The National Healt Service is why American Conservatives don't want government running healthcare...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....when you can get the truth about the National Health Service in Britain it is exactly what we have come to expect from the government getting involved in if the treatment of American Veterans by the V.A. wasn't enough.....take a look across the pond at the horrors they quietly ignore from the NHS......

Soon to be at an American hospital under obamacare......

NHS Hospitals Are Paying SEVENTY-FIVE Times The Price For Medicine - Breitbart

Britain’s National Health Service – lauded by the political left as the “envy of the world” – is paying up to 75x the price for medicines, and double the price for goods such as toilet paper and syringes, according to a new, government-commissioned review.

Lord Carter’s review, which looked at 22 hospitals across Britain, revealed that liver tablets that cost 2p each in some hospitals, were costing others up to £1.50. The same level of wasteful overspending was identified in items like syringes, aprons, and toilet paper, the latter of which cost some hospitals £66 for a box, whereas some hospitals paid just £30.

The BBC reports:

He also identified huge inefficiencies in the way staff were managed, with one hospital losing £10,000 a month through workers claiming too much leave.

The report, which will be published in full later, will also say hospitals need to make better use of staff through flexible working and better rostering.

Meanwhile, better use of medicines could also have a substantial impact, the efficiency review said.
My VA does great work in a timely shit civilian.. are just a special flower.....ask all the other vets who die while on hidden waiting lists how their experience was...oh...that's can't....they died waiting for the V.A. to treat them.....

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