The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ rylah, et al,

Yes, this question is interesting from a number of aspect angles.


The dynamic range of this question moves from the actual relationship of today (Muslim Palestinian 'v' Jewish Palestinian) under the current political climate, → the relationship in some future post-Conflict atmosphere under a transitional period (where both sided actually communicate on in a permanent status of negotiations) → and towards a more lasting peace arrangement where each side accomplishes some level of necessary objectives → with the view towards an even more distant future where the vision is regional peace and stability on a more permanent basis.

Now, this sounds like it is totally unrelated to the question (membership in HAMAS or PA); but, it is actually a necessary precursor to the issue. As long as the political umbrella described by PLO Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat exists, there will be no real movement towards any meaningful objective. What the Ambassador believes is not so radically different than the relocation taken in 1947 - 1948 of Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
For the parliamentary election law there are "set asides." There are set asides for women. (usually exceeded) There are set asides for Christians. (usually exceeded) There are set asides for Jews. (so far nobody has run)


Article 3 sets aside 6 seats for Christians. I don't see anything in there about Jews.
Perhaps the article I read was incorrect. However, I don't recall seeing any restrictions on Jewish citizens of Palestine.

Who were the Jews who were allowed to vote in any of the PA or Hamas elections?
We both know You try to play the "I don't see the Swastika in my yard" game here...
Uh, there were no Hamas elections.

I believe the Samaritans in Nablus were allowed to vote. I haven't heard otherwise.

Although they are an offshoot of Judaism, Samaritans are not really considered to be Jews. The New Testament is very anti-Semitic, and Jesus used the parable of the Good Samaritan to show that Samaritans can be more charitable to someone in distress than "real Jews" would be.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

OFF TOPIC: I'm not sure that I have ever heard of a public execution in Israel.

... I'm just saying Israel conducts far more public executions than Hamas ever will. And that is pretty easy to prove as well.

Executions in the Middle East and Persian Gulf States are not unusual.

v/r R
How many innocent Palestinians have died due to Israeli sniper fire?

Those are public executions.
Let me see You prove Israel executes people without proving that Your country, does that even more.
I'm not going to do that, because I know my country does it to. Why can't you admit Israel does and voice your outrage about it?

I just wonder, by Your standards Hamas hanging people for mere suspicion of homosexuality is not public execution, shooting them in the public then dragging their bodies on the streets of Gaza neither does the job.But let the same Jihadis go to war against Israel, and all of a sudden every dead Gazan is "executed". :cuckoo:

Anyway does that magically turn Arabs into the indigenous people of the land?
If you want to know what my standards are, just ask. You don't have to make them up.
Yes it was right before he said that as Faisal died, "basically no Palestinian leader has publicly supported the notion that they (Jews) can stay".

He then went further explaining that all Jews indeed will have to be removed from the future Palestinian state.
Jews have been ethnically cleansed virtually from all of middle east, Arabs now demand another Jew-free state in the middle of Judea...If that's not Arab apartheid then what is?


The tiny Jewish reservation stays, Arabs can explode with rage.
Until you allow their right to return, you don't have a leg to stand on.
Perhaps the article I read was incorrect. However, I don't recall seeing any restrictions on Jewish citizens of Palestine.

Neither do I. There doesn't seem to be any. Your point would be that since there are no legal restrictions on Jews in Palestine, there is no apartheid in Palestine, yes? We would agree, in principle, that a government which does not legally restrict the rights of citizens by ethnicity (race) can not be considered apartheid, yes?

(Btw, it seems to be quite unusual, recently, for law to be written in such a way as to identify a specific ethnic group. Law-writers appear to want to avoid that little trap. I've found a couple. (Jordan. Iran.) But Israel, Palestine and even Hamas have largely attempted to purge that from their language. Instead they refer to the "enemy" and to citizens or residents of various States.)
Perhaps the article I read was incorrect. However, I don't recall seeing any restrictions on Jewish citizens of Palestine.

Neither do I. There doesn't seem to be any. Your point would be that since there are no legal restrictions on Jews in Palestine, there is no apartheid in Palestine, yes? We would agree, in principle, that a government which does not legally restrict the rights of citizens by ethnicity (race) can not be considered apartheid, yes?

(Btw, it seems to be quite unusual, recently, for law to be written in such a way as to identify a specific ethnic group. Law-writers appear to want to avoid that little trap. I've found a couple. (Jordan. Iran.) But Israel, Palestine and even Hamas have largely attempted to purge that from their language. Instead they refer to the "enemy" and to citizens or residents of various States.)
Indeed, Israel has a structure of discrimination in its laws, customs, and practices. They can be found here:

UN ESCWA report on Israeli apartheid | Palestine Liberation Organization | West Bank

And here:
Citizen Strangers Minority Rights in the State of Israel
Perhaps the article I read was incorrect. However, I don't recall seeing any restrictions on Jewish citizens of Palestine.

Neither do I. There doesn't seem to be any. Your point would be that since there are no legal restrictions on Jews in Palestine, there is no apartheid in Palestine, yes? We would agree, in principle, that a government which does not legally restrict the rights of citizens by ethnicity (race) can not be considered apartheid, yes?

