The Official USMB Inauguration Thread - President Donald Trump #47

Since 1913 and the beginning of burning of fossil fuels, there is double the amount of CO'2 in the atmosphere now than during the previous lifetime of earth. The excess CO'2 found is man-made.

We as people are being bombarded with this:

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As I said in my last post..............forget the Global Warming problem. Do you think that breathing this is healthy for you and for the environment.

Longer growing seasons, higher crop yields, we'll never survive it.
Yes, show me the common good regarding our environment. You believe that increasing our man-made carbon dioxide output will help our people's health? the future of our world?

You see this as a positive?

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And here you are, dangerously, irresponsibly, and selfishly exhaling poison gas.

You're killing the planet, you selfish bastard.
You are so gullible. :auiqs.jpg:
Either that or a continued part of their so called resistance. Fighting Trump with a win like he just secured is the same as fighting the Americans.

The Nazis resisted during world War two, and we see how the Americans won those battles through sheer endurance and a belief in their cause and country, but the leftist would rather secede from the union than to stay and help instead, otherwise just as the confederates once did a long long time ago. You know if one looks hard enough, then you can see and smell the leftist ashes as if 1860 to 1865 happened yesterday.
we aren't polluting the environment .. your Chicom Allies are !
Drill baby Drill

As far as your accusations. This is about being a leader and showing the right way. It is not about hypocrisy and doing the same you are blaming others for doing.
You are so gullible. :auiqs.jpg:
Drill baby Drill

As far as your accusations. This is about being a leader and showing the right way. It is not about hypocrisy and doing the same you are blaming others for doing.

If you think that battery plants aren't worse than drill baby drill, then you haven't done your impact studies on the environment have you ?

Back in the day a battery plant in the nation poisoned the environment around it, and caused people to die from cancer as a result. It is what we read about it back then. Infact the plant is gone, but the land has been vacant ever since due to it's hazardous environment that was created during it's time in operation.

All progress and modern day conveniences have their pros and cons involved. None are without consequence, but you are more than welcome to go live off the grid in certain areas of the country, and hey no one will stop you.
Well it's back now lol as I guess it got merged.

Not realizing that they are Nazis themselves. 🙄

Yeah as the dims were doing exactly the same thing you moron. 🙄
I finally watched the video of what Musk was being accused of, and talk about the left being totally dishonest once again "WOW".

They don't mention or note that Musk patted his heart before he made a gesture with the word's "my heart goes out to you all" as if he was flinging it out of his body and giving it to them.
I finally watched the video of what Musk was being accused of, and talk about the left being totally dishonest once again "WOW".

They don't mention or note that Musk patted his heart before he made a gesture with the word's "my heart goes out to you all" as if he was flinging it out of his body and giving it to them.

"the left being totally dishonest once again" = just another news day
The so called truce treats GAZA as the winner. 3 released by GAZA vs hundreds released by Israel. We would have lost WW2 operating that way.
So the Palestinians should have taken more prisoners so it would be equal?

As I watched the Benediction given by Cardinal Dolan yesterday, the so-called Catholic Tater did NOT make the sign of the cross at the beginning and the end of the prayer.

I've only been a Catholic since last Easter and already, making the sign of the cross at the beginning and the end of praying is completely automatic.

Tater is not a Catholic.

Been a Catholic all my life, don't have to make the sign of the cross...

What we have been as to do is, look after the poor and weak in society, treat people with respect, welcome a stranger as we we were all strangers once,...
Show humility and honesty...

The sign of the cross is optional, the other things are mandatory (and the list is longer)..

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