The official 'Black Deaths Matter' Thread.

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There are people in these cities besides Sharpton and BLM. You white race baiters don't give a damn about blacks dying. All you are doing is trying to keep perpetuating a lie of uncontrolled black on black violence.


“So one way to think of racial disparities in health is over 200 black people dying prematurely every single day in America,” Williams said. “Congress would move heaven and hell if a plane were crashing every day … with 200 Americans on it, but that’s what is happening every day because of racism in American society.

That's 73,000 deaths per year that aren't from gunshots and your pathological obsession with showing inner city black on black kiilings. 200 deaths per day. More than in Chicago, Baltimore or any other city you punk ass racists want to use. 200 blacks per day are dying because of white racism. That's white on black crime that's out of control and nobody cares to stop it. These are blacks deaths too, but they don't matter to you. We don't see your white ass talking about this here, because you're disingenuous.

This is a bait thread that has been allowed to continue here instead of being closed or moved to the flame zone because of racism that exists among some who are administrators.
There are people in these cities besides Sharpton and BLM. You white race baiters don't give a damn about blacks dying. All you are doing is trying to keep perpetuating a lie of uncontrolled black on black violence.
I just saw a Black woman from Johns Hopkins saying the same thing, that there is no black on black crime. I guess I was right, Black denial really is a thing. Claiming there is NO Black on Black crime is exactly WHY the Black on Black crimes and murders have gone unabated for half a century and people like IM2, Paul and that woman from Johns Hopkins are part of the reason why it will continue for another half a century.
I just saw a Black woman from Johns Hopkins saying the same thing, that there is no black on black crime. I guess I was right, Black denial really is a thing. Claiming there is NO Black on Black crime is exactly WHY the Black on Black crimes and murders have gone unabated for half a century and people like IM2, Paul and that woman from Johns Hopkins are part of the reason why it will continue for another half a century.

You need to shut the fuck up racist. You have just been shown that way more blacks die as a result of white racism yet you stick to your racist lies.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time, while people like you are running your mouth about unabated black on black crime, the reality is that black on black crime was being reduced.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

These facts show the utter silliness and nonsense you have with your psychotic obsession about black on black crime. This information shows that black on black crime has been reduced and that was due to the very hard work of unknown, not so famous blacks toiling in obscurity in cities/towns all over this country. These are the stories that rarely get told by the media..

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.”

Males points this out in his report.

“For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

Again, this thread is a race bait thread that needs to be closed or moved to the appropriate level. This is not about a serious discussion, it is a bunch of racist rants by white members of this forum. Any similar thread by blacks about whites would have been closed or moved to the rubber room. This thread belongs there as well.
“Racism and associated trauma and violence contribute to mental health disorders, particularly depression, anxiety and PTSD, and chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, maternal mortality/infant mortality and morbidity in African Americans. Racism is considered a fundamental cause of adverse health outcomes for racial/ethnic minorities and racial/ethnic inequities in health. The primary domains of racism - structural/institutional racism, cultural racism, and individual-level discrimination— are linked to mental and physical health outcomes. Racism and violence targeting a specific community is increasingly associated with complex trauma and intergenerational trauma, all of which have physical and behavioral health consequences.”

Racism is a stressor that triggers the body into allostasis or better understood, racism forces the body to adapt to stress. Allostasis is the process that helps us adapt to stress. Allostatic load is compiled damage to the body as an individual is exposed to constant stress. Constant stress leads to allostatic overload, which is the point when the cumulative amount of stress causes health problems or death. For example, allostatic processes lead to increases in blood pressure, a leading cause of death in the black community.

“Weathering” and Age Patterns of Allostatic Load Scores Among Blacks and Whites in the United States

Objectives. We considered whether US Blacks experience early health deterioration, as measured across biological indicators of repeated exposure and adaptation to stressors.

Methods. Using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, we examined allostatic load scores for adults aged 18–64 years. We estimated probability of a high score by age, race, gender, and poverty status and Blacks’ odds of having a high score relative to Whites’ odds.

Results. Blacks had higher scores than did Whites and had a greater probability of a high score at all ages, particularly at 35–64 years. Racial differences were not explained by poverty. Poor and nonpoor Black women had the highest and second highest probability of high allostatic load scores, respectively, and the highest excess scores compared with their male or White counterparts.

Conclusions. We found evidence that racial inequalities in health exist across a range of biological systems among adults and are not explained by racial differences in poverty. The weathering effects of living in a race-conscious society may be greatest among those Blacks most likely to engage in high-effort coping.

