The Orange Baby cries yet again.............................

.....bitching about injustice is wrong??? it's the same with him--all the LIES and bullshit from the MSM

How is his wife not being on the cover of fashion magazines an "injustice"?
hahahhahahahahahahaha's like since 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!! the MSM has been fking over Mr Trump--HATING him/etc
..same with whites = the MSM only tells ONE side of the story--and even that is not the truth

Quick question, how does Trump's wife not being on the cover of a magazine reflect badly on him? If you are married, do people hate you because of the way your wife looks? I'm guessing that if they don't like you, it's because of YOUR behavior, and not that of your wife.
-----it's just MORE proof the MSM is biased against him and they gave Obama BIG TIME passes on all his shit = hating whites/cops/America--which I've linked many times
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

He is correct. Why wouldn't you say something negative about that issue since the media/entertainment industry is 95% controlled by Prog Socialist interests. What they did was disgraceful. She had plenty to offer from her ethnic background and the culture she was born in Eastern Europe. After all. We are all supposed to uplift cultures. She was just not in the agendas.
.....bitching about injustice is wrong??? it's the same with him--all the LIES and bullshit from the MSM

How is his wife not being on the cover of fashion magazines an "injustice"?
hahahhahahahahahahaha's like since 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!! the MSM has been fking over Mr Trump--HATING him/etc
..same with whites = the MSM only tells ONE side of the story--and even that is not the truth

Quick question, how does Trump's wife not being on the cover of a magazine reflect badly on him? If you are married, do people hate you because of the way your wife looks? I'm guessing that if they don't like you, it's because of YOUR behavior, and not that of your wife.

well ya gotta figure Melania Krauss Trump never wanted to be in the political limelight in the first place Biker

Rumor was, it took hours for Bannon & Trump to console her after their 'hail mary' win in '16

Dibs she leaves him less than a year outta office too

She made headlines in the first few months when she visited that one location without Donald. Then she just hid herself away from the spotlight except for the times they met foreign dignitaries or walking together for photo ops Otherwise she was seen but not heard. With stormy in the news she kept a low profile. Then there was the COVID - 19 issues which I am sure she was not to happy about. We know where she got it from. She has definitely kept a low profile. Still I guessing that she is happy now.


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.....bitching about injustice is wrong??? it's the same with him--all the LIES and bullshit from the MSM

How is his wife not being on the cover of fashion magazines an "injustice"?
hahahhahahahahahahaha's like since 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!! the MSM has been fking over Mr Trump--HATING him/etc
..same with whites = the MSM only tells ONE side of the story--and even that is not the truth

Quick question, how does Trump's wife not being on the cover of a magazine reflect badly on him? If you are married, do people hate you because of the way your wife looks? I'm guessing that if they don't like you, it's because of YOUR behavior, and not that of your wife.
-----it's just MORE proof the MSM is biased against him and they gave Obama BIG TIME passes on all his shit = hating whites/cops/America--which I've linked many times
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

He is correct. Why wouldn't you say something negative about that issue since the media/entertainment industry is 95% controlled by Prog Socialist interests. What they did was disgraceful. She had plenty to offer from her ethnic background and the culture she was born in Eastern Europe. After all. We are all supposed to uplift cultures. She was just not in the agendas.

Sorry, but if she's not on the cover of magazines, it's because of her, not because of her husband. She's done her best to stay out of the limelight, so why is "the Donald" trying to push her into it? I'm guessing it's because of his ego, not hers.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

yes, put an ugly black tranny on the cover of fashion magazines, but dont put the hot 1st lady on. Just shows how fucked up fashion magazines have become....

Actually it just shows how racist dumb asses like you are. See Mrs. Obama has NATURAL beauty, she doesn't need plastic surgery, tucks, pulls, etc. like some other folks do.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

View attachment 434486

A real first lady actually doing something physical, not like the plastic surgery doll who is afraid to move.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

yes, put an ugly black tranny on the cover of fashion magazines, but dont put the hot 1st lady on. Just shows how fucked up fashion magazines have become....

