The Olympic Gymnastic Session is Racist!!!

Whites can't compete hence white people need a system of injustice in order to compete
I can't wait for the first black Tom Brady to come out of hiding. He probably hasn't even been born yet.

And just remember Simone is an African American. That means her ancestors were slaves. We put the biggest most athletic women together with the most athletic men. There is no Simone in Africa. She's a product of America. Similar to Serena Williams. She's the product of selective breeding.

In the sketch, Leslie Jones contrasts her dating woes as a strong, tall, dark-skinned black woman – supposedly deemed unattractive by American pop cultural standards – with the practice of forced slave breeding in the pre-emancipation South. Jones's point was that her physical strength and intimidating profile would've been more of an asset were she amongst slaves

Not that I believe even that, but by your own admission you washed out after one whole semester. So, one semester over 25 years ago, and nothing else. Certainly nothing to justify childish boasting (to say the least).
You didn't make it all 4 years either did you weak knees. So anyone who wrestled all 4 years would call you a pussy.
Many of us love Jordan and Tyson and Tiger Woods. We loved Michael Jackson and Prince. I guess we love ourselves?

White people have never minded being entertained by black people. Even at the height of racism you still your Muhammad Ali's, Joe Louis, Sammy Davis Jnr.

As long white people don't feel threaten by black people.

I strongly suspect that Michael Jackson was murdered he was trying to build a black music publishing house that would draw all the major black artists to them, .

Sam Cooke – Tupac Shakur – Notorious BIG and Michael Jackson and any other black person who tries to separate themselves from the majors has to be exterminated.

The only person who escaped this control is Prince.

Why do you think Prince was banned from the music industry, banned from radio play and video play ?

That’s why you didn't see him that for the past 15 years. He sold his music online and that's why he was killed. And who do you think own's Prince catalogue ? Not black people.

No hip-hop artist you can name owns distribution. If white people decided they were not going to distribute any hip hop artists you can name. You’d never hear from them again. And before you think that’s impossible, Prince was much bigger artist than Puffy, Drake, Jay Z or 50 cent but they silenced him.

Tiger Woods ? Well his problem was that he tried to be a black playboy. There are no black playboy's in Hollywood or on the celebrity circuit. You won't find a black Leonardo Di Caprio or a black Charlie Sheen, that is black men who are running round like dogs on heat banging banging white woman on mass.

That's why all the major black stars in Hollywood are married (The Rock, Idris Elba, Samuel L Jackson, Denzel Washington) white men are very insecure of black masculinity and Tiger learned the hard way.

As for Micheal Jordan ? There is a reason why Trump said he “liked Mike”. He was aware that Michael Jordan knows how NOT to come across as “uppity”. He knows Jordan is one of the “good ones” who won’t ruffle massa’s feathers. Jordan just released this NON-statement
I can't wait for the first black Tom Brady to come out of hiding. He probably hasn't even been born yet.

Tom brady is white people Rocky Marciano lol

And just remember Simone is an African American. That means her ancestors were slaves. We put the biggest most athletic women together with the most athletic men. There is no Simone in Africa. She's a product of America. Similar to Serena Williams. She's the product of selective breeding.

I wish you white supremacist would make up your mind. The original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler thought his white Ayrans would dominate the sprints and athletics


But due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.


So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent

Basketball is a white and non black sport in the main. It's just that AA's are the best at it

So yeah you’ll find that 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together.

Well in that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions.

That don't. Why ?

As you can see in the world rankings, there is not a majority black nation that makes the top 30


But if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ?

They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and strength go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Why is every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a Caucasian ?
  • Why are all strong man comps won by whites ?
  • Why are all all championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

There are actually very good reasons why track and field and boxing events are dominated the way they are; because that's who trains and competes in them. Boxing is generally for people who have limited opportunities. Racism limits your opportunities.

And yes Africans have been ahead of the rest of the world in long distance training methods for thirty years; it's no surprise they dominate the competitions.

If people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion sprinters and a different group of people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion marathon runners and both are alleged to be part of some specific "race" you have just argued against sprinting or distance running as being a "racial" characteristic. Since the two groups you tried to put into one "race" have contradictory abilities.

Most black athletes who grew up in poverty thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. high social/cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth in professional ranks.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be logged playing and practicing with your peers in the streets, and the rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on. You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to be good at hockey. polo, sync swimming, surfing and ice skating.
In the sketch, Leslie Jones contrasts her dating woes as a strong, tall, dark-skinned black woman – supposedly deemed unattractive by American pop cultural standards – with the practice of forced slave breeding in the pre-emancipation South. Jones's point was that her physical strength and intimidating profile would've been more of an asset were she amongst slaves

OK. And your point is ?
Many of us love Jordan and Tyson and Tiger Woods. We loved Michael Jackson and Prince. I guess we love ourselves?

White people have never minded being entertained by black people. Even at the height of racism you still your Muhammad Ali's, Joe Louis, Sammy Davis Jnr.

As long white people don't feel threaten by black people.

