The Number of Mixed-Race Americans is Rapidly Rising. Will it Make a Difference?

Trump tapped into that racism and got elected because of it. It's blacks, illegals, muslims, unions, poor people and liberal democrats who are to blame for any middle class person who's struggling.

HIs message on Trade and Immigration was clear to the voters. Why you are afraid to be honest about it, I don't know.
The electoral college voters that is...

RUst belt voters, many who voted for Obama.

Trade and Immigration. And the more he focuses on that, the more he is likely to be reelected in 2020.
We know. I almost fell for it too. Trump is slick

We had a choice between a politician who said he would work for our interests and one that said she would work against our interests.

Going with the obvious choice there, is not "falling for it" and it is unfair of you to say that.

A part of me says all the issues I disagree with you guys on don’t matter all that much.

Even if we did away with all the social programs that would just be the evolution of man. It is what it is. If the masses are so easily controlled by the media corporations and churches I guess it is what it is. I tried. Maybe that’s why older people get mor3 conservative. They give up hope. And they have theirs so now they just want to protect the status quo.

And I’m sorry black folk but we shouldn’t have to apologize for our white privileged lives. We made this country what it is. We used immigrants and slaves true but it is what it is.

All our grandparents came here because it was the best place to live. Still is a pretty good place. Everyone is on their own. We’ve become too liberal and so the pendulum will swing right until the people decide enough is enough.

The only thing I can do is vote and worry about myself. Black people, figure it out for yourselves.
HIs message on Trade and Immigration was clear to the voters. Why you are afraid to be honest about it, I don't know.
The electoral college voters that is...

RUst belt voters, many who voted for Obama.

Trade and Immigration. And the more he focuses on that, the more he is likely to be reelected in 2020.
We know. I almost fell for it too. Trump is slick

We had a choice between a politician who said he would work for our interests and one that said she would work against our interests.

Going with the obvious choice there, is not "falling for it" and it is unfair of you to say that.

A part of me says all the issues I disagree with you guys on don’t matter all that much.

Even if we did away with all the social programs that would just be the evolution of man. It is what it is. If the masses are so easily controlled by the media corporations and churches I guess it is what it is. I tried. Maybe that’s why older people get mor3 conservative. They give up hope. And they have theirs so now they just want to protect the status quo.

And I’m sorry black folk but we shouldn’t have to apologize for our white privileged lives. We made this country what it is. We used immigrants and slaves true but it is what it is.

All our grandparents came here because it was the best place to live. Still is a pretty good place. Everyone is on their own. We’ve become too liberal and so the pendulum will swing right until the people decide enough is enough.

The only thing I can do is vote and worry about myself. Black people, figure it out for yourselves.

I don't agree with any of that, and I don't see how it was an answer to what I said.

Was that a hinted at promise to be more fair in the future?
There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..

Breed is a much more appropriate term than race. Breeds can mix with one another just like people can. But breeds aren't all the same. Human breeds developed over millennia with adaptations depending on their lifestyle and the local environment. Africans didn't have to prepare for winter like Scandinavians did...
You don't think it doesn't get cold in Southern Africa?

Nowhere near as cold as it does in Norway where the ground stays frozen year round.
Asians can't eat milk, or bread, their native diet is sunshine and water. I asked my Church for Rice communion, and the Asian ladies started crying. See, we All need Rice communion. Besides if you had Jesus bread, it'd be a little Mexican taco.

Can we make a “batshit crazy” section just for this mental case?
Oh ya? Milk drinking contest, you a black, and my cow. Any time anywhere. Who wins? who cares. moo.
The sad thing is how the media is pushing the inter racial agenda. Seems you cannot watch tv for 15 minutes without seeing a program or commercial with an inter racial couple and some of these are same sex couples. ....

And this harms you, how?
I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..

This is why the Christian worldview was so protective for so long and not.

And God help us now.

America as a nation is founded on the principle that we are all made in the image of God, no matter our race, religion, nationality. That we all have inherent human worth NOT based on 'breed'. It took us a few decades, sadly, to fully live up to that belief in terms of slavery, but we got there.

