They did that as expected over ocare and the rest was applause. And YOU have no idea what THEY thought of the speech.

Stfu. You don't have any idea, I do. The rest was certainly not applause, he also said if they want to see someone who knows how to take care of Black people, take a look..

They laughed him outta there.

Lol, neither of us know what they think because we weren't there or privy to their conversations.

Try to be reasonable if you are capable.

Well some of us can be perceptive, I could tell by their booing and laughing and occasional polite applause that they could barely contain themselves..

You want somebody who can take care of Black people? Take a look baby.. - Mitt Romney

:eusa_shifty: :lol:
LOL! It's being said that Romney purposely got them to boo him so his base would see the Negroes booing their (the base's) elitist leader.

Don't know if that's true or not, but if so, damn clever of Mitten!

Makes perfect sense. What better to energize Romney's racist base than a room full of uppity negros. :lol:
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is booing Romney. Raise your hand if you're surprised. :lol::lol:

Romney was also cheered when he said he was for traditional marriage and Romney also received a standing ovation at the end.

And despite the spin our good leftist friends are trying to put on this, I heard boos only once and that was during the Obamacare repeal statement. And he definitely made a silk purse out of that and gained more applause doing it.
He didn't get applause but he didn't get boos when he told them flat out something to the effect that President Obama had promised many things but has not delivered. They know it. And they gave every indication of being intellectually honest enough to accept the truth they hear.

Yes, I think many of them recognize Obama's failures. And obviously it's easy for the critics to dismiss as biased what Romney said to his interviewer today - that many had come up to him afterwards and admitted their disappointment with Obama.

But Romney has now said something that relates to a few items I've seen in polls, not necessarily about black voters but about Dem voters in general. Two professional [non-media] unrelated polls have found that 17% and 1 in 5 Dems will not vote for Obama.

I personally find that number to be much higher than I might have expected. But then again, I find many of Obama's actions as president to be much more disturbing than I would have expected, too.
Here's you a link. It is a Mormon cultural thing that Mitt can recite his resume and what he has done and can do in his capacity as a national leader, but you won't find a devout Mormon even talking about, much less bragging about, what he or she does on the behalf of others.

By Maeve Reston

Los Angeles Times

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — In 1963, an explosive year in the quest for civil rights, George Romney appeared unannounced in the mostly white suburb of Grosse Pointe and marched to the front of an anti-segregation demonstration to stand beside black leaders.
Aggressive civil-rights stance left Romney's father at odds with party | Nation & World | The Seattle Times
is booing Romney. Raise your hand if you're surprised. :lol::lol:

I give Romney credit for going there, I think for a myriad of reasons, they could have had a more dignified response instead of booing.
Because Republicans never BOO?

They just shout "You lie!" at the President of the United States of America as he addresses a joint session of Congress.

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