I strongly suspect that Michael Jackson was murdered he was trying to build a black music publishing house that would draw all the major black artists to them, .

Sam Cooke – Tupac Shakur – Notorious BIG and Michael Jackson and any other black person who tries to separate themselves from the majors has to be exterminated.

The only person who escaped this control is Prince.

Why do you think Prince was banned from the music industry, banned from radio play and video play ?

That’s why you didn't see him that for the past 15 years. He sold his music online and that's why he was killed. And who do you think own's Prince catalogue ? Not black people.

No hip-hop artist you can name owns distribution. If white people decided they were not going to distribute any hip hop artists you can name. You’d never hear from them again. And before you think that’s impossible, Prince was much bigger artist than Puffy, Drake, Jay Z or 50 cent but they silenced him.

Tiger Woods ? Well his problem was that he tried to be a black playboy. There are no black playboy's in Hollywood or on the celebrity circuit. You won't find a black Leonardo Di Caprio or a black Charlie Sheen, that is black men who are running round like dogs on heat banging banging white woman on mass.

That's why all the major black stars in Hollywood are married (The Rock, Idris Elba, Samuel L Jackson, Denzel Washington) white men are very insecure of black masculinity and Tiger learned the hard way.

As for Micheal Jordan ? There is a reason why Trump said he “liked Mike”. He was aware that Michael Jordan knows how NOT to come across as “uppity”. He knows Jordan is one of the “good ones” who won’t ruffle massa’s feathers. Jordan just released this NON-statement
The dead celebrities were not killed by white people.
Many of us love Jordan and Tyson and Tiger Woods. We loved Michael Jackson and Prince. I guess we love ourselves?

White people have never minded being entertained by black people. Even at the height of racism you still your Muhammad Ali's, Joe Louis, Sammy Davis Jnr.

As long white people don't feel threaten by black people.

I strongly suspect that Michael Jackson was murdered he was trying to build a black music publishing house that would draw all the major black artists to them, .

Sam Cooke – Tupac Shakur – Notorious BIG and Michael Jackson and any other black person who tries to separate themselves from the majors has to be exterminated.

The only person who escaped this control is Prince.

Why do you think Prince was banned from the music industry, banned from radio play and video play ?

That’s why you didn't see him that for the past 15 years. He sold his music online and that's why he was killed. And who do you think own's Prince catalogue ? Not black people.

No hip-hop artist you can name owns distribution. If white people decided they were not going to distribute any hip hop artists you can name. You’d never hear from them again. And before you think that’s impossible, Prince was much bigger artist than Puffy, Drake, Jay Z or 50 cent but they silenced him.

Tiger Woods ? Well his problem was that he tried to be a black playboy. There are no black playboy's in Hollywood or on the celebrity circuit. You won't find a black Leonardo Di Caprio or a black Charlie Sheen, that is black men who are running round like dogs on heat banging banging white woman on mass.

That's why all the major black stars in Hollywood are married (The Rock, Idris Elba, Samuel L Jackson, Denzel Washington) white men are very insecure of black masculinity and Tiger learned the hard way.

As for Micheal Jordan ? There is a reason why Trump said he “liked Mike”. He was aware that Michael Jordan knows how NOT to come across as “uppity”. He knows Jordan is one of the “good ones” who won’t ruffle massa’s feathers. Jordan just released this NON-statement
Tiger would have been ok if he would have just stuck with black women.

But then again, Mike Tyson got taken down by a black woman who wanted to get paid.

What is your theory on OJ? Did we get him because he was abusing a white woman?
I can't wait for the first black Tom Brady to come out of hiding. He probably hasn't even been born yet.

Tom brady is white people Rocky Marciano lol

And just remember Simone is an African American. That means her ancestors were slaves. We put the biggest most athletic women together with the most athletic men. There is no Simone in Africa. She's a product of America. Similar to Serena Williams. She's the product of selective breeding.

I wish you white supremacist would make up your mind. The original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler thought his white Ayrans would dominate the sprints and athletics


But due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.


So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent

Basketball is a white and non black sport in the main. It's just that AA's are the best at it

So yeah you’ll find that 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together.

Well in that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions.

That don't. Why ?

As you can see in the world rankings, there is not a majority black nation that makes the top 30


But if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ?

They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and strength go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Why is every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a Caucasian ?
  • Why are all strong man comps won by whites ?
  • Why are all all championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

There are actually very good reasons why track and field and boxing events are dominated the way they are; because that's who trains and competes in them. Boxing is generally for people who have limited opportunities. Racism limits your opportunities.

And yes Africans have been ahead of the rest of the world in long distance training methods for thirty years; it's no surprise they dominate the competitions.

If people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion sprinters and a different group of people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion marathon runners and both are alleged to be part of some specific "race" you have just argued against sprinting or distance running as being a "racial" characteristic. Since the two groups you tried to put into one "race" have contradictory abilities.

