The myth of a "booming" economy that benefits everyone....

That explains Hillary getting so much more Billionaires' donating to her campaign than Trump.

Somehow you morons think that we all "loved" Hillary instead of simply opposing a fucking, corrupt demagogue that ONLY cares about his own fat ass.
Hillary lost because she was a dishonest, wicked, self serving candidate who represented the plantation mentality, viewed all americans outside of her cadre of elitist fellow travelers as ignorant pawns unfit to decide for themselves how to live their lives. Reminds me of the old bitch that addresses those that serve her at the club and clean their house as her people. Talks about how she sacrifices and yet lives in a crystal palace surrounded by her idols. Nat your problem is that your simply a entitled hypocrite who feels everyone else is beneath you, unfit to have their own opinions. Your anger is against those that succeeded in life simply because you did not, yet how is it that you dance to the music of the plantation masters? At some point in one's life a person finds peace and contentment without all the trappings others so crave.
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I know from my own personal experience that the economy changed the DAY Trump was elected.
If you didn't love her, why did you vote her in as your nominee?

I didn't, moron.....But, in comparison with a piece of orange lard like Trump............LOL

No, that's the general election. I'm talking about the primary. You had several candidates to choose from, and you on the left chose her. Hell, Sanders is an admitted Socialist. That's the next best thing to a Communist and you still couldn't get him in there.

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