The Parade Of Shame -- Palin's Corporate Sponsors

So Madeline, you oppose freedom of expression unless you agree with it.
I'm shocked.

No, if Palin wants to appear on "Meet The Press" and be interviewed, I'm good with that, American Horse.

Okay, NOW you're just a big, fat liar. Wasn't it you who said this, just a couple of days ago in this very thread?

"I want her out of US public life."

Why, yes, I believe that WAS you. And yet now, you'd have us believe that you don't mind her being in public life, so long as she does it with a whole squad of leftist hacks around to shout her down and make sure nothing she has to say actually gets heard. I'm not sure which makes me want to vomit more: the lie implicit in "I want her out of public life; oh, wait, she can stay as long as we get to drown her out", or the hypocrisy implicit in your "generous" offer to "allow" her take part in public life . . . which, of course, you seem to believe you own and administer for the benefit of others.
I am a voter, Cecilie. Of course it's my job to decide who is and is not a viable candidate for POTUS.

WTF are you smoking?

No, you dumb twit, it's your job to decide who YOU are voting for. It's NOT your job to decide who gets to run and who OTHER people can vote for.

For someone who spends so much time screaming and hollering at the very possibility that someone else might take an interest in a woman's choice to dismember her unborn child, you sure do have trouble understanding the boundaries between your business and other people's business on every other subject under the sun. Feminazism must be a mental disorder, like liberalism is.
Cecilie, in this entire thread you have not made one post worth reading. You have not discussed effective grassroots action, or Palin's environmental record, or any other subject the Op might could have suggested that is discussion-worthy here. You have just trolled.

I am tired of it, and am placing you on ignore.

Have a nice Thanksgiving, and fuck off.
Cecilie, in this entire thread you have not made one post worth reading. You have not discussed effective grassroots action, or Palin's environmental record, or any other subject the Op might could have suggested that is discussion-worthy here. You have just trolled.

I am tired of it, and am placing you on ignore.

Have a nice Thanksgiving, and fuck off.
What Palin's environmental record are you babbling on about, Madeline?

Talkin' out of your loony drunken ass yet again?

You're a fuckin' joke.
Cecilie, in this entire thread you have not made one post worth reading. You have not discussed effective grassroots action, or Palin's environmental record, or any other subject the Op might could have suggested that is discussion-worthy here. You have just trolled.

I am tired of it, and am placing you on ignore.

Have a nice Thanksgiving, and fuck off.
What Palin's environmental record are you babbling on about, Madeline?

Talkin' out of your loony drunken ass yet again?

You're a fuckin' joke.

she doesn't know.
She thinks Palin flies around in a helicopter and hunts, after all she heard that from PETA and Ashley Judd.:lol:
Cecilie, in this entire thread you have not made one post worth reading. You have not discussed effective grassroots action, or Palin's environmental record, or any other subject the Op might could have suggested that is discussion-worthy here. You have just trolled.

I am tired of it, and am placing you on ignore.

Have a nice Thanksgiving, and fuck off.

Well, if my posts haven't been worth reading, that would make them about equal to your ignorant phone calls to those sponsors. I'm sure they valued your opinion even less than you value mine (given that you've had your panties in a wad about it for umpteen pages).

The reason I haven't "discussed effective grassroots action, or Palin's environmental record", you ignorant sow, is because I don't give a good goddamn about Sarah Palin one way or another. YOU are the one who has herself all twisted into knots about the woman. I don't have any grassroots action I NEED to take, because I don't care if she has a show on TLC or fucking ABC, for that matter. What I care about is that leftist fuckwits like you (and don't you dare whine about being called names, because you called Sarah a fuckwit - AND misspelled it, how brilliant - in your OP) think they have the God-given right to decide for everyone else what they can do, and watch, and support.

