Media Got Your Tongue?


Sep 23, 2010
Free speech, the idea of it—just the idea—came into our world consciousness about 3500 years ago as part of the ethic that was revealed at Mount Sinai. Our ethic, today. But it was during the time of the prophet Jeremiah, approximately 2600 years ago, that we were reminded of the importance of free speech and the need to protect the messenger from those who wished to prevent the missive from being shared.

I have great trouble believing that we are living in a world where the idea of killing the messenger still prevails. And I am not talking about the usual suspects, the Muslim countries; Russia; China; North Korea. I am talking about the West.​

What happened to free speech?
By Diane Weber Bederman
February 28, 2016

What happened to free speech?

The answer to Bederman’s title question is a pushover. It ain’t the cat. The government’s media stole it:

Under my suggested change the press would still enjoy freedom of speech like the rest of us. More to the point, the press would have to defend freedom of speech as a matter of self-interest instead of only defending press protection while feeding everybody else to Democrat wolves.​


Note that it was print press not TELEVISION that broke this story:

A few weeks after Senator Marco Rubio joined a bipartisan push for an immigration overhaul in 2013, he arrived alongside Senator Chuck Schumer at the executive dining room of News Corporation’s Manhattan headquarters for dinner.

Their mission was to persuade Rupert Murdoch, the owner of the media empire, and Roger Ailes, the chairman and chief executive of its Fox News division, to keep the network’s on-air personalities from savaging the legislation and give it a fighting chance at survival.​

And surprise, surprise. Bill O’Reilly sucked up to everybody in sight:

The Fox anchors Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly became more supportive.​

Marco Rubio Pushed for Immigration Reform With Conservative Media
FEB. 27, 2016

Read Horowitz’s exposé and you will begin to understand why Rush said this:

Rush Limbaugh: ‘I Really Like’ Marco Rubio
by Charlie Spiering
2 Feb 2016

Rush Limbaugh: ‘I Really Like’ Marco Rubio - Breitbart

Nothing is more politically painful than seeing a trusted conservative cave in. Worse still is losing faith in the intelligence of people you respect. I will never understand why Rush fell for Rubio’s line of garbage. Rubio fooled Phyllis Schlafly when he was running for the US Senate. She wised up to him after he got there, but apparently Rush did not.

Schlafly pulls back veil on Rubio's open-borders record
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/08/2016 @ 7:53 pm

Schlafly pulls back veil on Rubio’s open-borders record

Finally, image what would happen to freedom of speech if:

1. The Fairness Doctrine was still being enforced.

2. No Social Media —— the only place where freedom of speech FOR EVERYONE hangs on.

Finally, imagine what would happen to freedom of speech if:

1. The Fairness Doctrine was still being enforced.
Media liberals always enforce their own UNFAIRNESS DOCTRINE by practicing OMISSION, outright doublespeak, and misdirection. They simply did not publish or broadcast anything that exposed the fraud that liberalism is.

Liberals have an attitude that says: I am not going to make your case for you. Their behavior is fair game in a debate, but they do not debate. Look closely and you will see that liberals are determined to finds ways to make you listen to their garbage when they cannot shut you up. The crime is that they always got away with it by using tax deductible advertising dollars.

Frankly, I know nothing about Facebook. But from what I read yesterday and this morning El Rushbo has it right:

Fakebook-Limbaugh-site.jpg posted this “Fakebook” image on May 9 after news broke of the site allegedly censoring conservative news

Talk-radio giant Rush Limbaugh wants to know: Why is everyone so surprised that Facebook actively censors conservative news?


“In other words, if it was dull, if it was dead news, if it wasn’t trending, if it wasn’t spreading through the user base, the curators would put it in there anyway to advance the leftist agenda and harm the conservative agenda,” Limbaugh said. “Does this cause surprise, anybody? Now, I know it makes you mad, but does it come as a surprise?”

Limbaugh blows lid off 'Fakebook' censorship 'surprise'
Posted By Chelsea Schilling On 05/09/2016 @ 9:08 pm

Limbaugh blows lid off ‘Fakebook’ censorship ‘surprise’
Talk-radio giant Rush Limbaugh wants to know: Why is everyone so surprised that Facebook actively censors conservative news?
My gal Judi takes it further:

The truth isn’t trending on the Internet anymore but the trolls are still riding shotgun.

The ‘truth’ has become whatever Facebook and Google trend it to be. Pretending to ‘like’ and ‘Friend’ you (Facebook) and to ‘do no evil ‘ (Google), the deadly duo hijacked the Information Highway leaving all truth seekers stranded along the way.​

Conservative news sites will overcome Facebook & Google suppression
By Judi McLeod
May 15, 2016

Conservative news sites will overcome Facebook & Google suppression

I could not help noticing that the government is less concerned about Facebook than it is about message boards —— truth’s crazy uncle living in the attic. I guess it has something to do with a fear of freedom of speech:

Altering the First Amendment is about abolishing FREEDOM OF SPEECH ON THE INTERNET. Eliminating freedom of speech on the Internet has been the goal since then-First Lady Hillary Clinton called for an Internet gatekeeper.
I consider myself fairly well-informed on the media-education-entertainment complex. I admit that I have not paid much attention to the Google flap. The latest from Judi tells me I may have to add Google to the Left's propaganda complex:

Google’s digital wall will make Hillary Clinton inevitable as next president
By Judi McLeod
June 12, 2016

Google’s digital wall will make Hillary Clinton inevitable as next president

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