Say NO to the Popular Vote


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?
1 Ties with neo-Nazis ? I can see the DNC and the SPLC have YOU programmed. :rolleyes:

2 It's not the business of the USA to copy "other countries", nor is it our business to let a nefarious group (Democrats) take over the govt, by stacking the ballots with immigrants.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?
Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?
are there any other countries with an electoral college in it's constitution?
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?
Thank gawd urban shitholes cant completely control our national election.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?
which hate group in particular do you refer to?
anti-fa? the liberal one shutting down free speech and lighting innocent trash bins on fire?
progressives who slam anyone who doesn't agree with them as "racist"?
liberals who shoot conservatives playing softball?
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
/----/ Fake poll used to generate a headline and gin up the despondate Dem base. Ignore it
fake poll.png
This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.
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In Charlottesville, there were many people just protesting the removal of a Robert E Lee statue They were not Nazis, but the left tries to make it look like Trump was only taking about the Nazi freaks.

Also, the left loons were (illegally) blocking the street were protesters (again many not Nazis) were marching. The guy who drove down the street and killed somebody, actually had more right to drive there than the idiots who were blocking that street.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
The Electoral College protects us from ignorant citizens as well, and preserves some semblance of our republican form of government.

The overwhelming majority of Democrats favor a popular vote because it would cater to the ignorant, citizen or not.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.

We the People deserve to have our votes counted. Every vote, in ever election counted and valued. Not always does the winner lose the popular vote, and Trump exemplifies why the electoral college is archaic and obsolete. More people rejected him than respected him, and in his first year he has earned more and more disrespect.
This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.

A biddable kool-aid drinker ^^^

Q. Is he as dumb as he seems, or is he an agent provocateur

NOTE: Vote now, but your vote may not count, we employ a system we call the electoral college, and we will select each member of the college based on gerrymandered considerations.
The states will never vote to disenfranchise themselves. Liberals, in the throes of their liberal insanity, believe that New York and California can vote to take the vote from all of the rest of the states. The "popular vote" is only the vote of the lopsided coasts who believe that they have a right to tell everyone else how to live and who to vote for. After all, they know better than everyone else.
There are 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. The boys vote to rape the girls.

Democracy in action.

Which proves once again that democracy has flaws, but it is the best form of government yet created.

An informed population, able to discern right from wrong and how to cast their vote in the best interest of society as a whole, is necessary and sufficient to prevent such discrimination.

Which is why the right wing hates progressives, liberals, Democrats and democracy.
We the People deserve to have our votes counted. Every vote, in ever election counted and valued. Not always does the winner lose the popular vote, and Trump exemplifies why the electoral college is archaic and obsolete. More people rejected him than respected him, and in his first year he has earned more and more disrespect.
You have it completely backwards. To claim that Trump lost the popular vote is a liberal media propaganda laughingstock With millions of illegal aliens voting for Hillary, Trump easily topped her in both popular (AMERICAN ie) votes, and electoral.

We don't go by "people" votes. We go by AMERICAN people votes Did you read the OP ? It looks like you didn't.

As for Trump, in his first year he has earned much RESPECT for a long list of accomplishments, despite the media's negative barrage.
This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.

A biddable kool-aid drinker ^^^

Q. Is he as dumb as he seems, or is he an agent provocateur

NOTE: Vote now, but your vote may not count, we employ a system we call the electoral college, and we will select each member of the college based on gerrymandered considerations.
Yup, a "dumb" man who bested 17 establishment republican candidates with name recognition, then went on to beat crooked Hillary who spent billions more and had the FBI, the CIA, a sitting president and the corrupt media in her back pocket.
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