It doesn't fucking MATTER what Sarah Palin's environmental record is, or what I think of it, because even if I thought she was evil incarnate, I'm still never going to be enough of a fascist - like you - to think that makes it okay to silence and suppress her or enough of a bully - like you - to think it's okay to run around telling other people what shows to put on their networks, where to spend their advertising dollars, or what they can watch. And finally, I'm NEVER going to be enough of a bull-dyke whining feminazi to think I have the right to tell women who don't toe the NOW line to get out of public life.

The topic here isn't Sarah Palin or her policies, you dumb bitch. The topic here is YOU and YOUR noxious, Unamerican policies. It always has been.

Oh, and of course, the fact that you're a hypocrite.
Had to watch todays episode and it was without political theater.....

The only thing I would question is their competetavness......

Maddie, just admit it, your jealous of Palin.....

She's a good looking hockey mom, and you are?????
GWV5903, when you disagree with Obama do I suggest it's only because you feel sexually inadequate in comparison to him?

Please drop this line of demeans Palin as well as me.
GWV5903, when you disagree with Obama do I suggest it's only because you feel sexually inadequate in comparison to him?

Please drop this line of demeans Palin as well as me.

Where did you get sex? She is a very attractive women, does not mean I want to jump her bones.....

You're disagreement with her is obsessive, how far do you need to go with someone who is a private citizen, Obama on the other hand is POTUS......

Besides I have a weakness for Latin women......
just ask the dixie chicks...

Their sexist music sucked even before Natalie Mains opened her mouth. From the day, "Good-bye Earl" started promoting murder, I refused to listen to their music, (note: I did not call for a boycott... except within my own home) I would turn the radio off when a song of theirs came on.

There are few musicians or groups that I am glad are no longer making music, but of those few, The Dixie Witches top the list.


You must have a really shallow music list if they are at the top

I have no problem with somebody kicking the shit out of, or even killing if warranted, a man who beats the shit out of his partner and puts them in hospital. That aside, it was a tongue-in-cheek know that, right?

Yes, I know that, but laughing about murder is not acceptable. Most of their songs were sexist shit. They make men out to be the problem all the time and they think it is funny.

No, not a shallow music list, I simply don't put many musicians on the "Do Not Play" List.

We did it!

Dear Sir or Madam,

I understand your concern. We buy time with TLC among a number of networks, and we do designate categories of programming to stay away from. However, cable media buys tend not to be program-specific, and this is not considered a political show. I was honestly unaware that this was part of our TLC buy until this e-mail and another one I received. As a company, we’re adamant that we don’t take positions on content or politics, as it’s not our role in the community. We’ve received similar boycott complaints from organizations sending lists based on comedy programming that’s honestly fairly innocuous in my opinion. I understand your sentiments, but I also think that if you saw some of the emails I receive from the other side, you’d be more understanding that it’s not our place to select programming for the most part. It’s the job of the viewer to decide what they want to view. However, I have just asked to deselect from this program. I don’t think the program fits with our brand more generally and isn’t typical of TLC. I hope that you’re able to enjoy the unique and free services that let you compare from hundreds of travel sites in just one search. You can close your account by selecting My Account at the top of the page.

Regards, Robert Birge, CEO,

Shame on all of you who claim their excuse for doing nothing is that you cannot have an effect. Whether you agree with the object my wee boycott has or not, you now have no excuse for your own apathy.

Just to let you know, I suspect they are feeding you a line of shit. I suspect they will still advertise on the program. He says he asked to have the program deselected... he did not say it was. Also, I love that last line:

You can close your account by selecting My Account at the top of the page.

I hate to tell you this, but that was almost telling you to F' off.

I plan on watching the program just to see if they are still advertising... by the way, what night is it on? :razz:

You do seem to have a problem making sense Dr. Chump.

I detest the Dixie Chumps. (Were they named after you?) I do not call for a boycott of either them or their sponsors, however.

So, no. No hypocrisy on my part. Piss-poor guess work on your part.

By the way, they happen to be just a bunch of mediocre musicians who like to talk politics. I am reminded of Laura Ingraham's suggestion that maybe they should shut up and sing. I don't give a rat's ass about the shallow political opinions of Bruce Springstein, either. People who plunk down money to hear the music shouldn't have to get lectured on political topics by assholes like that.

