The Parties switched sides ....riiiiiight

Your post epitomizes:

1) the use of racism by LWers to divide the nation into classic "Us vs. Them".

2) the promotion of racial and/or cultural stereotypes for political purposes.

3) the refusal of LWers to admit that racism is a national problem, not a regional one.

4) the refusal to admit that government institutionalized racism is part of the problem.

5) the fact that racial politics remains an essential core ingredient of the LW strategy.

Racism is alive and flourishing in those red states still pissed off that a half black guy beat their sorry asses for 8 years........SPIN IT ANY WAY YOU WISH, the truth is obvious.

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Ha ha ha. When you don't alter a photo yourself, you think it's real. What a schlub.

Republicans formed their party in an effort to preserve a society free from government intrusion. That is, in answer to the democratizing of it by the emerging Democratic Party. The values of both parties are still the same.

Only a libtard would say otherwise.
Detailed destruction of the Southern Strategy myth again.

The Southern Strategy is not a myth, you idiot revisionist retard. Democrats didn't invent the Southern Strategy story.

Here's Nixon's political strategist laying it out in his own words, dumb fuck:

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

I hope you have the integrity to read the whole article from that period, and then come back and admit you were as wrong as wrong can be.

But of course you won't.
Bottom line........Things really SUCK in today's oval office......

This thread is an attempt to have a respite from the barrage of shit piling on the WH front lawn.
Over time, through attrition, the racist right wingers in the South grew up to be Republicans.

There were some defections of Democrats who switched to the Republican Party. Notables like Jesse Helms. But for the most part, it was through attrition. The sons of racist right wing Democrats grew up to be racist right wing Republicans.

My party has been thoroughly infected by these assholes. Donald Trump was smart enough to see that, which is why he focused his rhetoric toward attacks on Mexicans and Muslims.
Thank you for exemplifying my point that LWers only see wrong in those those they oppose and will go to any low to divide Americans

THAT little "conclusion" came out of your fat ass......and I hope you're not hurting too much.....

By the way...I presume you're STILL one of those right wingers who may not be sure if Obama is a Kenyan Muslim...LOL
Thank you for exemplifying my point that LWers only see wrong in those those they oppose and will go to any low to divide Americans

THAT little "conclusion" came out of your fat ass......and I hope you're not hurting too much.....

By the way...I presume you're STILL one of those right wingers who may not be sure if Obama is a Kenyan Muslim...LOL
Dude, you chose to support dividing our nation. You chose to post a picture that was fabricated and a lie. Spin it however you like, but everyone can see for themselves what you've done.

Lie all you want, Nat, but anyone who gives a shit can see I've spoken out against the Birther nonsense and have never supported any claims that Obama wasn't exactly who he claimed to be.
Democrats were the slave traders. Democrats were the KKK. Democrats opposed the Republicans in passing the 1964 Civil Rights bill. Democrats think that Affirmative Action and other welfare schemes are not ways to disincentivise and secure votes.

All through history, they have refused to recognize the productive value of the black American.

And now this brilliance. Course, snowflakes aren't known for their brains.
Just to show you how liberal the Republican Party was back then, here is some more from Nixon's strategist:

"I have some ideas of my own for positive programming: Federal grants-in-aid for better fire and police protection; street lighting and sanitation assistance in slum neighborhoods; a new Civilian Conservation Corps to take kids out of slums and put them to work cleaning up the country -- maybe it could be a National Ecology Corps and we would have a chance to see if the young people will put their muscle where their mouth is; massive redevelopment programs for Appalachia and the industrially redundant reaches of New England; large-scale Works Progress Administration-type guaranteed employment with the work force to be used to rebuild, reconstruct or clean up America's history lands and historic buildings for the Bicentennial in 1976; some kind of National Health Insurance or Medicredit; full-fledged Federal aid to parochial schools."

Remember the tizzy the pseudocons got themselves into over Rahm Emanuel's mandatory national service?

And lookee here! National Health Insurance!
Democrats were the slave traders. Democrats were the KKK. Democrats opposed the Republicans in passing the 1964 Civil Rights bill. Democrats think that Affirmative Action and other welfare schemes are not ways to disincentivise and secure votes.

All through history, they have refused to recognize the productive value of the black American.

And now this brilliance. Course, snowflakes aren't known for their brains.
RIGHT WING Democrats opposed the Republicans in passing the 1964 Civil Rights bill.

This conservative Democrat right here kept civil rights legislation dead in the Senate for decades:

Democrats were the slave traders. Democrats were the KKK. Democrats opposed the Republicans in passing the 1964 Civil Rights bill. Democrats think that Affirmative Action and other welfare schemes are not ways to disincentivise and secure votes.

All through history, they have refused to recognize the productive value of the black American.

And now this brilliance. Course, snowflakes aren't known for their brains.
RIGHT WING Democrats opposed the Republicans in passing the 1964 Civil Rights bill.
Whatever you say, Liberal.
The pseudocons' propaganda masters absolutely depend on the ignorance of these rubes. They know the rubes don't know jack shit about American history, and the propagandists exploit that ignorance to the hilt.
Yeah, you just keep believing the right wing racists didn't switch parties. Go right ahead. :lol:


You DID NOT just dis Obama! Tell me you did not go there or I'm coming over there to kick your ass, you right wing piece of trash!
Here are some present day Democrats Christian terrorists. I love the votive candles on the cross. Priceless.

Thank you for exemplifying my point that LWers only see wrong in those those they oppose and will go to any low to divide Americans

THAT little "conclusion" came out of your fat ass......and I hope you're not hurting too much.....

By the way...I presume you're STILL one of those right wingers who may not be sure if Obama is a Kenyan Muslim...LOL
Dude, you chose to support dividing our nation. You chose to post a picture that was fabricated and a lie. Spin it however you like, but everyone can see for themselves what you've done.

Lie all you want, Nat, but anyone who gives a shit can see I've spoken out against the Birther nonsense and have never supported any claims that Obama wasn't exactly who he claimed to be.

Here's some of those "liberal" Democrats of the past:




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