"The Notion of Sarah Palin Being President

No one is talking about a separate nomination process for VP. What they ARE talking about is the nominee and his/her campaign people picking a VP based on ability to do the job rather than who can help him/her win the election by appealing to specific constituencies.

You know, I saw that interview this morning... the thing that bothered me MOST wasn't that she was unprepared...but the fact that she refused to become prepared. According to Schmidt, they tried in vain to give her an education on history and politics on the National Scale and she refused to participate. He also stated that he felt that the campaign took a deep emotional toll on her and he felt bad about that. He basically stated that he made a mistake and that there were more important things than winning an election...like the aforementioned "ability to do the job if something happened to the POTUS".

lol, he tried to give her a education in history and politics..what a frikken joke..She comes from a line of educators in the family
yeah he feels bad about the emotional toll it took on her, so here he is..making his monies off her...what a class act.

Hey.... I'm just repeating what he said. WTF does her family have to do with it? Oh yeah... that's right, nothing. I know kids of teachers who are ignorant dopers...same with kids of Pastors.

God forbid should anyone say anything negative(not even in a mean fashion) about princess Sarah. I don't have HBO so I didn't see the movie or read the book... but maybe now I'll get the book. From what I hear,, people who have seen it came away from the movie with a better understanding of Palin and a more empathetic viewpoint of the woman....but because it contains some not so flattering stuff in it, you want to get all outraged.

But, what can I expect from a Right wing Radical... Revisionist history that only shows "the good stuff" because...no one who is a "Conservative" can be wrong or bad about anything...

Christ, it's almost as though you are all standing in line to kiss her gilded pussy or something.

The whole point of the United States is that a variety of people can run. That we don't have Lords and Kings and that we don't have career politicians. So, i welcome her or anyone who wants to run. They can make their case to the people and then let the votes be counted. I think Palin is a terrific person, a smart woman and a straight shooter. I much prefer that over another useless politician like Obama who only tells people what they think we want to hear. Tell me who you are and what you really stand for and what you really will do. I might disagree but that i can respect. Not politics as usual Obama.
The whole point of the United States is that a variety of people can run. That we don't have Lords and Kings and that we don't have career politicians. So, i welcome her or anyone who wants to run. They can make their case to the people and then let the votes be counted. I think Palin is a terrific person, a smart woman and a straight shooter. I much prefer that over another useless politician like Obama who only tells people what they think we want to hear. Tell me who you are and what you really stand for and what you really will do. I might disagree but that i can respect. Not politics as usual Obama.

No you can't....Obama laid out his platform and what he wanted to accomplish... BECAUSE YOU DISAGREED with him, he did not get your vote and has drawn your ire since the 2008 election.

The only reason you're calling it "politics as usual" is because you disagree with him...you don't like him... in fact, you may very well hate the guy... Which is very much your right as an American.

As far as the first part of you post? I agree... anyone should be able to run....however, when one wants to have the responsibility of running the entire country/state/locality, they should damned well be willing to do the preparation required to run the office(if they are lacking).
Obama "laid out his platform". What a joke. Spend, spend, spend. Stand around and do nothing in terms of leadership. Put an end to any real hope of obtaining and drilling for more oil. Golf, golf, golf and live the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Barf o Rama.
It is simple. If you don't like her, don't vote for her, problem solved. But, YOU dont' get to decide how i vote.

wow.... where did that come from? fail reading comprehension?

Oh yawn, another page from the Dem playbook. When losing a debate, you start calling the other person stupid or insinuating you are so much smarter or whatever. Grow up. I am not going to play with that nonsense.
Obama "laid out his platform". What a joke. Spend, spend, spend. Stand around and do nothing in terms of leadership. Put an end to any real hope of obtaining and drilling for more oil. Golf, golf, golf and live the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Barf o Rama.

first off... your AM Radio driven bullshit aside....

Like I said..he laid out his platform. YOU don't agree with it. YOU didn't vote for him... He won anyway. He's doing what he was elected to do....just because YOU don't agree with it, doesn't make it invalid.

But that's the mindset of the right... They feel so fucking ENTITLED that they can't believe that many others could have possibly had a different plan for the country than they did.

It was the will of the people. Will the "will of the people" change? Perhaps... perhaps not.

The point is... Neither YOU or I get to dictate it.
As for the right, we will think what we want to think and put up candidates we want to put up. Those who make their case will move up the chain, those who don't will step aside. So what?
Are you talking about having a separate election for the VP?

I won't be able to see the movie, I don't get HBO, since Showtime is free.

but going on what I know...

We simply don't have enough actual facts to vote for Pres and it takes for fucking ever just to get down to Two candidates.

Could you imagine the insanity of it all?

How would the VP be picked?

Would it come from a list of the Pres noms wish list?
Would people put their names in to run separably, and then we have to have them campaign..

krist; Would they even have to come from the same party?

Imagine; McCain/H. Clinton
Obama/Jeb Bush
Biden/The Real Frankenstein.