Most black athletes who grew up in poverty thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. high social/cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth in professional ranks.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be logged playing and practicing with your peers in the streets, and the rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on. You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to be good at hockey. polo, sync swimming, surfing and ice skating.
In the sketch, Leslie Jones contrasts her dating woes as a strong, tall, dark-skinned black woman – supposedly deemed unattractive by American pop cultural standards – with the practice of forced slave breeding in the pre-emancipation South. Jones's point was that her physical strength and intimidating profile would've been more of an asset were she amongst slaves

OK. And your point is ?
What Leslie is talking about is how during slavery times she would have been the hottest black woman. Slave masters would have put her with all the best men to make babies. This is why African American blacks are so big and athletic today. Today her size isn't a good thing unless you are a Serena Williams.

What I wish is black men and women started caring about soccer. Our American soccer team should be all our best athletes so according to you we should recruit in the black communities. We should build soccer fields in the hoods and drop free soccer balls from a helicopter. You think Tiger and Lebron make a lot of money? Those soccer stars in music make much more. Master soccer and build major league soccer fields in the hood. Spike Lee can own the NY team. This is an open industry. An untapped market in America. But you will have to get black people to pay for tickets and watch. We won't go into those neighborhoods but we will watch on TV and we will buy the soccer jersey's with your names on the back. And don't let any white people own a team. This has to be all your doing. We will help by giving you tv ratings and you can sell advertisement.

Or do a black hollywood. Do what the Jews did.
I can't wait for the first black Tom Brady to come out of hiding. He probably hasn't even been born yet.

Tom brady is white people Rocky Marciano lol

And just remember Simone is an African American. That means her ancestors were slaves. We put the biggest most athletic women together with the most athletic men. There is no Simone in Africa. She's a product of America. Similar to Serena Williams. She's the product of selective breeding.

I wish you white supremacist would make up your mind. The original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler thought his white Ayrans would dominate the sprints and athletics


But due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.


So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent

Basketball is a white and non black sport in the main. It's just that AA's are the best at it

So yeah you’ll find that 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together.

Well in that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions.

That don't. Why ?

As you can see in the world rankings, there is not a majority black nation that makes the top 30


But if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ?

They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and strength go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Why is every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a Caucasian ?
  • Why are all strong man comps won by whites ?
  • Why are all all championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

There are actually very good reasons why track and field and boxing events are dominated the way they are; because that's who trains and competes in them. Boxing is generally for people who have limited opportunities. Racism limits your opportunities.

And yes Africans have been ahead of the rest of the world in long distance training methods for thirty years; it's no surprise they dominate the competitions.

If people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion sprinters and a different group of people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion marathon runners and both are alleged to be part of some specific "race" you have just argued against sprinting or distance running as being a "racial" characteristic. Since the two groups you tried to put into one "race" have contradictory abilities.

Most black athletes who grew up in poverty thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. high social/cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth in professional ranks.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be logged playing and practicing with your peers in the streets, and the rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on. You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to be good at hockey. polo, sync swimming, surfing and ice skating.
In the sketch, Leslie Jones contrasts her dating woes as a strong, tall, dark-skinned black woman – supposedly deemed unattractive by American pop cultural standards – with the practice of forced slave breeding in the pre-emancipation South. Jones's point was that her physical strength and intimidating profile would've been more of an asset were she amongst slaves

OK. And your point is ?
Great post. Good explanation. Can't argue with that.

Oh, won't this make a good meme?!?!?

Ms. Biles declared last month during the trials that she was the greatest - and she was not gloating - she was speaking truth.

Everywhere she goes there are haters holding her back, just like what happens with black people in engineering, business administration, and entertainment.

You were never young once in yer life?
What system is unjust? Be VERY specific.
I'll give you an example. Lions had a great black head coach. Made the playoffs 2 out of 3 years. They fired him. The white guy they replaced him with did a much worse job and kept his job way too long. Now it might not be because he was black but there are many examples like this that tell black people you have to be twice as good as a white guy just to be considered as good.

Oh, won't this make a good meme?!?!?

Ms. Biles declared last month during the trials that she was the greatest - and she was not gloating - she was speaking truth.

Everywhere she goes there are haters holding her back, just like what happens with black people in engineering, business administration, and entertainment.

Who's holding her back?
I'll give you an example. Lions had a great black head coach. Made the playoffs 2 out of 3 years. They fired him. The white guy they replaced him with did a much worse job and kept his job way too long. Now it might not be because he was black but there are many examples like this that tell black people you have to be twice as good as a white guy just to be considered as good.
Yeah, look at the differences between Barack Obama and Hillary for president, and then, Uncle Joe; but black people don't seem to be detecting it there - how come???
I'll give you an example. Lions had a great black head coach. Made the playoffs 2 out of 3 years. They fired him. The white guy they replaced him with did a much worse job and kept his job way too long. Now it might not be because he was black but there are many examples like this that tell black people you have to be twice as good as a white guy just to be considered as good.
That anecdotal story is fucking dumb, and even if your conspiracy theory was true, that wouldnt be an example of systemic racism anyway. Get that shit out of my face. Come back when you have something real.
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