The Origin of Life by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith

Boilerplate Christian fundamentalism.

Did you watch the whole video?

I didn’t watch the whole video. I hope you understand but with Thanksgiving coming up, I didn’t have time to sit through it.

That aside, I did skip around and I have to tell you honestly that there is nothing that I saw which wasn’t already addressed by a hundred other Christian ministries.

The video appeared to me designed to appeal to a narrow and specific audience, already ripe for the picking. The producers of these videos (often fundamentalist creation ministries), can take "quotes", images, collections of TV newsreels and snippets of out of context comments and combine it all into an infomercial to send the message "the gawds did it".

I know exactly why Mr. Smith and his contemporaries never, ever, submit their material for peer-review by the relevant science community.

Why do you think that is?

I have his books. They are scientific and it actually takes me a while to read them because I have to stop and understand what he is saying. There is no scripture in them so he comes off as a rational human being.

I listened to his 90 minute talk on YouTube and he sounds intelligent and rational. He only gave reference to one Bible verse and that was about thinking and how you have to think right thoughts but his audience was probably a church and the reference was at the end.

He worked for a pharmaceutical company and he is a bright man.

It comes to my attention through his talk that life wasn't by chance so therefore I believe that I'm not going to ever told the whole truth by people who believe in evolution.

What you have to overcome is my belief I am being lied to, I am being bullied by people by superior people who won't allow debate or people to be free thinkers because they are being discriminated against if they hold other opinions. Until you overcome this, you and others can claim anything you want and bully us as much as you want by claiming your crowd is peer reviewed, went to college, have superior degrees. Good for you. But it ignores that I know I'm not being told the truth.

This is what you have to overcome if you want to talk to you because I'm not buying it. I don't wish to have arguments or ad hominen attacks. I'd rather have us concentrate on the issue. Everything else is huffing and puffing because I believe they are ignoring the issue that I believe I'm being lied to. I want the truth and I believe I have already found it.

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I have his books. They are scientific and it actually takes me a while to read them because I have to stop and understand what he is saying. There is no scripture in them so he comes off as a rational human being.

I listened to his 90 minute talk on YouTube and he sounds intelligent and rational. He only gave reference to one Bible verse and that was about thinking and how you have to think right thoughts but his audience was probably a church and the reference was at the end.

He worked for a pharmaceutical company and he is a bright man.

It comes to my attention through his talk that life wasn't by chance so therefore I believe that I'm not going to ever told the whole truth by people who believe in evolution.

What you have to overcome is my belief I am being lied to, I am being bullied by people by superior people who won't allow debate or people to be free thinkers because they are being discriminated against if they hold other opinions. Until you overcome this, you and others can claim anything you want and bully us as much as you want by claiming your crowd is peer reviewed, went to college, have superior degrees. Good for you. But it ignores that I know I'm not being told the truth.

This is what you have to overcome if you want to talk to you because I'm not buying it. I don't wish to have arguments or ad hominen attacks. I'd rather have us concentrate on the issue. Everything else is huffing and puffing because I believe they are ignoring the issue that I believe I'm being lied to. I want the truth and I believe I have already found it.


Thanks for your comments, Chuck.

As to M. Smith’s comments, I can’t get past the inability of Creationists to publish their work / hypotheses in peer reviewed scientific journals. I know why this is, and it seems it will always be that creationism must be taken on “faith” as opposed to repeatable results.

I'll be accused of "religion-bashing" by some more than likely, of being "prideful and vain" by pointing these things out, but it comes down to infinitely more than "what is more likely", so consider the following:

A god, (one version of one partisan god), created existence in only 6 days, but did so in such a way to make it look immensely old and left massive clues to support that belief... and this god put forth a test to only two humans without (at least in terms of the Judeo-Christian god) giving them either the ability to make a considered choice nor did he bother to tell them the consequences would extend to every person born after them... and this god then inspired a book but did not allow the original to last in case the condemned-to damnation humans worship those texts... and allowed copies of copies to multiply so that huge civilizations would clash with one another over interpretations... and this god then comes down to earth as a human to act as a mediator to experience human weakness and pain and sin that he created in the first place anyway, and he's letting billions upon billions of people suffer thusly and choose eternal damnation on an ongoing basis in order to satisfy this need to experience the aforementioned... and finally in a climactic battle wherein agony and suffering will spread over the globe this god will battle his nemesis that he himself created and could blink to make disappear if he really wanted to...


Existence is natural, patterns form out of the exchange of energy, life evolved in some places, competition for that life implemented social structures, sentience ignited that social structure to a more and more complicated degree... and allowed for technology to extend the perceptions of humans to further and further reaches, chipping away at old, perhaps poetic and elegant but nonetheless outdated beliefs created by a ruling class that knew the power of ignorance and fear in people made them vastly more controllable?

Just a side note - we see stars forming today by the way, in the Pleiades-- various stages of stars being formed are quite visible. Knowing the speed of light one can measure distances, showing billions of years is required to establish the size and distances we see.

When you look at the very deepest foundation of the entire doctrine, when you go to the theological reason the various books were written, you are left with this conclusion the texts tell us over and over:

Ignorance is bliss

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