The NRA.

Just upgraded to a Lifetime Membership ......and it's worth every penny!!

You do know that the NRA supports carry and conceal permits, right?

They know if you have a permit, it's because you don't have the right.

Which means they know that there isn't a right to carry arms.

NRA-ILA | Concealed Carry | Right-to-Carry

why do I need a permit to exercise my 2nd amendment rights and not to vote? In many states I need an license to carry, but don't have to show an ID (prove who I am) in order to vote. Can you explain that? Can you be honest and admit that voter ID would hurt the dems by eliminating most fraudulent voting?

You don't need a permit for you 2nd Amendment rights. You need a permit for something you wrongly claim is your 2nd Amendment right.

the right to bear arms. what exactly does "bear arms" mean to you? hint: it doesn't mean wear short sleeves.

If you could go read post 24, you'll see my argument for what "bear arms" clearly means.

The only arguments for it meaning "carry arms" are things like "well, bear can mean carry, so it must".

And the pertinent definition is in the Heller decision where the Supreme Court decided you are wrong.
The NRA is the biggest gun Rights group, I don't follow every policy they support because they have a mixed record. What they do is get out the vote. Insulting you is the rational thing to do since you are a left wing asshat who supports totalitarian left wing policies.

And yes... you are an idiot.
Do you really have to be so insulting? Can't you disagree without the name calling?

I opted for a membership with Gun Owners of America ("No Compromise") instead of the NRA because as an African American female I wasn't sure that the NRA fully supported my 2nd amendment rights while GOA fights legislatively and through the courts to protect our second amendment rights. Not to take anything away from the NRA because I do know that both the Second Amendment Foundation & the NRA have stepped in and sued on behalf of the rights of disenfranchised members of society such as when the New Orlean Police Department were unlawfully seizing firearms after hurricane Katrina, I was just not confident enough at the time.

I also am familiar with the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizen's Committe for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, an affiliated orgnization of SAF. After learning about my history and the reasoning behind my decision to obtain my concealed carry permit one of their writers asked me if they could include an article about me in their Women & Guns magazine. I agreed to the interview but instead of just including the article, they featured me on the cover of the Fall 2003 issue.

I used to be polite all the time....then asshats like frigid, along with his buddies in the gun control movement kept acting like asshats. When a mass public shooting would happen, I would wait, not wanting to talk politics so soon after an attack.....then the gun grabber politicians would be in front of cameras calling for gun control laws that don't work, and their allies like frigid would call the NRA killers, and those who support them child yes....I will describe a totalitarian like frigid in the terms he deserves.

And your post is exactly why I do it. Why on earth would you think the NRA wouldn't support your Right as an African American Woman to own guns? It is because Frigid and the other gun grabbers have lied about the NRA at every opportunity.......... Frigid and his anti gun buddies are the ones who call the NRA racist in order to keep people like you from supporting them. They lie, they use emotion and are happy to do it because they want to ban guns, they are left wing and will do whatever they have to do to get that done.

I have been debating anti gunners for years. You will find that they lie, they will accuse you of being someone who supports the murder of children, and once they find out that you are an African AMerican woman, they will start with the race hate......

I have watched the left work their hate for years, and sitting back as they smear good people over and over again while the Conservatives and gun owners try to just present facts isn't getting the job done. They need to be called out for who and what they are.

Yes, "assholes" like me.

What did I do to be called an "asshole" exactly?

I had an argument that he doesn't agree with.

That's how much it takes to be insulted. No one buys any of his crap. They know what he is. An insulter without an argument.

Don't judge frigid by one post.... watch what he does over time, then you will see why I call him the names I call him...

Yeah, I consistently come on here with an argument, I make my case, back it up with facts and logic.

Such an "asshole" I am.

I also tell 2Aguy when he insults me.

Yeah..... keep lying.
You know what would be sick? A mass shooting at an NRA convention. I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It would be too funny.
The right to keep and bears arms was put into the US Constitution for a reason.

If by "put into the US Constitution" you mean that the pre-existing, never surrendered, fully retained, fundamental right was recognized and secured in the Constitution . . . I would agree with you.

