, and despite my repeated explanations, you still think that I said you are "directly responsible for the two police officers getting killed".

It is clear that you lack the intellectual elasticity to grasp my actual point, which is clear, unambiguous, uncomplicated.

You continue to illustrate my point, and it's obvious that you're not capable of seeing that.

The premise of your OP is as a matter of fact wrong, those protesting are in no way 'responsible' for the deaths of anyone.

There are no 'PC Police,' the notion is an inane and ridiculous contrivance by you and most others on the right fearful of, and hostile toward, diversity, dissent, and free expression, an attempt on your part to vilify those with whom you disagree and fear.
Classic dementia - starting to revel over how many posts one's thread got.

"Classic dementia"? Do you have any idea what the symptoms and characteristics of dementia are?

If you're going to use personal insults -- I do realize how important that is to you folks -- you may want to understand terms.

And have you ever known anyone with dementia? Is it funny to you? Is it a condition you like to use for laughs regularly?

Oh, that's right. Only the PC Police are allowed to judge which words are acceptable for use in conversation.

Deflection, deflection, deflection. You folks illustrate my points with every post, and somehow you don't even see it.


Lol someone tells me I'm directly responsible for two police officers getting killed, and then starts crying about being personally insulted?

Fuck, man, you have lost it here. Go find Econchick whichever looney bin she ran off to. You two would make a good pair.

Apparently, in your mind, and despite my repeated explanations, you still think that I said you are "directly responsible for the two police officers getting killed".

It is clear that you lack the intellectual elasticity to grasp my actual point, which is clear, unambiguous, uncomplicated.

You continue to illustrate my point, and it's obvious that you're not capable of seeing that.

The premise of your OP is as a matter of fact wrong, those protesting are in no way 'responsible' for the deaths of anyone.

There are no 'PC Police,' the notion is an inane and ridiculous contrivance by you and most others on the right fearful of, and hostile toward, diversity, dissent, and free expression, an attempt on your part to vilify those with whom you disagree and fear.
It means prudish or Victorian.
So seirously, fuck the NRA. They are worse than Al Qaeda.

An absolutely beautiful example of how partisan ideology can literally distort thought processes. The NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

This is about as vivid as it gets.

So when the PC Police issue their deflections and denials, I try to remember that they may actually be serious, and simply suffering from this condition.

So seirously, fuck the NRA. They are worse than Al Qaeda.

An absolutely beautiful example of how partisan ideology can literally distort thought processes. The NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

This is about as vivid as it gets.

So when the PC Police issue their deflections and denials, I try to remember that they may actually be serious, and simply suffering from this condition.


And that's supposed to be worse than you accusing me of being responsible for the cops getting killed? You are insane.
So seirously, fuck the NRA. They are worse than Al Qaeda.

An absolutely beautiful example of how partisan ideology can literally distort thought processes. The NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

This is about as vivid as it gets.

So when the PC Police issue their deflections and denials, I try to remember that they may actually be serious, and simply suffering from this condition.


And that's supposed to be worse than you accusing me of being responsible for the cops getting killed? You are insane.

Holy crap, you can't stop with this. You keep making this stuff up.

It's all about YOU.

Talk about insane, you've gone mental here.

So seirously, fuck the NRA. They are worse than Al Qaeda.

An absolutely beautiful example of how partisan ideology can literally distort thought processes. The NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

This is about as vivid as it gets.

So when the PC Police issue their deflections and denials, I try to remember that they may actually be serious, and simply suffering from this condition.


And that's supposed to be worse than you accusing me of being responsible for the cops getting killed? You are insane.

Holy crap, you can't stop with this. You keep making this stuff up.

It's all about YOU.

Talk about insane, you've gone mental here.


You made it about me when you accused me of being responsible for a crime I had absolutely nothing to do with.
Okay, so once we've all agreed to never protest what we see as an injustice, once we have all agreed to meet every injustice we see with absolute silence,

THEN will the author of this thread be happy and shut the fuck up?
Okay, so once we've all agreed to never protest what we see as an injustice, once we have all agreed to meet every injustice we see with absolute silence,

THEN will the author of this thread be happy and shut the fuck up?

Why in the world would I not want you to express an opinion?

I'm a freedom of expression purist.

You have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, and I'm tired of trying to get you to understand it.

An absolutely beautiful example of how partisan ideology can literally distort thought processes. The NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

This is about as vivid as it gets.

So when the PC Police issue their deflections and denials, I try to remember that they may actually be serious, and simply suffering from this condition.

Tell me something, what has killed more Americans in the last 15 years? Al Qaeda or rampant gun violence.

We have 10 9/11's every year from gun violence, and even the most common sense gun control like, "Let's make sure that Ismael Brimsley can't get a gun with his mental problems and long criminal record" gets shot down by the NRA.
So seirously, fuck the NRA. They are worse than Al Qaeda.

An absolutely beautiful example of how partisan ideology can literally distort thought processes. The NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

This is about as vivid as it gets.

So when the PC Police issue their deflections and denials, I try to remember that they may actually be serious, and simply suffering from this condition.

NEWSFLASH!!! The nra represents the manufacturers now, NOT the clingers who are their drones. The NRA is no better than aipac in that they threaten pols who don't toe their line. Glad to help.
So seirously, fuck the NRA. They are worse than Al Qaeda.

An absolutely beautiful example of how partisan ideology can literally distort thought processes. The NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

This is about as vivid as it gets.

So when the PC Police issue their deflections and denials, I try to remember that they may actually be serious, and simply suffering from this condition.

NEWSFLASH!!! The nra represents the manufacturers now, NOT the clingers who are their drones. The NRA is no better than aipac in that they threaten pols who don't toe their line. Glad to help.

Yeah, no shit, and the way the NRA takes and beheads hostages, kills anyone who doesn't agree with their religion, straps bombs to themselves and their women and ignites them in crowded areas, and does everything they can to slaughter and terrorize innocents REALLY pisses me off. THESE guys are SAVAGES.


This place is a hoot.

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Yeah, no shit, and the way the NRA takes and beheads hostages, kills anyone who doesn't agree with their religion, straps bombs to themselves and their women and ignites them in crowded areas, and does everything they can to slaughter and terrorize innocents REALLY pisses me off. THESE guys are SAVAGES.

No, they just fight to make sure guys like this can get guns.

Hey, are you boys the "Well-Regulated Militia" we keep hearing about?

Yeah, no shit, and the way the NRA takes and beheads hostages, kills anyone who doesn't agree with their religion, straps bombs to themselves and their women and ignites them in crowded areas, and does everything they can to slaughter and terrorize innocents REALLY pisses me off. THESE guys are SAVAGES.

No, they just fight to make sure guys like this can get guns.

Hey, are you boys the "Well-Regulated Militia" we keep hearing about?


Joe, I absolutely believe that it's absolutely possible that you absolutely believe that the NRA is worse than Al Qaeda.

No quarrel.

So we're good.


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