The Official Susan Rice Enquiry

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Not sure how this works but there has to be an enquiry of some sort before this bitch is jailed for life ?

My question is this. Will Mr Sessions be able to head this up or is this another area that he needs to steer clear of ?

Its very complicated isnt it ?
Not sure how this works but there has to be an enquiry of some sort before this bitch is jailed for life ?

My question is this. Will Mr Sessions be able to head this up or is this another area that he needs to steer clear of ?

Its very complicated isnt it ?

Yo, NO? I see no problem with locking her up, along with Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, ETC., I can see all of the followers of Obama locked up, Obama was that kind of guy, CROOKED!!!

No one is going to lock anyone up. All of those people are so intimately interconnected, both Democan and Republicrat they can tell you what the other one had for lunch last week.
Nobody is going to jail. If someone does it will be a patsy three times removed from anyone who can fuck anyone with any real power of information to make a diff.
It's a great big club called Fuck You America. You just get to smell their shit...full stop.
Best quote I've seen on this....

Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova told LifeZette that the reports of Rice’s activity, if true, likely would constitute a crime. He said he has spoken to sources who indicate three other members of the administration of former President Barack Obama also participated in unmasking.

“This is pretty clear,” said diGenova, who was the top federal prosecutor for the District of Columbia under Ronald Reagan. “They thought they were never going to get caught … Ms. Rice needs a lawyer. And she needs a good one.”
So, how is this conspiracy theory different from the last hundred failed conspiracy theories that you ODS cranks have fallen for?

Answer: It's not any different. It's just as crazy and just as fictional as your previous hundred failed conspiracy theories.
You mean like the one where Trump is in cahoots with the Russians?
That kind of monkey butt conspiracy?
Not sure how this works but there has to be an enquiry of some sort before this bitch is jailed for life ?

My question is this. Will Mr Sessions be able to head this up or is this another area that he needs to steer clear of ?

Its very complicated isnt it ?
Ostensibly this was the "dragnet" on Russia/Trump/election so Sessions took himself out & it will likely be Dana Boente heading this up for The AG's office...


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