The next Biden Shortage...Diesel Fuel...

Diesel shortages coming to the East Coast as fuel prices surge over $6...

No food.

Not just no trucks hauling food ... no tractors plowing fields, no combines harvesting crops, no trains hauling feed for livestock...

Good luck.

Biden has fucked the country royal. Out of SPITE.
Engineered destruction of our country.

How long are people going to put up with it?
As long as Christian churches and associate religions are divided from each other by worshipping politicians and not Godly brotherhood. He who worships God faithfully is the only worthy leader, and in this nation, the founders defended the Christian faith because many of their families suffered through Roman rule with martyrdom that cannot be erased by lying politicians who want America not to remember her beleaguered past in any truthful way. A group of New York Jews funded the Revolution by giving up every nickel they owned to the cause of freedom of worship for everyone in the country. They were led by a man named Haim Solomon, a wealthy benefactor who gave every cent he had to the Revolution, and when he was out of money, he recruited his Jewish banker friends to take up the slack and fork over their reserve funds to George Washington for food, clothing, munitions, and good protective footwear for his barefoot, hungry soldiers. The Continental Congress never repaid Haim Solomon, who died a poor man, and I never saw his name in print until I read a book called "The American Almanac" Mr. Schlesinger's unique historical format written by using the calendar of years for his method of instruction.
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Diesel shortages coming to the East Coast as fuel prices surge over $6...

No food.

Not just no trucks hauling food ... no tractors plowing fields, no combines harvesting crops, no trains hauling feed for livestock...

Good luck.

The Climate Change Cultists are going to starve people with their backwards beliefs to death just like Mao did.
Yet another article in the Weekend WSJ, like dozens previously since last Sept., on how the big oil companies are going to keep production steady and not invest in new drilling, cuz the shareholders want big dividend checks instead. But hey, you dumbass shills keep making up stupid excuses for them and crying to give them even more tax breaks for doing nothing. lol lol lol 'free markets' are wonderful, especially when you own the markets and all your 'competitors' are free to collude with you, right?
I will not troll and will state the shortage of diesel should concern every American, Mexican and Canadian seeing Trucks will not be able to move and without Trucking this country will see massive shortages…

People enough already and let forget my sorry attempt at humor and focus for once and Biden has to do more and stop his war on Oil!

We do not have the proper infrastructure to allow us to use bullet trains to transport products and it will be many years down the road before we will be ready!

Then electric trucks do not exist at this moment, so let be clear moving stuff will be impossible unless Biden plans to use the Guard to move product!

So when someone left read this you need to understand gas at gas stations are hauled by trucks that use diesel and to say this isn’t a big deal will tell me you have no damn clue at the ramifications of what might happen if we lose our trucking!

Hey, get some marketable skillz and work more hours if you need money instead of whining for Biden to save you from Big Oil. lol you're just another lazy whiner. Gas and diesel prices are lower than they were in 1970, not even half the prices then in dollar terms. You're just a soft Burb Brat loser.
Straight idiocy. This stuff is happening worldwide.
Create a war on fossil fuels at home and watch the price go up abroad... Once again for the idiots here... Oil is a global commodity dumbshit.... Shutdown a pipeline here and the price goes up everywhere.... Cut off drilling here the price goes up there... Get it????
Diesel shortages coming to the East Coast as fuel prices surge over $6...

No food.

Not just no trucks hauling food ... no tractors plowing fields, no combines harvesting crops, no trains hauling feed for livestock...

Good luck.

My question ... where has there not been a shortage from the Biden administration? Energy, education, country unification, COVID mismanagement, student debt, inflation (economy) and immigration. This guy has the Royal Flush of political failure.
My question ... where has there not been a shortage from the Biden administration? Energy, education, country unification, COVID mismanagement, student debt, inflation (economy) and immigration. This guy has the Royal Flush of political failure.
True. I thought it couldn't get worse than B. Hussein Obama. But it did.

We are exporting too much and need it here!
It's amazing how we got so greedy over the year's, that to make certain one's here filthy rich literally, and to make the Saudis, the Chinese, the Taiwanese, Mexico, and other's these filthy rich oligarchs type players in this game, yet it's all coming at the demise of the average working middle claas tax paying citizen's, uhhhhh citizen's has been a huge stick in our eye, and I mean for quite a long time toooooo. How we somehow get balance once again is anyone's guess anymore.
And yet the left believe that gave them the winning hand while not realizing Diesel price skyrocketing is going to matter more in November than they will believe.

Take a moment and eggs were selling around $1.28 a dozen and are now $2.50 a dozen and diesel was around $2.50 to $2.75 a gallon and is $5.50 a gallon here, well let see how smart the left are when they figure out the increase in diesel mean the increase on everything from eggs to regular gas!

Hmmm, how dumb are they?
Oh, they are really really dumb.
Diesel shortages coming to the East Coast as fuel prices surge over $6...

No food.

Not just no trucks hauling food ... no tractors plowing fields, no combines harvesting crops, no trains hauling feed for livestock...

Good luck.

Mr. Biden has zero control over the flow fuel products. Mr. Biden is NOT responsible for world wide inflation.

The Oil Companies set the price fuel, NOT the White. The Oil Companies control flow of fuel, NOT the White House.
Diesel shortages coming to the East Coast as fuel prices surge over $6...

No food.

Not just no trucks hauling food ... no tractors plowing fields, no combines harvesting crops, no trains hauling feed for livestock...

Good luck.

It's not a Biden shortage it's a world shortage. If we weren't held back by the Republicans and Big oil by all their propaganda and lack of support for renewable energies, we'd be in good shape now. Alternative energy should have been developed 20 or even 40 years ago. But as it is, the world is running out of oil, all reserves we're supposed to last until 2043, now that figure has dropped to 2038. The Saudis have begun curtailing their oil production because even by their inflated figures of what they have, and the fact that over the past 30 years they have pumped out 90 trillion barrels of oil out of their fields. Which means their oil fields are more than half depleted. The cost of oil May fluctuate a little bit and temporarily go down again but oil will continue to rise until it's gone. I would not be surprised if we see $10 or $20 a gallon gas in a few years. Everyone that has it is going to capitalize on the fact that it's running out for good. The world is going to have to change and adapt unbelievably. If we thought we saw a lot of change in the last 20 years. What's going to happen in the next 20 years ( if civilization survives ) is going to make your head spin.
We're not going to run out of diesel it's just going to get so expensive people driving diesel vehicles won't be able to afford to continue doing so an a lot of farmers are going to go bankrupt.
already talking about the NE running out.

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