There are different races of humans but if you're a Christian that is immaterial. God does not judge by race and neither should we. Christianity is fundamentally a religion of the individual. You will be judged as an individual, and we are all of us made individually in the image of God.
God must have a lot of different looks...
The idea that skin color can fix something is sort of the same kind of thinking that has always been part of the problem.

The idea that skin color determines how you treat another person is the problem.
And yet liberals tell us there are special rules for various skin colors. Can't deport brown people who trespass into this country. Can't punish black people who break the law, and white people are always evil and must be punished
Mutts are almost always smarter and healthier than pure breeds.

That being said, I say “mix it up people!”
Wrong. They ALWAYS dumber than the white parent and smarter than the nonwhite parent.
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. Not that Democrats would want them. We don’t . Republicans are stuck with them.
Lol....David Duke is college educated,Jared Taylor is college educated,Virginia Abernathy is college educated I mean I can go on and on if you want just showing as usual you are full of shit.
When I was a grade school kid in the 60's watching racial mayhem on my family's first B&W TV with rabbit ears, I use to think about creating a law stating black and white citizens should make babies together until our entire population turns various shades of brown and gray.

Apparently the laws of LOVE are very slowly making my dream come true.

Typical leftist totalitarian.

We disowned the race mixing slut in our family with her 2 mutt kids. She isn't welcome at family functions,my children do not call her Aunt etc etc. My kids are raised in a VAST majority white county and all our neighbors are white and they have white friends and because we don't push the anti white,white guilt bullshit on them they LOVE their heritage,history and culture and appreciate the history of our ancestors. They understand the anti white agenda of the media and politicians and see it every day in the real world,just like we ALL notice the rare white whores we see with half niglet babies walking around in a store there is NEVER a father around,either dead or in prison no doubt. 5 white kids I will have soon and I guarantee each and every one will marry white and produce more white babies. The thought of that pissing off the anti white elitist masters really warms my heart. They all know the consequences not just from me and their mother for race mixing but for the future of our blood line.
We disowned the race mixing slut in our family with her 2 mutt kids. She isn't welcome at family functions,my children do not call her Aunt etc etc.

Good luck with your inbred eugenics program...

Governor George Wallace in Alabama often said "he loves your wives". Hey , I got a question. Is there some sicko fantasy out there that anti-miscegenation laws just leads to as many unregulatable interracial sexual contacts? Because, that's just totally nonsense. Its nonsense because the non-marital non-courting contacts are on the rise with exact ratio frequency with the interracial and other Liberal trends. That is Not a discussion I'm aware of. The Anti-miscegenation laws were directly reflecting also a time period where it was Not ok for Whites to date other races. That is regardless of some today say you "could". They say you "could" get a black and white date. Outlawing interracial marriages didn't produce any backlog of sexual racial contacts that I'm aware of, on top of how much people like to spout off about sexual minority abuse. What they did, is take Rosa Parks, treatment of Ladies, and unravel that from inside with the black boys are "men" now and "fair wages".

Now days people will pretend like you ever hit or flirt with anybody since you're in puberty which is totally untrue. Its totally untrue trash that's already slanderous damages that we're in a society where everyone has secret sexual contacts, which is totally ridiculous and not in a one percentile common sense. This isn't some Korea with 60% virgins lost to prostitutes. I'm on the line to get a Graduate Degree right where they said to. I don't have a clue about any socializing that is Ever relevant. They were Idiots to try. Idiots with the same old stories about as if I'm Affected by emotional Storyteling when making Affirmative Actions regarding racial groups?! They are Leading their own LIBERAL storylines! It isn't going to mean jack Crap to me.
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Well they don't even have to Prove reasonable Contact with Any minority group themselves. Instead, they can just repeat and repeat the most Stupid lines, while, its only you Own a$$ in Any jeopardy when everyone else is Witness Protection. Nobody has Any Clue what they're thinking when social-sexual-racial insults are Already the personal, mine alone, character slander and lie, that is even discussed. Well race-mixing is just allowing Scumbags to walk over society is all that will get you. People with big heads about social manipulations and you don't have to have Ever had .5% of the CRAP they do. I don't have a single relatable Clue how I'm Ever involved in anything. Well for people throwing terrorism, violence and idiocy your way they sure seem confused which way is the business meeting like something else EXISTED. like anything else was Sightable, existant, preferential, or in visible Discussion!

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