Studies also show that allostatic overload created by stress caused due to constant exposure to racism increases the occurrences of myocardial infarction in blacks. Simply put, a myocardial infarction is a heart attack.In 2014, “Structural racism and myocardial infarction in the United States”, a study by Alicia Lukachko, Mark Hatzenbuehler, & Katherine Keyes was published in Social Science and Medicine Journal. What they found as a result of their study was not only that racism increased the occurrence of heart attacks for blacks, but reduced the occurrence of heart attacks for whites.

“This study demonstrates adverse effects of structural racism—specifically state-level racial disparities disadvantaging Blacks in political representation, employment, and incarceration —on past 12-month myocardial infarction. These adverse effects, however, were specific to Blacks, and among Whites, indicators of structural racism appear to have a benign or even beneficial effect on cardiac health. It is important to note that individual-level risk factors including age, sex, education, income, and medical insurance do not account for these findings. Furthermore, lending support to the construct validity of our measures of structural racism, the effects persist above and beyond those of state-level racial disparities in poverty.

Measures of structural racism pertaining to job status did not follow the expected pattern of association, and were inversely associated with myocardial infarction among Blacks. While this finding was unexpected, it is in line with results from previous studies that have documented that Black Americans in high status positions report greater exposure to interpersonal discrimination (Paradies, 2006). This increased exposure, coupled with potential pressures to assimilate and to defy negative racist stereotypes, may in turn place high status Blacks at greater risk for adverse health outcomes. Our results similarly suggest that Black Americans in states with greater representation of Blacks in high status positions are at higher risk for heart attack.”

Right now there seems to be a state of confusion among members of the American right as to what racism is. They have made racism into a few bad words or a claim that denies behavior and limits it to thoughts. I was told by a person of color how everyone can have racist thoughts. When people of color believe such things they give credence to those who want to dismiss what racism actually is. While everyone may have racist thoughts, everyones racist thoughts did not tun into a system governed by the rule of law.

Cheyna Roth, Racism Declared A Public Health Crisis In New Whitmer Executive Directive, Aug 05, 2020, Racism declared a public health crisis in new Whitmer executive directive

Is Racism a Public Health Issue? Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health, October 9, 2017, Is Racism a Public Health Issue? — Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health

Camara Jules P. Harrell, Tanisha I. Burford, Brandi N. Cage, Travette McNair Nelson, Sheronda Shearon, Adrian Thompson, and Steven Green, Multiple Pathways Linking Racism to Health Outcomes, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Trauma, Racism, Chronic Stress and the Health of Black Americans, Compilation by the SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity, June 3, 2020, SAMHSA OBHE 6.3.20.pdf

B.S. McEwen, J.C. Wingfield, Allostasis and Allostatic Load, Encyclopedia of Stress (Second Edition), 2007, Allostasis and Allostatic Load

B.S. McEwen, Stress: Homeostasis, Rheostasis, Allostasis and Allostatic Load, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2009, Stress: Homeostasis, Rheostasis, Reactive Scope, Allostasis and Allostatic Load

Geronimus, A. T., Hicken, M., Keene, D., & Bound, J. (2006). "Weathering" and age patterns of allostatic load scores among blacks and whites in the United States. American journal of public health, 96(5), 826–833. The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) from the American Public Health Association (APHA) publications

Lukachko, Alicia & Hatzenbuehler, Mark & Keyes, Katherine. (2014). Structural racism and myocardial infarction in the United States. Social science & medicine (1982). 103. 42-50. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.07.021.
You need to shut the fuck up racist. You have just been shown that way more blacks die as a result of white racism yet you stick to your racist lies.
IM2 still bringing the hate. You are stuck on a Gerbil wheel of "Shut the fuck up White boy-everything is fine-Black people are always victims". I feel sorry for you.
Update on the 13 year old boy shot and killed over a scooter in East Tampa. Still no witnesses but at least it looks like the local leaders are trying to turn the tide of violence before East Tampa turns into Little Chicago.

IM2 still bringing the hate. You are stuck on a Gerbil wheel of "Shut the fuck up White boy-everything is fine-Black people are always victims". I feel sorry for you.
No that's you.
Posting a picture of a child that didn't get to grow up and die before his time because of racism induced stress doesn't prove anything.

Let me put things in a perspective that is easier for you to understand. I will citing an article written by Rav Arora published in the NY Post titled, “These black lives didn’t seem to matter in 2020.” In this article Arora sings the same racist tune we have all come to know.