(Btw, it seems to be quite unusual, recently, for law to be written in such a way as to identify a specific ethnic group. Law-writers appear to want to avoid that little trap. I've found a couple. (Jordan. Iran.) But Israel, Palestine and even Hamas have largely attempted to purge that from their language. Instead they refer to the "enemy" and to citizens or residents of various States.)
Indeed, Israel has a structure of discrimination in its laws, customs, and practices. They can be found here:

UN ESCWA report on Israeli apartheid | Palestine Liberation Organization | West Bank

And here:
Citizen Strangers Minority Rights in the State of Israel

That's a lot of story telling, but no actual law to show that.
All while it's the Hamas and PA who hold their people inside camps for decades, and keep demanding a Jew free state. If that's not apartheid nothing in Israel is.
Perhaps the article I read was incorrect. However, I don't recall seeing any restrictions on Jewish citizens of Palestine.

Neither do I. There doesn't seem to be any. Your point would be that since there are no legal restrictions on Jews in Palestine, there is no apartheid in Palestine, yes? We would agree, in principle, that a government which does not legally restrict the rights of citizens by ethnicity (race) can not be considered apartheid, yes?

(Btw, it seems to be quite unusual, recently, for law to be written in such a way as to identify a specific ethnic group. Law-writers appear to want to avoid that little trap. I've found a couple. (Jordan. Iran.) But Israel, Palestine and even Hamas have largely attempted to purge that from their language. Instead they refer to the "enemy" and to citizens or residents of various States.)
Indeed, Israel has a structure of discrimination in its laws, customs, and practices. They can be found here:

UN ESCWA report on Israeli apartheid | Palestine Liberation Organization | West Bank

And here:
Citizen Strangers Minority Rights in the State of Israel

That's a lot of story telling, but no actual law to show that.
All while it's the Hamas and PA who hold their people inside camps for decades, and keep demanding a Jew free state. If that's not apartheid nothing in Israel is.

Not really. Palestinian refugees do not have travel documents. They can't go anywhere.
Let me see You prove Israel executes people without proving that Your country, does that even more.
I'm not going to do that, because I know my country does it to. Why can't you admit Israel does and voice your outrage about it?

I just wonder, by Your standards Hamas hanging people for mere suspicion of homosexuality is not public execution, shooting them in the public then dragging their bodies on the streets of Gaza neither does the job.But let the same Jihadis go to war against Israel, and all of a sudden every dead Gazan is "executed". :cuckoo:

Anyway does that magically turn Arabs into the indigenous people of the land?
If you want to know what my standards are, just ask. You don't have to make them up.

The only outrage there can be is at Your dishonesty, double standards and compulsive picking at Israel.
Perhaps the article I read was incorrect. However, I don't recall seeing any restrictions on Jewish citizens of Palestine.

Neither do I. There doesn't seem to be any. Your point would be that since there are no legal restrictions on Jews in Palestine, there is no apartheid in Palestine, yes? We would agree, in principle, that a government which does not legally restrict the rights of citizens by ethnicity (race) can not be considered apartheid, yes?

(Btw, it seems to be quite unusual, recently, for law to be written in such a way as to identify a specific ethnic group. Law-writers appear to want to avoid that little trap. I've found a couple. (Jordan. Iran.) But Israel, Palestine and even Hamas have largely attempted to purge that from their language. Instead they refer to the "enemy" and to citizens or residents of various States.)
Indeed, Israel has a structure of discrimination in its laws, customs, and practices. They can be found here:

UN ESCWA report on Israeli apartheid | Palestine Liberation Organization | West Bank

And here:
Citizen Strangers Minority Rights in the State of Israel

That's a lot of story telling, but no actual law to show that.
All while it's the Hamas and PA who hold their people inside camps for decades, and keep demanding a Jew free state. If that's not apartheid nothing in Israel is.

Not really. Palestinian refugees do not have travel documents. They can't go anywhere.

Well no Israeli is kept in camps by their state, most of Israelis are refugees as well.
Can travel anywhere, and don't get executed for mere suspicion of homosexuality.

Team P goal is to keep their people in camps of worst conditions for decades to make money of it and keep blaming Israel for the problems Arabs and the UN created themselves.

You don't get to demand a Jew-free state and blame anyone for discrimination pretending as if a swastika isn't sticking out of Your bottom for all to see.
Indeed, Israel has a structure of discrimination in its laws, customs, and practices.

No, they do not. No law in Israel is structured specifically to identity Jews or non-Jews. Just like there is no law in Palestine which forbids Jews from government.
Hamas has contradicted every one of these claims.
Repeating it a hundred times more won't make it less bs.
It doesn't matter what Hamas says, that doesn't make shooting a medic legal.

I'm so interested in Your legal opinions...
Hamas says : "We'll rip out the hearts of every Jew on our way". And the rioters shout "Let's go kill Jews and die together!"

Q.Would that medic treat Jews after her people rip out their hearts?
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That doesn't address my post.

What rights do Israeli Arabs lack that Jews are granted either under PA or Hamas?
Show me an example of an Arab country where Jews and Arabs have anywhere the same equality as in Israel.
Because your post is off topic. We're not discussing other countries.

Every one of Your posts in the last pages is off topic.
None of that deals with discussing indigenous people and culture.
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