The Palin Brawl

Well, it's obvious that Sarah Palin will never have the White House as her home....the most famous address in the country, and Sarah doesn't even know it...........:D

At the Value Voters Summit today in Washington, D.C, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008, mistakenly referred to the White House as being located at “1400 Pennsylvania Avenue.”
Sarah Palin 8217 s Confused About Where The White House Is - ABC News
Love the dino image!

Almost as much as I feel certain you'll love this one:

View attachment 32336

Thank you for sharing!
figured you'd go that route :rolleyes-41:

Palin probably doesn't even have a degree. Her college years seem to be a bit sporadic and sketchy.....not enough to get her a degree and funny, she used to say she majored in "journalism" - and now it's "communications"...tsk, tsk, I think Ms Palin may be stretching reality a bit....maybe a lot!

For years, Sarah claimed she majored in journalism and minored in political science. She told the University of Idaho alumni magazine (Winter 2008) that she decided to pursue a journalism degree because it “combined her curiosity with her love of writing.” In Going Rogue, she tells us that she wanted to be a journalist as a child, and when she went off to college, “I planned on a political science minor because I loved studying U.S. history and government and knew poli sci would mesh well with a journalism major.”

Her Wikipedia page, which is maintained by Palin’s people, likewise now says she received a “bachelor’s degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism.” The claim of a minor in poli sci has now been dropped.

Interestingly, John Killer from the Oregonian also wrote that Sarah “spent her final semester working as an intern for the NBC affiliate KTUU in Anchorage.” Why is this so interesting? Because Sarah began her brief stint at KTUU in November or December of 1987. She worked first as an unpaid intern, then eventually did sportscasts on “a fill-in basis, mostly on weekends, for six more months.”
November 1987 was six months after Sarah claims to have grabbed her diploma and hightailed it back to Alaska and Todd. Yet on 22 January 1988, the Anchorage Daily News reported, “Sarah Heath will make her debut as a sportscaster the end of this month on KTUU, filing in for John Hernandez. Heath is a longtime resident of Alaska and a Wasilla High graduate who went to the University of Idaho."
It is important to note that the ADN lists Sarah as a “graduate” of Wasilla High but only says she “went” to the U of I. This is polite newspeak for “this person attended classes but did not actually receive a degree.” KTUU’s press release on Sarah Heath evidently did not list her as a graduate of the University of Idaho.

Since her time at KTUU, Sarah has in all likelihood never applied for a job that would require her to submit her college transcripts. We know that McCain’s vetting of Palin did not extend to an investigation of her college career, because according to Tania Thompson, spokeswoman for the University of Idaho, no one in the McCain campaign contacted the university.

palingates Sarah Palin s Crazy College Daze - A chronology of her College University years
The Marxist factor ridicules Governor Palin as one who could not possibly be elected president.

Yet they obviously fear the eventuality. Obviously because they devote to much time and effort to attacking her and her family while ignoring the vacuum being left by the looming departure of their Chicago Thug. Democrats don't have a candidate for 2016. Their shining star is a weak woman who couldn't control her own household and is prone to memory lapses. But maybe that latter part is what makes her so attractive.....

As to racism, this thread has demonstrated that racism is perfectly acceptable and, indeed, respected.
The Marxist factor ridicules Governor Palin as one who could not possibly be elected president.

Yet they obviously fear the eventuality. Obviously because they devote to much time and effort to attacking her and her family while ignoring the vacuum being left by the looming departure of their Chicago Thug. Democrats don't have a candidate for 2016. Their shining star is a weak woman who couldn't control her own household and is prone to memory lapses. But maybe that latter part is what makes her so attractive.....

As to racism, this thread has demonstrated that racism is perfectly acceptable and, indeed, respected.
I dunno about that ... I saw a poll which showed Hillary beating Palin by a huge margin of victory .... 62% to 35%. While the election is still far off, I don't see anything between now and then affecting it much.
Problem with the Hillary premise is that she's female. You Democrats will lead her on right up to the convention then dump her in favour of your minority-du-jour. Playing on her weakness resulting from that nasty bump on the noggin. But Democrats crapping on the differently-abled is SOP, so WTH.
Palin probably doesn't even have a degree. Her college years seem to be a bit sporadic and sketchy.....not enough to get her a degree and funny, she used to say she majored in "journalism" - and now it's "communications"...tsk, tsk, I think Ms Palin may be stretching reality a bit....maybe a lot!

For years, Sarah claimed she majored in journalism and minored in political science. She told the University of Idaho alumni magazine (Winter 2008) that she decided to pursue a journalism degree because it “combined her curiosity with her love of writing.” In Going Rogue, she tells us that she wanted to be a journalist as a child, and when she went off to college, “I planned on a political science minor because I loved studying U.S. history and government and knew poli sci would mesh well with a journalism major.”

Her Wikipedia page, which is maintained by Palin’s people, likewise now says she received a “bachelor’s degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism.” The claim of a minor in poli sci has now been dropped.

Interestingly, John Killer from the Oregonian also wrote that Sarah “spent her final semester working as an intern for the NBC affiliate KTUU in Anchorage.” Why is this so interesting? Because Sarah began her brief stint at KTUU in November or December of 1987. She worked first as an unpaid intern, then eventually did sportscasts on “a fill-in basis, mostly on weekends, for six more months.”
November 1987 was six months after Sarah claims to have grabbed her diploma and hightailed it back to Alaska and Todd. Yet on 22 January 1988, the Anchorage Daily News reported, “Sarah Heath will make her debut as a sportscaster the end of this month on KTUU, filing in for John Hernandez. Heath is a longtime resident of Alaska and a Wasilla High graduate who went to the University of Idaho."
It is important to note that the ADN lists Sarah as a “graduate” of Wasilla High but only says she “went” to the U of I. This is polite newspeak for “this person attended classes but did not actually receive a degree.” KTUU’s press release on Sarah Heath evidently did not list her as a graduate of the University of Idaho.