Or imagine getting Two hard core left or rights in at the same time.

bleh, getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

No one is talking about a separate nomination process for VP. What they ARE talking about is the nominee and his/her campaign people picking a VP based on ability to do the job rather than who can help him/her win the election by appealing to specific constituencies.

You know, I saw that interview this morning... the thing that bothered me MOST wasn't that she was unprepared...but the fact that she refused to become prepared. According to Schmidt, they tried in vain to give her an education on history and politics on the National Scale and she refused to participate. He also stated that he felt that the campaign took a deep emotional toll on her and he felt bad about that. He basically stated that he made a mistake and that there were more important things than winning an election...like the aforementioned "ability to do the job if something happened to the POTUS".

lol, he tried to give her a education in history and politics..what a frikken joke..She comes from a line of educators in the family....
....And, decided an education (just) didn't fit into her game-plan....for fame & fortune (with a porno-soundtrack)....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSdFIDygFwM]SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ... - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtJPrTLevYw]Sarah Palin Pageant - The Evening Gown - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2OUJ8ZUTiI]Bill Maher about Sarah Palin - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvsMFN9P8AU]Bill Maher Thanks Teabaggers and Sarah Palin(TOO FUNNY) - 3/26/10 - YouTube[/ame]​
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

They do make choices based on who can step into the job. She was more qualified than Obama was and you are still acting as if she was unqualified despite the fact that you VOTED HIM IN.
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

They do make choices based on who can step into the job. She was more qualified than Obama.......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nokTjEdaUGg]Palin On Foreign Policy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgWqz95JDcU]Sarah Palin Shows More Stupidity w/ Bill O'Reilly - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arehMcyi930]Yes sarah PALIN is stupid watch ! - YouTube[/ame]​
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

I came in here, ready to say something like 'Oh joy... another Palin thread... can we let it go, please???'

But you have a legitimate point. Won't happen, but it's a valid point.

Thank you. My thought when I heard Schmidt was that he was correct. Now, mind you, he's the one who helped pick Palin. He regrets it terribly. But I thought his judgment about what we need to do in regard to the number 2 spot was really important, particularly BECAUSE he picked her.

And I know the Palinistas are going to get cranky, but this wasn't just about Palin, as you pointed out.
Yep. VP's are largely chosen to get votes from the electorate that the Presidential candidate wouldn't otherwise garner as was the case w/ Payland..... errr..... Palin.
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Are you talking about having a separate election for the VP?

I won't be able to see the movie, I don't get HBO, since Showtime is free.

but going on what I know...

We simply don't have enough actual facts to vote for Pres and it takes for fucking ever just to get down to Two candidates.

Could you imagine the insanity of it all?

How would the VP be picked?

Would it come from a list of the Pres noms wish list?
Would people put their names in to run separably, and then we have to have them campaign..

krist; Would they even have to come from the same party?

Imagine; McCain/H. Clinton
Obama/Jeb Bush
Biden/The Real Frankenstein.

Or imagine getting Two hard core left or rights in at the same time.

bleh, getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

No. Schmidt wasn't talking about a separate election for VP. He was suggesting that both parties choose a VP candidate more carefully... not just based upon what that candidate can do in terms of demographics or geography or supporters, but based on someone who can, from day one, step into the top spot if they are called upon to do so.

McCain wanted to pick Joe Lieberman as his running mate. While I have major disagreements with Lieberman, particularly based on his speaking at the republican convention after he had been given the opportunitty to run as VP with Gore. However, there wouldn't have been any question in my mind that, had McCain won, Lieberman would have been ready to go. He was smart enough and capable enough. I think that's true of Biden, as well. whether you agree with him or not. I agree with Schmidt that Edwards wouldn't have been ready. And I know Palin wasn't. Dan Quayle wasn't .... for sure. Daddy Bush was.

So I felt as a matter of patriotism, that Schmidt was correct about how such choices are made.
When he and William "We didn't bomb them (America) enough" Ayers held court over those millions ventured by the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to improve the little kiddies lot in the Chicago School System, the money vanished like the autumn frost does on the rooftops when the first sunlight begins to hit it.
Obama's economic accomlishments in office: Solyndra, Abound, the Chevy Volt, Fisker, are starting to resemble the debris field ariound the East Boat Basin landing beaches, Iwo Jima, February 1945 and he simply doesn't care. Its only the people's money, there's plenty more where that came from. All he has to do is tax it.
They do make choices based on who can step into the job. She was more qualified than Obama was and you are still acting as if she was unqualified despite the fact that you VOTED HIM IN.

She wasn't qualified because she didn't know anything and refused to learn. He's smart. You just disagree with him.

If I just disagreed with her, I'd say, 'she's smart but i disagree with her' like I do about people like Scalia.

Palin knows nothing and instead of studying and preparing herself, she refused to learn anything and embarrassed herself.

I understand the rightwingnut attachment to her. But that isn't what we're talking about.
When he and William "We didn't bomb them (America) enough" Ayers held court over those millions ventured by the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to improve the little kiddies lot in the Chicago School System, the money vanished like the autumn frost does on the rooftops when the first sunlight begins to hit it.
That's what Porky Limbaugh said, huh??


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