Actually it just shows how racist dumb asses like you are. See Mrs. Obama has NATURAL beauty, she doesn't need plastic surgery, tucks, pulls, etc. like some other folks do.
Big Mike obama has a natural. That's as far as it goes. If you saw that picture of the pudge kayaking in Hawaii you know. She or he whichever would benefit from plastic surgery on that lower jaw. It juts like an orc.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

Trump has done hundreds of things to help the country and yet here you are playing games.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

The fact is Donald Trump is a spoiled child, and has not grown beyond the mental age of a three year old.
Trump is a Liberal?!
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

Trump has done hundreds of things to help the country and yet here you are playing games.

Bullshit. Trump has done nothing to help this country, only himself and his rich cronies. Wanna talk about the checks that are still yet to be released? How about his failed response to COVID 19?

And no, I'm not playing games, I'm simply commenting on the childish antics of the current president, and how he's butt hurt that his old lady hasn't been on the covers of any magazines. Trump has Obama envy. Obama had a larger crowd at his inauguration (even though the Cheeto in Chief claims otherwise), and his wife has been on more magazine covers. Guess Trump is feeling more than a bit inadequate, and that is even after Stormy Daniels said his penis was a mushroom.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

Trump has done hundreds of things to help the country and yet here you are playing games.

Bullshit. Trump has done nothing to help this country, only himself and his rich cronies. Wanna talk about the checks that are still yet to be released? How about his failed response to COVID 19?

And no, I'm not playing games, I'm simply commenting on the childish antics of the current president, and how he's butt hurt that his old lady hasn't been on the covers of any magazines. Trump has Obama envy. Obama had a larger crowd at his inauguration (even though the Cheeto in Chief claims otherwise), and his wife has been on more magazine covers. Guess Trump is feeling more than a bit inadequate, and that is even after Stormy Daniels said his penis was a mushroom.
Your post says it're a hateful, Liberal asshole.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

Trump has done hundreds of things to help the country and yet here you are playing games.

Bullshit. Trump has done nothing to help this country, only himself and his rich cronies. Wanna talk about the checks that are still yet to be released? How about his failed response to COVID 19?

And no, I'm not playing games, I'm simply commenting on the childish antics of the current president, and how he's butt hurt that his old lady hasn't been on the covers of any magazines. Trump has Obama envy. Obama had a larger crowd at his inauguration (even though the Cheeto in Chief claims otherwise), and his wife has been on more magazine covers. Guess Trump is feeling more than a bit inadequate, and that is even after Stormy Daniels said his penis was a mushroom.
Your post says it're a hateful, Liberal asshole.

Call me a hateful Liberal asshole if that makes you feel better. Trump is still the worst president that this country has ever seen. All he cares about is himself and playing golf, he has no interest in actually leading this country, all Trump is interested in is the trappings of office which he uses to feed his ego. He's spent more time at rallies getting his ego fed than any other president. He's also done less than any other as well.
The trumps got all that they were due after the electoral college forced them on us: the White House, the planes, the limos, the chefs, the whole nine yards. We let their motocades pass. They got to go on overseas trips. They got to spend our money hand over fist. The right-wingers seem to be aggrieved because Americans have not worshipped them as icons or royalty, but there is no entitlement to this. What the hell were the right-wingers expecting?
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.

Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.


You're right I Let Charles Go Into Me, Trump is my president, but he's a crappy one, and one of the worst I've ever seen.
Not surprising, but Trump finds something else to bitch about....................he's currently pissed that Melania hasn't been on the cover of fashion magazines during his 4 years as president, while Michelle Obama has been on covers 12 times. Can this idiot get any more pathetic?'s an idea............instead of bitching about how badly he and his family have been treated by the public media, how about actually trying to do something for the country? All he can do is say how badly he's been treated, while doing more stuff to show how inept he is.


You're right I Let Charles Go Into Me, Trump is my president, but he's a crappy one, and one of the worst I've ever seen.
You must have forgotten Jimmy Carter and the Circus Reject from Kenya, Obama!

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