Problem is, your statements make it seem like you mean that the framers of the Amendment put the right in the Constitution to give, grant, create or otherwise establish the right for the the people, to only be exercised and protected within certain parameters the federal government approves of . . . Perhaps even that if the framers hadn't included the right, it wouldn't exist. That I disagree with.

Now, before your brain starts going crazy, this argument is not the typical argument of "collective rights", it's not the argument that you need to be in the militia to have these rights. . . .

The point is the reason why they had the right to keep arms was so the militia would have a ready supply of arms in the event of an emergency. Arms that the US Federal government could not touch.

That's pretty good, you are drawing me in . . .

If individuals (yes, individuals, you see I wrote individuals?) had their own weapons which the US government could not take away from them before due process, then the militia could use those weapons in the event the US Federal government went a little crazy, or bad, or mad, or whatever might pass.

Holy crap, the insurrectionist theory endorsed! You sound like you mean that the feds, who the people are supposed to keep in check, can't possess any power to dictate to the private citizen on any aspect of the possession and use of his personal arms! Damn right!

So, the right to keep arms is the right to own weapons so the militia has a ready supply of weapons.

Awwwww . . . see that, you were doing so good and now you a cut a path for the federal government to invent conditions and restrictions on the right.

When you put into the right a government established purpose, you are granting the government power to limit the right. You are saying the right is to have arms to repel the federal government's intrusion into our rights but the right to arms is conditioned upon what the government defines "bear arms" to be.

You have to recognize that's nonsense.

You need to release the right from your feeling that it is a permission slip for the citizen. The people did not grant the feds any power to have any interest in their possession and use of arms. No power means no power to say that self defense in public is excluded from the scope of the 2nd Amendment's protection.
Just upgraded to a Lifetime Membership ......and it's worth every penny!!

You do know that the NRA supports carry and conceal permits, right?

They know if you have a permit, it's because you don't have the right.

Which means they know that there isn't a right to carry arms.

NRA-ILA | Concealed Carry | Right-to-Carry

why do I need a permit to exercise my 2nd amendment rights and not to vote? In many states I need an license to carry, but don't have to show an ID (prove who I am) in order to vote. Can you explain that? Can you be honest and admit that voter ID would hurt the dems by eliminating most fraudulent voting?

You don't need a permit for you 2nd Amendment rights. You need a permit for something you wrongly claim is your 2nd Amendment right.

the right to bear arms. what exactly does "bear arms" mean to you? hint: it doesn't mean wear short sleeves.

If you could go read post 24, you'll see my argument for what "bear arms" clearly means.

The only arguments for it meaning "carry arms" are things like "well, bear can mean carry, so it must".
How can he not read if he replies to your moronic trolls?
You know what would be sick? A mass shooting at an NRA convention. I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It would be too funny.

I'm sure there are plenty that feel the same way about a Democratic Socialists convention...or any similar gathering of meddling asshats.

Personally, I don't wish tragedy upon others. That you do speaks volumes. Good luck with all that.
You know what would be sick? A mass shooting at an NRA convention. I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It would be too funny.

I'm sure there are plenty that feel the same way about a Democratic Socialists convention...or any similar gathering of meddling asshats.

Personally, I don't wish tragedy upon others. That you do speaks volumes. Good luck with all that.

Not the same. The NRA getting hosed would be ironic because they're the ones who promote unfettered access to firearms.

Where's the irony in a socialist's convention getting shot up? That doesn't make sense.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword, my friend. That shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment right to blow your head off.
I used to be polite all the time....then asshats like frigid, along with his buddies in the gun control movement kept acting like asshats. When a mass public shooting would happen, I would wait, not wanting to talk politics so soon after an attack.....then the gun grabber politicians would be in front of cameras calling for gun control laws that don't work, and their allies like frigid would call the NRA killers, and those who support them child yes....I will describe a totalitarian like frigid in the terms he deserves.
Okay, I absolutely get where you're coming from, and I have had them make the same "baby killer" accusations against myself as well, so thank you.
You know what would be sick? A mass shooting at an NRA convention. I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It would be too funny.

