The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

Your word comprehension isn't very good, Lakhota. I asked you to name something exceptional that Barry did after he left know...when he was a lawyer, a lecturer and a legislator? What you gave me was the standard "puff" list of what he's supposedly accomplished as know...the one that embellishes everything to the point of farce?

Come on, little bud...this should be easy! The guy's brilliant...right? So what did he DO with that "brilliance" for the twenty years after Harvard? Tell me something exceptional.
And not for nothing, Lakhota but did you even read most of those Presidential "accomplishments"? You might want to give them a second thought because half of them are turning out to be something that NOBODY is going to be proud of. You can tell when the lists were formulated because they list getting rid of Khadaffi and Mubarak as a plus for Barry...I'm guessing there would be some second guessing on that whole theory since his "Arab Spring" concept is blowing up in his face as we speak.
And not for nothing, Lakhota but did you even read most of those Presidential "accomplishments"? You might want to give them a second thought because half of them are turning out to be something that NOBODY is going to be proud of. You can tell when the lists were formulated because they list getting rid of Khadaffi and Mubarak as a plus for Barry...I'm guessing there would be some second guessing on that whole theory since his "Arab Spring" concept is blowing up in his face as we speak.

Actually the arab spring is working out quite well.

Democracy is a messy business.
And not for nothing, Lakhota but did you even read most of those Presidential "accomplishments"? You might want to give them a second thought because half of them are turning out to be something that NOBODY is going to be proud of. You can tell when the lists were formulated because they list getting rid of Khadaffi and Mubarak as a plus for Barry...I'm guessing there would be some second guessing on that whole theory since his "Arab Spring" concept is blowing up in his face as we speak.

Actually the arab spring is working out quite well.

Democracy is a messy business.

If you think the Muslim Brotherhood has any interest in "Democracy", Chris...then you are as naive as Barry was. The Arab Spring is NOT working out well...the truth is, the loss of Khadaffi and Mubarek created a power vacuum that Islamic extremists have happily exploited. The sad thing is Americans died because Barack Obama honestly believed that HIS own "personality" and some shoddy treatment of Israel would be enough to make Muslims love the United States. He doesn't have a clue what to do now in the Middle East and you know it.

So tell me, Lakhota...out of those two "lists" that you gave me...what ARE the exceptional things that Barry did as a lawyer (I didn't see any), as a college lecturer (Didn't see any again) or as a legislator (I see where he couldn't pass anything over a two year period, until Emile Jones became his puppet master and started feeding him other people's legislation)?

The truth is...he was unexceptional at everything that he did after leaving Harvard...yet he kept on getting "promoted" because he was the first black President of the Harvard Law Review. Until Emile Jones decided to "make" a US Senator out of a clueless Barry Obama he was going nowhere fast because to be quite honest he wasn't good at writing legislation...the only thing he WAS good at was giving speeches. So the Democratic powers that be started feeding him other people's legislation that he could sign his name to. It happened in Illinois and it happened again once he reached the US Senate. The truth is...we elected a man who has no idea how to do the job he needs to do because someone else has always done the "heavy lifting" for Barack Obama. You wonder why it was Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi who essentially wrote both ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus with little to no input from the namesake of those two bills? It's because he doesn't know HOW to write legislation. All he knows how to do is sign his name onto the legislation that OTHERS have crafted.

So much for the "brilliance" of Barack Obama...
And not for nothing, Lakhota but did you even read most of those Presidential "accomplishments"? You might want to give them a second thought because half of them are turning out to be something that NOBODY is going to be proud of. You can tell when the lists were formulated because they list getting rid of Khadaffi and Mubarak as a plus for Barry...I'm guessing there would be some second guessing on that whole theory since his "Arab Spring" concept is blowing up in his face as we speak.

Actually the arab spring is working out quite well.

Democracy is a messy business.

From a democrat's point of view, the arab spring couldn't be going along any better.
Don't worry Lakota... They can't find any cracks in your facts so they try to intimidate.
I have seen much of that around here.