By contrast, you moron, Palin IS a politician. Her show about Alaska, however, isn't. If she starts using it to discuss her conservative viewpoint, you can turn the show off. But to boycott the sponsors of her show because you don't like HER politics even though she's not talking politics is idiotic.

Musicians absolutely have a right to talk politics. Just as you do.

Palin is about as much a politician as you are intelligent and rational person...IOW, not much of one....


Nobody said that musicians don't have a right to talk politics. You moron. But when I plunk down my hard earned money to hear some group play, I DON'T want to hear them lecture me about their liberal wet dream imaginings. Fuck them. I no more want to hear Springstein's moronic liberal bullshit than you'd want to hear some good musician ruin the concert by talking all about how brilliant and insightful Mark Levin is. (That musician would be right, but you sure as shit aren't paying to hear him talk about a political viewpoint you detest.)

Oh, and not for nothin', but I am far more rational than you are, Gump, judging by the piss-poor quality of your last couple of imbecile posts. :cuckoo: And Palin is a politician, you jerk-off. That's kind of how one goes about getting elected a mayor and then a Governor.

You are occasionally quite stupid, Chump; like, for example, when you try to communicate what passes for "thought."
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Yes, I know that, but laughing about murder is not acceptable. Most of their songs were sexist shit. They make men out to be the problem all the time and they think it is funny.

No, not a shallow music list, I simply don't put many musicians on the "Do Not Play" List.


I don't know any of their songs but Earl - my wife liked it - (hhmmmm - will have to let the dog test my food from now on!) :eusa_whistle:

It's just a song for chrissakes - god, not a political agenda..

Well, you must have truly eclectic tastes then, because I have a shit load on my Do Not Play list - just about anything that has made the Top 20 Billboard singles charts over the past 20 years...
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Nobody said that musicians don't have a right to talk politics. You moron. But when I plunk down my hard earned money to hear some group play, I DON'T want to hear them lecture me about their liberal wet dream imaginings. Fuck them. I no more want to hear Springstein's moronic liberal bullshit than you'd want to hear some good musician ruin the concert by talking all about how brilliant and insightful Mark Levin is. (That musician would be right, but you sure as shit aren't paying to hear him talk about a political viewpoint you detest.)

Oh, and not for nothin', but I am far more rational than you are, Gump, judging by the piss-poor quality of your last couple of imbecile posts. :cuckoo: And Palin is a politician, you jerk-off. That's kind of how one goes about getting elected a mayor and then a Governor.

You are occasionally quite stupid, Chump; like, for example, when you try to communicate what passes for "thought."

1) I go for the whole experience.
2) If a musician is going to indulge us with rhetoric from a scrotum like Mark Levin, the chances of me liking said musician's songs are pretty remote.
3) You are about as rational as a blind man in a fish shop
4) Palin is a piss-poor excuse of a person, let alone a politician. Shit, I can't stand most pollies and down here it always comes in at number 1 or 2 as most detested occupation. I don't even put her in the same category as some of the most hated people on the planet - yes, she is that bad. Just because I can whistle Dixie, doesn't mean I'm a musician.
5) Well, at least I am only occasionally stupid - for you it seems a full time occupation....Your mama would be proud that you are finally good at something...
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Nobody said that musicians don't have a right to talk politics. You moron. But when I plunk down my hard earned money to hear some group play, I DON'T want to hear them lecture me about their liberal wet dream imaginings. Fuck them. I no more want to hear Springstein's moronic liberal bullshit than you'd want to hear some good musician ruin the concert by talking all about how brilliant and insightful Mark Levin is. (That musician would be right, but you sure as shit aren't paying to hear him talk about a political viewpoint you detest.)

Oh, and not for nothin', but I am far more rational than you are, Gump, judging by the piss-poor quality of your last couple of imbecile posts. :cuckoo: And Palin is a politician, you jerk-off. That's kind of how one goes about getting elected a mayor and then a Governor.