I'm sure there are plenty that feel the same way about a Democratic Socialists convention...or any similar gathering of meddling asshats.

Personally, I don't wish tragedy upon others. That you do speaks volumes. Good luck with all that.

Not the same. The NRA getting hosed would be ironic because they're the ones who promote unfettered access to firearms.

Where's the irony in a socialist's convention getting shot up? That doesn't make sense.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword, my friend. That shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment right to blow your head off.

Wow, are you really that thick? The NRA seeks to impose nothing on others. We only wish to retain the innate right to self defense. Meddlers like yourself seek to impose their will on others. We don't do that.

So if anyone deserves to die, I'd say it's the folks that meddle in the affairs of others, not those that simply wish to be left alone.

And there is no right to murder dumbass.
You know what would be sick? A mass shooting at an NRA convention. I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It would be too funny.

I'm sure there are plenty that feel the same way about a Democratic Socialists convention...or any similar gathering of meddling asshats.

Personally, I don't wish tragedy upon others. That you do speaks volumes. Good luck with all that.

Not the same. The NRA getting hosed would be ironic because they're the ones who promote unfettered access to firearms.

Where's the irony in a socialist's convention getting shot up? That doesn't make sense.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword, my friend. That shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment right to blow your head off.

Wow, are you really that thick? The NRA seeks to impose nothing on others. We only wish to retain the innate right to self defense. Meddlers like yourself seek to impose their will on others. We don't do that.

So if anyone deserves to die, I'd say it's the folks that meddle in the affairs of others, not those that simply wish to be left alone.

And there is no right to murder dumbass.

Yes, and mentally ill people and criminals should be able to buy rocket launchers. I know the drill.

Stephen Paddock was probably just acting in self-defense, I bet. Yeah ... him and that kid in Florida. Just defending themselves.
Don't judge frigid by one post.... watch what he does over time, then you will see why I call him the names I call him...
I'm not sure why but I kinda of thought Frigid was female and not a citizen of the USA.

Could be, I don't know..... but watch the posts over time, and you will see why I react to he/she/it the way I do.....
You know what would be sick? A mass shooting at an NRA convention. I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It would be too funny.

I'm sure there are plenty that feel the same way about a Democratic Socialists convention...or any similar gathering of meddling asshats.

Personally, I don't wish tragedy upon others. That you do speaks volumes. Good luck with all that.

Not the same. The NRA getting hosed would be ironic because they're the ones who promote unfettered access to firearms.

Where's the irony in a socialist's convention getting shot up? That doesn't make sense.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword, my friend. That shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment right to blow your head off.

Wow, are you really that thick? The NRA seeks to impose nothing on others. We only wish to retain the innate right to self defense. Meddlers like yourself seek to impose their will on others. We don't do that.

So if anyone deserves to die, I'd say it's the folks that meddle in the affairs of others, not those that simply wish to be left alone.

And there is no right to murder dumbass.

Yes, and mentally ill people and criminals should be able to buy rocket launchers. I know the drill.

Golly, a logical fallacy. You moved the goalposts. Who could have guessed you'd go there?

Color me shocked.
You know what would be sick? A mass shooting at an NRA convention. I wouldn't even be mad at the guy. It would be too funny.

I'm sure there are plenty that feel the same way about a Democratic Socialists convention...or any similar gathering of meddling asshats.

Personally, I don't wish tragedy upon others. That you do speaks volumes. Good luck with all that.

Not the same. The NRA getting hosed would be ironic because they're the ones who promote unfettered access to firearms.

Where's the irony in a socialist's convention getting shot up? That doesn't make sense.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword, my friend. That shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment right to blow your head off.

Wow, are you really that thick? The NRA seeks to impose nothing on others. We only wish to retain the innate right to self defense. Meddlers like yourself seek to impose their will on others. We don't do that.

So if anyone deserves to die, I'd say it's the folks that meddle in the affairs of others, not those that simply wish to be left alone.

