The only reason why Republican voters believe there is rampant voter fraud is because republicans in office or Trump told them there is. That’s it.


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
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All the court cases challenging the 2020 election have been dismissed because of a lack of evidence.

The conservative Heritage Foundation inadvertently proved this as well by showing only 1300 cases of voter fraud occurred over FOUR DECADES.

Meanwhile, actual Trump supporters committed voter fraud in 2020. 3 did so on one community.

Voter fraud is statistically very rare but republicans can’t handle the truth. Republicans simply believe anything Trump tells them.
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All the court cases challenging the 2020 election have been dismissed because of a lack of evidence.

The Heritage Foundation inadvertently proved this as well by showing only 1300 cases of voter fraud occurred over FOUR DECADES.

Meanwhile, actual Trump supporters committed voter fraud in 2020. 3 did so on one community.

Voter fraud is statistically very rare but republicans can’t handle the truth. Republicans simply believe anything Trump tells them.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

All the court cases challenging the 2020 election have been dismissed because of a lack of evidence.

The Heritage Foundation inadvertently proved this as well by showing only 1300 cases of voter fraud occurred over FOUR DECADES.

Meanwhile, actual Trump supporters committed voter fraud in 2020. 3 did so on one community.

Voter fraud is statistically very rare but republicans can’t handle the truth. Republicans simply believe anything Trump tells them.
Numerous studies have shown that if you repeat something three times, about half of all people will bleev it no matter how stupid or untruthful it is.

Like this:

“Make no mistake,” (one!)
the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)

"I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

Numerous studies have shown that if you repeat something three times, about half of all people will bleev it no matter how stupid or untruthful it is.

Like this:

“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)

"I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

The WP is not the source for anything political. They are proven liars with an obvious agenda.

Repetition can affect beliefs about truth. People tend to perceive claims as truer if they have been exposed to them before. This is known as the illusory truth effect, and it helps explain why advertisements and propaganda work, and also why people believe fake news to be true. Although a large number of studies have shown that the illusory truth effect occurs, very little research has used more than three repetitions. However, in the real world, claims are often encountered at much higher repetition rates.

Repetition can affect beliefs about truth. People tend to perceive claims as truer if they have been exposed to them before. This is known as the illusory truth effect, and it helps explain why advertisements and propaganda work, and also why people believe fake news to be true. Although a large number of studies have shown that the illusory truth effect occurs, very little research has used more than three repetitions. However, in the real world, claims are often encountered at much higher repetition rates.
You are the people perpetuating lies through repetition. Thanks for the obvious projection.
Or perhaps, unlike little, other people have an ability and willingness to contemplate actual evidence.

Sure sure, LOL,

USA Today provided the conventional assessment of those challenges: “Out of the 62 lawsuits filed challenging the presidential election, 61 have failed,” and “decisions have came [sic] from both Democratic-appointed and Republican-appointed judges.” (In fact, most of the judges were elected state judges.)

One victory out of 62 cases is about a 1.5% win rate. Looked at differently, as I do in this post, Trump performed slightly better. This post examines all judicial decisions in the cases, not just the cases’ ultimate outcomes. A case might produce an initial decision in a trial court, another set of votes on appeal to a multi-judge intermediate appellate court, and a final set of votes on appeal to the jurisdiction’s multi-judge supreme court—one case, but perhaps over 10 separate judicial votes. By that measure, 14% of judges’ individual decisions or votes—18% in state cases only—were favorable to Trump.

You mean like this?
"vaccinated people cant spread covid?"
All of you rubues are the exact same.
Which is the more fantastic lie:

"Vaccinated people can't spread Covid."

"Covid is a hoax."

"The Covid vaccine changes your DNA."

"The Covid vaccine makes you magnetic."

"Masks don't work."

"The Covid vaccine contains a tracking chip by Bill Gates."

There is misinformation, and then there is mass produced propaganda.

That last one, by the way, always cracks me up. For several reasons. First, why not put the tracking chip in the flu vaccine all these years? Second, just how small do these tards think a tracking chip is? Third, the government can already track your phone.

Repeated information is often perceived as more truthful than new information. This finding is known as the illusory truth effect, and it is typically thought to occur because repetition increases processing fluency. Because fluency and truth are frequently correlated in the real world, people learn to use processing fluency as a marker for truthfulness.

Which is the more fantastic lie:

"Vaccinated people can't spread Covid."

"Covid is a hoax."

"The Covid vaccine changes your DNA."

"The Covid vaccine makes you magnetic."

"Masks don't work."

"The Covid vaccine contains a tracking chip by Bill Gates."

There is misinformation, and then there is mass produced propaganda.

That last one, by the way, always cracks me up. For several reasons. First, why not put the tracking chip in the flu vaccine all these years? Second, just how small do these tards think a tracking chip is? Third, the government can already track your phone.
The first one shaped policy that affected millions of people, negatively. The rest didnt. So, what do you think?
All the court cases challenging the 2020 election have been dismissed because of a lack of evidence.

The Heritage Foundation inadvertently proved this as well by showing only 1300 cases of voter fraud occurred over FOUR DECADES.

Meanwhile, actual Trump supporters committed voter fraud in 2020. 3 did so on one community.

Voter fraud is statistically very rare but republicans can’t handle the truth. Republicans simply believe anything Trump tells them.
Yep, being that fascism is what runs the Republican Party, it's a rigid top-down leadership, coming directly from the obergruppenführer, right on down to the lemmings you see here on USMB.

What he says, goes, and no questions are asked.
Sure sure, LOL,

USA Today provided the conventional assessment of those challenges: “Out of the 62 lawsuits filed challenging the presidential election, 61 have failed,” and “decisions have came [sic] from both Democratic-appointed and Republican-appointed judges.” (In fact, most of the judges were elected state judges.)

One victory out of 62 cases is about a 1.5% win rate. Looked at differently, as I do in this post, Trump performed slightly better. This post examines all judicial decisions in the cases, not just the cases’ ultimate outcomes. A case might produce an initial decision in a trial court, another set of votes on appeal to a multi-judge intermediate appellate court, and a final set of votes on appeal to the jurisdiction’s multi-judge supreme court—one case, but perhaps over 10 separate judicial votes. By that measure, 14% of judges’ individual decisions or votes—18% in state cases only—were favorable to Trump.

What are you worried about. Has that bullshit you just posted changed anyone's mind? No, no it has not, and never will. All it does is highlight how corrupt this country is.
Yep, being that fascism is what runs the Republican Party, it's a rigid top-down leadership, coming directly from the obergruppenführer, right on down to the lemmings you see here on USMB.

What he says, goes, and no questions are asked.
One thing Trump did that was fascist? One fascist policy of Trumps. I'll wait.
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Sure sure, LOL,

USA Today provided the conventional assessment of those challenges: “Out of the 62 lawsuits filed challenging the presidential election, 61 have failed,” and “decisions have came [sic] from both Democratic-appointed and Republican-appointed judges.” (In fact, most of the judges were elected state judges.)
Absolutely irrelevant. And you’re too stupid to comprehend why they are irrelevant.

If you file suit against Joe Blow for cheating at a big poker tournament, but the court tosses your case out on procedural grounds before you ever get to present a shred of evidence, that wouldn’t necessarily mean that Joe Blow hadn’t cheated at that tournament of that he hadn’t denied you of what would otherwise have been a huge win.

Your ongoing ignorance remains astounding.
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