You are occasionally quite stupid, Chump; like, for example, when you try to communicate what passes for "thought."

1) I go for the whole experience.
2) If a musician is going to indulge us with rhetoric from a scrotum like Mark Levin, the chances of me liking said musician's songs are pretty remote.
3) You are about as rational as a blind man in a fish shop
4) Palin is a piss-poor excuse of a person, let alone a politician. Shit, I can't stand most pollies and down here it always comes in at number 1 or 2 as most detested occupation. I don't even put her in the same category as some of the most hated people on the planet - yes, she is that bad. Just because I can whistle Dixie, doesn't mean I'm a musician.
5) Well, at least I am only occasionally stupid - for you it seems a full time occupation....Your mama would be proud that you are finally good at something...

Levin isn't the scrotum. YOU are the asshole. From your perspective, everything kinda looks like a scrotum. Tragic, but there YOU are.

And no. You got that whole stupid thing going ON, Chump. Full time. You're so spectacularly stupid, you don't see how stupid you are and you project your own abundant inadequacies on to others, in error.

I am far more rational than you. You are massively stupid, however, and unable to grasp this fact.

Your musical taste is probably as inferior as your political acumen.

Muddle on, Chump. Muddle on! :clap2:
You do seem to have a problem making sense Dr. Chump.

I detest the Dixie Chumps. (Were they named after you?) I do not call for a boycott of either them or their sponsors, however.

So, no. No hypocrisy on my part. Piss-poor guess work on your part.

By the way, they happen to be just a bunch of mediocre musicians who like to talk politics. I am reminded of Laura Ingraham's suggestion that maybe they should shut up and sing. I don't give a rat's ass about the shallow political opinions of Bruce Springstein, either. People who plunk down money to hear the music shouldn't have to get lectured on political topics by assholes like that.

By contrast, you moron, Palin IS a politician. Her show about Alaska, however, isn't. If she starts using it to discuss her conservative viewpoint, you can turn the show off. But to boycott the sponsors of her show because you don't like HER politics even though she's not talking politics is idiotic.

Musicians absolutely have a right to talk politics. Just as you do.

Palin is about as much a politician as you are intelligent and rational person...IOW, not much of one....


Nobody said that musicians don't have a right to talk politics. You moron. But when I plunk down my hard earned money to hear some group play, I DON'T want to hear them lecture me about their liberal wet dream imaginings. Fuck them. I no more want to hear Springstein's moronic liberal bullshit than you'd want to hear some good musician ruin the concert by talking all about how brilliant and insightful Mark Levin is. (That musician would be right, but you sure as shit aren't paying to hear him talk about a political viewpoint you detest.)

Oh, and not for nothin', but I am far more rational than you are, Gump, judging by the piss-poor quality of your last couple of imbecile posts. :cuckoo: And Palin is a politician, you jerk-off. That's kind of how one goes about getting elected a mayor and then a Governor.

You are occasionally quite stupid, Chump; like, for example, when you try to communicate what passes for "thought."

You are correct. If I wanted to hear political maunderings, I'd go to a political rally . . . for free. If I put down my hard-earned cash to hear a concert, then I by God want to hear someone making music. If I get a political rant instead - from EITHER side - I'm going to be demanding a refund. Pontificate on your own dime.
GWV5903, when you disagree with Obama do I suggest it's only because you feel sexually inadequate in comparison to him?

Please drop this line of demeans Palin as well as me.

Where did you get sex? She is a very attractive women, does not mean I want to jump her bones.....

You're disagreement with her is obsessive, how far do you need to go with someone who is a private citizen, Obama on the other hand is POTUS......

Besides I have a weakness for Latin women......

Palin is not the only fuckwhit pandering to the basest instincts any of us has in a grab for power. Check out Mike Huckabee......

Mike Huckabee lauds ousting of Iowa justices over gay marriage, courts evangelicals |

The next presidential election will either move us forward or bring back every ugly feature of post WW II America. I plan to fight tooth and nail; IMO, the soul of the nation will be at stake.

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