BTW bripat9643: that kid flipping off with the mean face in your avatar, I am sure will grow up to be in consolatory confinement. What a good boy..

There are no cracks in her facts because there are no facts to crack.

I like the novel concept of "consolatory confinement;" however it must be a Democratic strategy: making people feel good (consoling them) while they are being enslaved. Obama does that very well.

Ah yes...the constant complaint from progressive that it was the GOP that kept Barry from fixing the country!!! That if it wasn't for Mitch McConnell and those spoil sport Republicans over in the House that things would be GREAT now!!!

Only one problem with that concept, Sparky and it was HIGHLIGHTED in one of the sites you gave me that listed Barack Obama's "accomplishments". The problem is...legislation he sought was passed over 97% of the time during the first year of his Presidency...the highest ever...slightly ahead of Lyndon Johnson back in the 1960's. Now if you remember, Johnson gave us sweeping legislation called the "Great Society" with HIS majorities...things like Medicare and Medicaid, civil rights laws, and the War on Poverty. What did Barry give us? One of the most badly written bills in the history of legislating...ObamaCare...and a trillion dollar stimulus that didn't stimulate anything except his bundlers and his union supporters. Then he told us that next up on his "hits list" was going to be Cap & Trade legislation to make our energy costs prohibitively expensive and Card Check legislation so unions could strong arm people into joining up and start paying dues.

You want to know why the GOP wanted to stop President Obama's "agenda"? For the same reason the American people voted to stop it during the 2010's a far left agenda that the majority of Americans didn't want when they signed on for the whole "Hope and Change" thing.
It doesn't get any better for Barry when you hear the "FULL" comment, Lakhota. The truth is...Obama got all excited speaking in front of a wildly partisan crowd who was cheering him on...and messed up. He messed up because he let us all see how he REALLY feels about the Private Sector. This is a President who doesn't respect the Private Sector because he's never really been a PART of the Private Sector. In "his" world business owners who make a profit are taking advantage of others and it's the role of government to make sure that as much of those profits are taken back from business owners and given back to "the public" as possible. Profit is evil. Business needs to be constrained at all times.

And then the idiot wonders why he can't get anyone to invest in new businesses or expand the ones they already have?

Ah yes...the constant complaint from progressive that it was the GOP that kept Barry from fixing the country!!! That if it wasn't for Mitch McConnell and those spoil sport Republicans over in the House that things would be GREAT now!!!

Only one problem with that concept, Sparky and it was HIGHLIGHTED in one of the sites you gave me that listed Barack Obama's "accomplishments". The problem is...legislation he sought was passed over 97% of the time during the first year of his Presidency...the highest ever...slightly ahead of Lyndon Johnson back in the 1960's. Now if you remember, Johnson gave us sweeping legislation called the "Great Society" with HIS majorities...things like Medicare and Medicaid, civil rights laws, and the War on Poverty. What did Barry give us? One of the most badly written bills in the history of legislating...ObamaCare...and a trillion dollar stimulus that didn't stimulate anything except his bundlers and his union supporters. Then he told us that next up on his "hits list" was going to be Cap & Trade legislation to make our energy costs prohibitively expensive and Card Check legislation so unions could strong arm people into joining up and start paying dues.

You want to know why the GOP wanted to stop President Obama's "agenda"? For the same reason the American people voted to stop it during the 2010's a far left agenda that the majority of Americans didn't want when they signed on for the whole "Hope and Change" thing.

And there you have the difference.

Lakhota votes for a king. The rest of us understand how this work.

It's called a House of REPRESENTATIVES. They represent our focused and narrow individual interests. And in 2010 enough people voted to take Obama's majority away. They obstructed and we will reward them by sending them back along with an even more right wing group of newbies (Nebraska will send a strong conservative Republican in place of Ben Nelson).

The left just does not get the fact that the president is not supposed to run things. Apparently our (so called) Constitutional Scholar president never learned that either.

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