Let's face it. Hiring Chris Rock as host is Hollywood's way of trying to wash away the embarrassment they feel about not nominating the politically-correct quota of blacks to the awards. There has been tons of accusations of racism, and do you even think for a moment that a smart-ass like Christ Rock is going to go 3 hours without making a political statement designed to make fun of white people in general, much less the Hollywood elite?
Small chance of that.
If you think you've heard the phrase "White Privilege" too much, get ready. Because I expect most of the jokes Chris Rock will do will be about just that.
And if you thought Beyonce's tasteless half-time show was bad, get ready for more of the same.
They will be accused of tokenism and everything else in the book. It may get so bad that many of the mindless elite will grow tired of it and just walk out.
I think that will be the only reason to watch this boring broadcast. To she Hollywood Democrats taking it on the chin and not being able to do anything about it.
Chris Rock was once a 'risky' choice as Oscars host, but everybody's listening now