Since her time at KTUU, Sarah has in all likelihood never applied for a job that would require her to submit her college transcripts. We know that McCain’s vetting of Palin did not extend to an investigation of her college career, because according to Tania Thompson, spokeswoman for the University of Idaho, no one in the McCain campaign contacted the university.

palingates Sarah Palin s Crazy College Daze - A chronology of her College University years

Here is proof

Palin probably doesn't even have a degree. Her college years seem to be a bit sporadic and sketchy.....not enough to get her a degree and funny, she used to say she majored in "journalism" - and now it's "communications"...tsk, tsk, I think Ms Palin may be stretching reality a bit....maybe a lot!

For years, Sarah claimed she majored in journalism and minored in political science. She told the University of Idaho alumni magazine (Winter 2008) that she decided to pursue a journalism degree because it “combined her curiosity with her love of writing.” In Going Rogue, she tells us that she wanted to be a journalist as a child, and when she went off to college, “I planned on a political science minor because I loved studying U.S. history and government and knew poli sci would mesh well with a journalism major.”

Her Wikipedia page, which is maintained by Palin’s people, likewise now says she received a “bachelor’s degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism.” The claim of a minor in poli sci has now been dropped.

Interestingly, John Killer from the Oregonian also wrote that Sarah “spent her final semester working as an intern for the NBC affiliate KTUU in Anchorage.” Why is this so interesting? Because Sarah began her brief stint at KTUU in November or December of 1987. She worked first as an unpaid intern, then eventually did sportscasts on “a fill-in basis, mostly on weekends, for six more months.”
November 1987 was six months after Sarah claims to have grabbed her diploma and hightailed it back to Alaska and Todd. Yet on 22 January 1988, the Anchorage Daily News reported, “Sarah Heath will make her debut as a sportscaster the end of this month on KTUU, filing in for John Hernandez. Heath is a longtime resident of Alaska and a Wasilla High graduate who went to the University of Idaho."
It is important to note that the ADN lists Sarah as a “graduate” of Wasilla High but only says she “went” to the U of I. This is polite newspeak for “this person attended classes but did not actually receive a degree.” KTUU’s press release on Sarah Heath evidently did not list her as a graduate of the University of Idaho.

Since her time at KTUU, Sarah has in all likelihood never applied for a job that would require her to submit her college transcripts. We know that McCain’s vetting of Palin did not extend to an investigation of her college career, because according to Tania Thompson, spokeswoman for the University of Idaho, no one in the McCain campaign contacted the university.

palingates Sarah Palin s Crazy College Daze - A chronology of her College University years

Here is proof


She also did a couple of years here

Problem with the Hillary premise is that she's female. You Democrats will lead her on right up to the convention then dump her in favour of your minority-du-jour. Playing on her weakness resulting from that nasty bump on the noggin. But Democrats crapping on the differently-abled is SOP, so WTH.
Face it, the only thing Sarah "The Quitter" Palin's got going for her is that she's a MILF. While that may help her get extra tweets, it ain't gonna get her enough votes to move into 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue.
The main entrance to the (former) White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The servant's entrance is at 1400. She may have been saying a great deal more in a few words than The First Black Thug can manage in a dozen UN apology speeches.
The main entrance to the (former) White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The servant's entrance is at 1400. She may have been saying a great deal more in a few words than The First Black Thug can manage in a dozen UN apology speeches.

I see you are a proud grad of: Cracker U
Ah Gummo.....

Ummmmmm.....username ends in a vowel! That means an Italian. Ripe pickin's there!

Meanwhile, it's clear that one can take the boy out of Chicago but you can't take Chicago out of the boy. Chicago apparently is to Illinois as Wasilla is to Alaska.
The main entrance to the (former) White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The servant's entrance is at 1400. She may have been saying a great deal more in a few words than The First Black Thug can manage in a dozen UN apology speeches.
:yawn: Thats the best ad hom you got against the TWO-TERM, Democratic President? lol
Thats the best ad hom you got against the TWO-TERM, Democratic President? lol

You're stuck in 1950.

It's now a DEMOCRAT President, hardly "Democratic". True, a subtle distinction until you look beyond the streamlined spelling. No, it wasn't done because Democrat piccaninnies low native IQ - nor to help with the memory deficiencies that keep them from sounding words out when they're too long. It was simply to bring the name in line with the philosophy which no longer had anything democratic in the recipe.
I think it was very nice of the people who make those protective undergarments to rush out a special model for you Democrat Party adherents who are pissing yourself in fear at the prospect of a Plain presidency.

pissing in fear.jpg

Let's hear it for 'em!
The main entrance to the (former) White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The servant's entrance is at 1400. She may have been saying a great deal more in a few words than The First Black Thug can manage in a dozen UN apology speeches.

I see you are a proud grad of: Cracker U

They seem to have an excuse for every one of her blunders.......You can see Russia from Alaska, (if you stand at the top of a very tall building in a remote island), Paul Revere did warn the British, in a roundabout way - the British had to have heard those bells and shots, and 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue is the servant's entrance which is close enough, you are almost there, when you are at 1400 Pennsylvania Ave....:rolleyes:.....maybe she hopes to be a servant at the White House one day....:D

Forbes is usually very kind to conservatives, but regarding Palin, even Forbes draws the line.

Sarah Palin - Paul Revere Warned...The British - Forbes

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