Arora writes this mumbo jumbo calling himself mocking Black Lives Matter. But when we look at reality, his article displays the opinion of an idiot. Like you, his beef appears to be with blacks protesting being murdered by police. He is trying to denigrate BLM because he falsely believes there is a lack of concern for the number of blacks not killed by police. He points out that over 8,600 blacks were killed in 2020 and that 90 percent were killed by another black. He then goes on to say this: “Since more than 90 percent of black homicide victims are killed by black offenders, the ghost of endemic white supremacy cannot be invoked to push racial grievance narratives. As a result, the media turns a blind eye. Black lives only seem to matter when racism is involved.”

Arora is right, the media, including him, turn a blind eye to the biggest killer of black people. For years we as black people have heard the constant lectures about black on black crime. People like Arora, McDonald, Carlson, Shapiro and others have written extensively on blacks murdering blacks. Arora cites 8,600 death by blacks with 90 percent caused by other blacks and believes he is making a cogent call to black organizations such as BLM to step up and take responsibility for what he views as THE problem in the black community. So let me help you, Mr. Arora and others who hold similar beliefs understand the real problem.

According to the American Heart Association, hypertension related deaths in the black community imcreased from 171,259 to 270,839 annually from 2000-2018. These numbers are 20 and 31 times the number of blacks who were murdered in ways that “bother” people like you. These people died from hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. Racism was outlawed on paper in 1965. That makes racism a crime. A crime that continues to be perpetrated against blacks and all people of color in the United States. According to Arora, 90 percent of those 8,600 murders of blacks were done by blacks. If you use Aroras number as basis, 7,740 blacks were killed by other blacks in 2020. He and others like you claim this is a number that must immediately be addressed by blacks. More than 270,000 blacks died due to hypertension caused by racism in 2020 judging by the trends shown by the American Heart Association. If we are generous and conclude that just 10 percent of these deaths are directly attributed to racist actions by whites, over 27,000 such deaths in one year are caused by white racism. That means 3.5 times more black people died from stress induced white racism than blacks murdering each other on the streets of America. That’s white on black crime and it’s a real problem that must be dealt with by the white community. So maybe it’s time to stop wasting newspaper space and bandwidth with the bs we see authored and posted by the American right.
100% speculation on your part. I can make up numbers too, but I don't. I just post reports about the weekly carnage in the Black community that has been going on for 50 years.
No, not speculation. Over 200,000 blacks died last year from racism related disorders. Thats 4,000 per week on average. Approximately 600 per day. I showed you information from the American Heart Association. During the time I have posted here, I have psthread all kinds of posts and started threads on negative health outcomes for blacks due to racism. The same 50 years you talk about, millions of blacks have been killed due to racism induced stress. That is a fact. White racism kills more blacks than the stories you cherrypick. That's a reality you are going to face since you want to continue this.

"Weathering" and age patterns of allostatic load scores among blacks and whites in the United States

Objectives: We considered whether US Blacks experience early health deterioration, as measured across biological indicators of repeated exposure and adaptation to stressors.

Methods: Using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, we examined allostatic load scores for adults aged 18-64 years. We estimated probability of a high score by age, race, gender, and poverty status and Blacks' odds of having a high score relative to Whites' odds.

Results: Blacks had higher scores than did Whites and had a greater probability of a high score at all ages, particularly at 35-64 years. Racial differences were not explained by poverty. Poor and nonpoor Black women had the highest and second highest probability of high allostatic load scores, respectively, and the highest excess scores compared with their male or White counterparts.

Conclusions: We found evidence that racial inequalities in health exist across a range of biological systems among adults and are not explained by racial differences in poverty. The weathering effects of living in a race-conscious society may be greatest among those Blacks most likely to engage in high-effort coping.

You guys wamt to talk rates and per capita. Your ass is in here posting with crocodile tears about black kids getting shot because it confirms your fucked up, mentally retarded, white racist beliefs, but you are going to start looking at the complete picture since you want to talk shit.

How Racism May Cause Black Mothers To Suffer The Death Of Their Infants​

December 20, 2017

"Black babies in the United States die at just over two times the rate of white babies in the first year of their life," says Arthur James, an OB-GYN at Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University in Columbus. According to the most recent data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for every 1,000 live births, 4.8 white infants die in the first year of life. For black babies, that number is 11.7.

Now I'm sure you'll try whitesplaning this trying to blame black women or use that old tired white no daddy at home bullshit. But...

Scientists and doctors have spent decades trying to understand what makes African-American women so vulnerable to losing their babies. Now, there is growing consensus that racial discrimination experienced by black mothers during their lifetime makes them less likely to carry their babies to full term.

White racism is killing babies before they come out of the womb, but you are here with the standard stale ass white bullshit.

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