The msm doesn't want to talk about #release the memo, bu this could be the biggest scandal in D.C. .


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Republican members of Congress are pushing for the release of a memo that reportedly shows that government surveillance powers were illegally used against Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, and that the Obama administration, the FBI and Hillary Clinton illegally colluded in a concerted effort to try to destroy Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About #ReleaseTheMemo, But This Could Be The Biggest Scandal In D.C. Since Watergate

Well we know if they don't shut up and get them out quickly the crooks in DC and teh WH will be sure to lose those documents. I mean after all they already lost some emails oh convenient isn't it.
Written by Nunes' staff? Might as well enter it for the Man Booker prize for fiction.
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Written by Nunes' staff? Might as well enter it for the Man Booker prize for fiction.

Or be like you and a total idiot who can't click links leading to the source. Obama voters are that stupid. Thanks for proving that.
So has Hillary Clinton been indicted yet?

You mean this isn't about that? I couldn't tell. It's the same story, just with a few words changed. "Indictments are just around the corner! Democrats are in a panic, which is why they're hiding evidence! And no, this is totally unlike the previous hundred times we said this! This time it's really going to happen!".

The Republicans can release that memo any time they please. Nothing is stopping Trump or the Republican Congress from declassifying it. Nothing is stopping them from publicly discussing it in Congress, and such discussions are legally shielded, and congressmen can't be prosecuted for discussing something confidential in congress. Nothing is stopping them from leaking it.

And yet they're not releasing it. And they never will release it. After all, if they release it, the public can see that it's faked. If they keep it hidden, they can keep pretending it shows the Democrats are engaged in wrongdoing.

And the usual suspects are falling for the same scam for the hundredth time. And, as is also usual, they take the lack of any evidence to support their conspiracy theory as evidence that a conspiracy to cover up the crime exists.
Republican members of Congress are pushing for the release of a memo that reportedly shows that government surveillance powers were illegally used against Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, and that the Obama administration, the FBI and Hillary Clinton illegally colluded in a concerted effort to try to destroy Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About #ReleaseTheMemo, But This Could Be The Biggest Scandal In D.C. Since Watergate

Well we know if they don't shut up and get them out quickly the crooks in DC and teh WH will be sure to lose those documents. I mean after all they already lost some emails oh convenient isn't it.


I’m increasingly convinced that this is a nothing burger just on you starting so many threads on it.
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Republican members of Congress are pushing for the release of a memo that reportedly shows that government surveillance powers were illegally used against Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, and that the Obama administration, the FBI and Hillary Clinton illegally colluded in a concerted effort to try to destroy Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About #ReleaseTheMemo, But This Could Be The Biggest Scandal In D.C. Since Watergate

Well we know if they don't shut up and get them out quickly the crooks in DC and teh WH will be sure to lose those documents. I mean after all they already lost some emails oh convenient isn't it.


I’m increasingly convinced that this is a nothing burger just on you starting so many threads on it.

You infowar Degenerate retarded morons are so, so good at showing the world how fknpathetically stupid you really are. Why do a.h. like you get off on making yourselves look so stupid. You all really a discrace to humanity .
Talke about rejects of society..


Were you always that stupid or did Obama create your stupdity oh wait you can't anwer it tard.
Republican members of Congress are pushing for the release of a memo that reportedly shows that government surveillance powers were illegally used against Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, and that the Obama administration, the FBI and Hillary Clinton illegally colluded in a concerted effort to try to destroy Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About #ReleaseTheMemo, But This Could Be The Biggest Scandal In D.C. Since Watergate

Well we know if they don't shut up and get them out quickly the crooks in DC and teh WH will be sure to lose those documents. I mean after all they already lost some emails oh convenient isn't it.


I’m increasingly convinced that this is a nothing burger just on you starting so many threads on it.

You infowar Degenerate retarded morons are so, so good at showing the world how fknpathetically stupid you really are. Why do a.h. like you get off on making yourselves look so stupid. You all really a discrace to humanity .
Talke about rejects of society..

THIS ISN'T INFOWARS IDIOT..View attachment 172938

Were you always that stupid or did Obama create your stupdity oh wait you can't anwer it tard.
You moron. The link in your post which I responded to is to InfoWars. Why are you so embarrassed by your own sources that you pretend as though you didn’t link them? :dunno:
Republican members of Congress are pushing for the release of a memo that reportedly shows that government surveillance powers were illegally used against Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, and that the Obama administration, the FBI and Hillary Clinton illegally colluded in a concerted effort to try to destroy Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About #ReleaseTheMemo, But This Could Be The Biggest Scandal In D.C. Since Watergate

Well we know if they don't shut up and get them out quickly the crooks in DC and teh WH will be sure to lose those documents. I mean after all they already lost some emails oh convenient isn't it.

Says Infowars. Alas, the memo was manufactured by Trump's lacky Nunes. With Trumpies demonstrating repeatedly that the level of their hyperbole is inversely proportionate to their substance. And they hyperbole for this memo is absolutely panty shitting.

Nunes could declassify the memo in a week. Trump could declassify it instantly.

They're stalling for a reason.

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