And there is no right to murder dumbass.

Yes, and mentally ill people and criminals should be able to buy rocket launchers. I know the drill.

Golly, a logical fallacy. You moved the goalposts. Who could have guessed you'd go there?

Color me shocked.

I'm sure there are plenty that feel the same way about a Democratic Socialists convention...or any similar gathering of meddling asshats.

Personally, I don't wish tragedy upon others. That you do speaks volumes. Good luck with all that.

Not the same. The NRA getting hosed would be ironic because they're the ones who promote unfettered access to firearms.

Where's the irony in a socialist's convention getting shot up? That doesn't make sense.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword, my friend. That shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment right to blow your head off.

Wow, are you really that thick? The NRA seeks to impose nothing on others. We only wish to retain the innate right to self defense. Meddlers like yourself seek to impose their will on others. We don't do that.

So if anyone deserves to die, I'd say it's the folks that meddle in the affairs of others, not those that simply wish to be left alone.

And there is no right to murder dumbass.

Yes, and mentally ill people and criminals should be able to buy rocket launchers. I know the drill.

Golly, a logical fallacy. You moved the goalposts. Who could have guessed you'd go there?

Color me shocked.


Aw, confused again I see.

Get thee to a library.
Not the same. The NRA getting hosed would be ironic because they're the ones who promote unfettered access to firearms.

Where's the irony in a socialist's convention getting shot up? That doesn't make sense.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword, my friend. That shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment right to blow your head off.

Wow, are you really that thick? The NRA seeks to impose nothing on others. We only wish to retain the innate right to self defense. Meddlers like yourself seek to impose their will on others. We don't do that.

So if anyone deserves to die, I'd say it's the folks that meddle in the affairs of others, not those that simply wish to be left alone.

And there is no right to murder dumbass.

Yes, and mentally ill people and criminals should be able to buy rocket launchers. I know the drill.

Golly, a logical fallacy. You moved the goalposts. Who could have guessed you'd go there?

Color me shocked.


Aw, confused again I see.

Get thee to a library.

I think maybe you don't know what the goal is. Heh
Wow, are you really that thick? The NRA seeks to impose nothing on others. We only wish to retain the innate right to self defense. Meddlers like yourself seek to impose their will on others. We don't do that.

So if anyone deserves to die, I'd say it's the folks that meddle in the affairs of others, not those that simply wish to be left alone.

And there is no right to murder dumbass.

Yes, and mentally ill people and criminals should be able to buy rocket launchers. I know the drill.

Golly, a logical fallacy. You moved the goalposts. Who could have guessed you'd go there?

Color me shocked.


Aw, confused again I see.

Get thee to a library.

I think maybe you don't know what the goal is. Heh

Logical fallacy #2.

You're really not very good at this whole debating thing.

Again, library.
Yes, and mentally ill people and criminals should be able to buy rocket launchers. I know the drill.

Golly, a logical fallacy. You moved the goalposts. Who could have guessed you'd go there?

Color me shocked.


Aw, confused again I see.

Get thee to a library.

I think maybe you don't know what the goal is. Heh

Logical fallacy #2.

You're really not very good at this whole debating thing.

Again, library.

Debate on what? That I think it would be funny if an NRA convention were to get blasted? That's called an opinion.

Regardless of my debating skills, at least I know what a debate is.
Stephen Paddock was probably just acting in self-defense, I bet. Yeah ... him and that kid in Florida. Just defending themselves.

No dumbass, that was murder. Illegal regardless of how its carried out.

Do you really believe people equate mass murder with self defense? If so, forget the library. Seek professional help.
Golly, a logical fallacy. You moved the goalposts. Who could have guessed you'd go there?

Color me shocked.


Aw, confused again I see.

Get thee to a library.

I think maybe you don't know what the goal is. Heh

Logical fallacy #2.

You're really not very good at this whole debating thing.

Again, library.

Debate on what? That I think it would be funny if an NRA convention were to get blasted? That's called an opinion.

Regardless of my debating skills, at least I know what a debate is.

Then go back to post #69 and try again.

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