The only difference between the Democrats and the Anti- Trumpers are


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
the Democrats didn't change their minds.
His history precedes his candidacy as evidenced by the numerous republicans that were anti tramp in the first place.

It also includes former Republicans who left the party due to their opposition to Trump and as well as Republicans who endorsed a different candidate. It includes Republican presidential primary election candidates that announced opposition to Trump as the nominee. Some of the Republicans on this list threw their support to Trump after he won the presidential election, while many of them continue to oppose Trump. Offices listed are those held at the time of the 2016 election.

Former U.S. presidents[edit]

Former President George H. W. Bush

Former President George W. Bush

· George H. W. Bush, President of the United States (1989–1993); Vice President of the United States (1981–1989) (voted for Hillary Clinton)[1][2][3]

· George W. Bush, President of the United States (2001–2009); Governor of Texas (1995–2000)[4]

Former 2016 Republican presidential primary candidates[edit]

All candidates signed a pledge to eventually support the party nominee. The following refused to honor it after Trump became the Republican presidential nominee.

Governor Jeb Bush

· Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida (1999–2007)[5]

· Mark Everson, Commissioner of Internal Revenue (2003–2007)[6]

· Carly Fiorina,[a] CEO of Hewlett-Packard (1999–2005); 2010 nominee for U.S. Senator from California[7] (originally endorsed Trump for the general election but called for Mike Pence to take his place as nominee after the Access Hollywood Tape surfaced)[8][9]

Senator Lindsey Graham

· Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina (2003–present) (voted for Evan McMullin)[10]

· John Kasich, Governor of Ohio (2011–2019); U.S. Representative from Ohio (1983–2001)[11] (wrote in John McCain)[12]

· George Pataki, Governor of New York (1995–2006)[13]


U.S. Senators[edit]

Arizona Senator and 2008 nominee for President John McCain


· Kelly Ayotte,[c] New Hampshire (2011–2017) (wrote in Mike Pence)[63]

· Susan Collins, Maine (1997–present)[64] (wrote in Paul Ryan)

· Jeff Flake, Arizona (2013–2019)[65][66] (voted for Evan McMullin)[67]

· Cory Gardner,[a] Colorado (2015–present) (wrote in Mike Pence)[68]

· Lindsey Graham,[a] South Carolina (2003–present)[69] (voted for Evan McMullin)[70]

· Dean Heller, Nevada (2011–2019)[71]

· Mike Lee, Utah (2011–present)[72] (voted for Evan McMullin)[73]

· Mark Kirk,[a] Illinois (2010–2017) (wrote in Colin Powell)[42]

· John McCain,[a] Arizona (1987–2018); 2008 nominee for President[74]

· Lisa Murkowski, Alaska (2002–present)[75]

· Rob Portman,[a] Ohio (2010–present); United States Trade Representative (2005–2006), Director of the Office of Management and Budget (2006–2007) (wrote in Mike Pence)[28]

· Ben Sasse, Nebraska (2015–present)[24][76]

· Dan Sullivan,[a] Alaska (2015–present) (wrote in Mike Pence)[77]

List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia


and the list goes on.
They GOP are so scared of tramp and his mouth and twitter finger, and being investigated by AG Barr they ask how high to jump.
the Democrats didn't change their minds.
His history precedes his candidacy as evidenced by the numerous republicans that were anti tramp in the first place.

It also includes former Republicans who left the party due to their opposition to Trump and as well as Republicans who endorsed a different candidate. It includes Republican presidential primary election candidates that announced opposition to Trump as the nominee. Some of the Republicans on this list threw their support to Trump after he won the presidential election, while many of them continue to oppose Trump. Offices listed are those held at the time of the 2016 election.

Former U.S. presidents[edit]

Former President George H. W. Bush

Former President George W. Bush

· George H. W. Bush, President of the United States (1989–1993); Vice President of the United States (1981–1989) (voted for Hillary Clinton)[1][2][3]

· George W. Bush, President of the United States (2001–2009); Governor of Texas (1995–2000)[4]

Former 2016 Republican presidential primary candidates[edit]

All candidates signed a pledge to eventually support the party nominee. The following refused to honor it after Trump became the Republican presidential nominee.

Governor Jeb Bush

· Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida (1999–2007)[5]

· Mark Everson, Commissioner of Internal Revenue (2003–2007)[6]

· Carly Fiorina,[a] CEO of Hewlett-Packard (1999–2005); 2010 nominee for U.S. Senator from California[7] (originally endorsed Trump for the general election but called for Mike Pence to take his place as nominee after the Access Hollywood Tape surfaced)[8][9]

Senator Lindsey Graham

· Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina (2003–present) (voted for Evan McMullin)[10]

· John Kasich, Governor of Ohio (2011–2019); U.S. Representative from Ohio (1983–2001)[11] (wrote in John McCain)[12]

· George Pataki, Governor of New York (1995–2006)[13]


U.S. Senators[edit]

Arizona Senator and 2008 nominee for President John McCain


· Kelly Ayotte,[c] New Hampshire (2011–2017) (wrote in Mike Pence)[63]

· Susan Collins, Maine (1997–present)[64] (wrote in Paul Ryan)

· Jeff Flake, Arizona (2013–2019)[65][66] (voted for Evan McMullin)[67]

· Cory Gardner,[a] Colorado (2015–present) (wrote in Mike Pence)[68]

· Lindsey Graham,[a] South Carolina (2003–present)[69] (voted for Evan McMullin)[70]

· Dean Heller, Nevada (2011–2019)[71]

· Mike Lee, Utah (2011–present)[72] (voted for Evan McMullin)[73]

· Mark Kirk,[a] Illinois (2010–2017) (wrote in Colin Powell)[42]

· John McCain,[a] Arizona (1987–2018); 2008 nominee for President[74]

· Lisa Murkowski, Alaska (2002–present)[75]

· Rob Portman,[a] Ohio (2010–present); United States Trade Representative (2005–2006), Director of the Office of Management and Budget (2006–2007) (wrote in Mike Pence)[28]

· Ben Sasse, Nebraska (2015–present)[24][76]

· Dan Sullivan,[a] Alaska (2015–present) (wrote in Mike Pence)[77]

List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia


and the list goes on.
They GOP are so scared of tramp and his mouth and twitter finger, and being investigated by AG Barr they ask how high to jump.

If Donte were alive, he could write about another plane of Hell and it would star DJRump as it's leading character. There is a huge difference between the Dems and us Republicans that are against Rump. The Dems want the power. We only want the power of Rump gone. If it means a Dem to get the power temporarily then that's you Party of the Rumps decision. But Rump has to go. And we are being very vigil about it and point out the "False" Patriots. So sleep wall, all, I am standing vigil over your safety.

Democrats did not change their mind?

Why then do they have so much difficulty deciding between a liberal and a socialist?
"I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute. I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you like this guy...Here's what you're buying. He's a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesn't represent my party. He doesn't represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for."

"He doesn't have the temperament or judgement to control himself when he gets mad. This is kook land."

"I'm not gonna try to get into the mind of Donald Trump, because there's not a whole lot of space there. I think he's a kook.
I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office. I'm a Republican, he's not. He's not a conservative Republican. He's an opportunist."


Rick Perry just gave an epic speech raging against Donald Trump and comparing him to a 'cancer'

Perry, who has repeatedly denounced Trump in recent weeks, prepared a more than 3,000-word speech to blast the rival Republican presidential candidate in the harshest terms on Wednesday — even comparing him to a "cancer" and "false prophets."

"Let no one be mistaken – Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded," Perry said, according to a transcript of his prepared remarks. "It cannot be pacified or ignored, for it will destroy a set of principles that has lifted more people out of poverty than any force in the history of the civilized world – the cause of conservatism."

Rick Perry is going to war with Donald Trump's 'nonsense'

"I have a message for my fellow Republicans and the independents who will be voting in the primary process: what Mr. Trump is offering is not conservatism, it is Trump-ism – a toxic mix of demagoguery and nonsense," Perry quipped.


Rick Perry tells Donald Trump: 'You really are the chosen one'

“And I shared it with him, I said, ‘Mr President, I know there are people that say, y’know, ‘You said you were the chosen one.’ And, I said: ‘You were.’
Trumptards have thrown every belief they ever claimed to have right out the window in their zeal for a false prophet.

They have shown themselves to be the hypocrites they always have been.
Hillary would have been SO much better. (rolling eyes) You people are idiots.
Hillary would have been SO much better. (rolling eyes) You people are idiots.

newsflash: Binky, Hillary was last seen at a quilting bee. It ain't about Hillary. Nice, "Hey, look over there" from you.

Don't be any more stupid than you already are, the choice Hitlary and Rump in the general.

Wow, what a powerful response. Now I can die knowing......Hell, I ain't ready to die. Got too much time to make you look like the idjit you really are. Now, let's get back to Rump, todays Republicans and Democrats.
Hillary would have been SO much better. (rolling eyes) You people are idiots.

newsflash: Binky, Hillary was last seen at a quilting bee. It ain't about Hillary. Nice, "Hey, look over there" from you.

Don't be any more stupid than you already are, the choice Hitlary and Rump in the general.

Wow, what a powerful response. Now I can die knowing......Hell, I ain't ready to die. Got too much time to make you look like the idjit you really are. Now, let's get back to Rump, todays Republicans and Democrats.

Translation: Lets get back to how much I love liberals and claim to be an R.
Trumptards have thrown every belief they ever claimed to have right out the window in their zeal for a false prophet.

They have shown themselves to be the hypocrites they always have been.

Lib tears and rage equal TDS. Get some help.

You leave out the Republicans that must also be inflicted with TDS. Put all the groups together, according to you, it's an epidemic. And the inflicted far outweigh the Rumpers.

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