The most important point in both debates.......


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
On both nights, Obama and Biden, when speaking on the economy - always-always talk about how bad it was in 2009 and how much they have done to make it better.
What you don't ever hear them talk about (or 98% of the media) - that economic growth has slowed to a crawl for 30 straight months.
Biden and Ryan both spoke on this - and both Obama and Biden quickly spouted off data making comparisons to the worst year in over 50 years...but you never see them compare each year to the last.
And you won't.
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On both nights, Obama and Biden, when speaking on the economy - always-always talk about how bad it was in 2009 and how much they have done to make it better.
What you don't ever hear them talk about (or 98% of the media) - that economic growth has slowed to a crawl for 30 straight months.
Biden and Ryan both spoke on this - and both Obama and Biden quickly spouted off data making comparisons to the worst year in over 50 years (2009)...but you never see them compare each year to the last.
And you won't.

On both nights, Obama and Biden, when speaking on the economy - always-always talk about how bad it was in 2009 and how much they have done to make it better.
What you don't ever hear them talk about (or 98% of the media) - that economic growth has slowed to a crawl for 30 straight months.
Biden and Ryan both spoke on this - and both Obama and Biden quickly spouted off data making comparisons to the worst year in over 50 years (2009)...but you never see them compare each year to the last.
And you won't.


The fact the economy has barely grown at all in 30 straight months is a non-issue to you - or you can't quite grasp the concept?
On both nights, Obama and Biden, when speaking on the economy - always-always talk about how bad it was in 2009 and how much they have done to make it better.
What you don't ever hear them talk about (or 98% of the media) - that economic growth has slowed to a crawl for 30 straight months. Biden and Ryan both spoke on this - and both Obama and Biden quickly spouted off data making comparisons to the worst year in over 50 years...but you never see them compare each year to the last.
And you won't.

Just as republicans in congress wanted it to.
On both nights, Obama and Biden, when speaking on the economy - always-always talk about how bad it was in 2009 and how much they have done to make it better.
What you don't ever hear them talk about (or 98% of the media) - that economic growth has slowed to a crawl for 30 straight months.
Biden and Ryan both spoke on this - and both Obama and Biden quickly spouted off data making comparisons to the worst year in over 50 years (2009)...but you never see them compare each year to the last.
And you won't.


Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.
CaféAuLait;6148478 said:
On both nights, Obama and Biden, when speaking on the economy - always-always talk about how bad it was in 2009 and how much they have done to make it better.
What you don't ever hear them talk about (or 98% of the media) - that economic growth has slowed to a crawl for 30 straight months.
Biden and Ryan both spoke on this - and both Obama and Biden quickly spouted off data making comparisons to the worst year in over 50 years (2009)...but you never see them compare each year to the last.
And you won't.


Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.

yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.
Obama flat. Biden a demagogue, a bully, and a flat out liar. In the next few weeks, I expect the polling to reflect the deception that Joe so blatantly spewed!
CaféAuLait;6148478 said:

Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.

yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

That is an issue that is facing our country right now, instead of each side listening to the other they turn a deaf ear. If both sides listened and both presented ideas we might be able to get somewhere. But it's turned into if the left says something it's BAD and if the right says something it's automatically BAD.

There is no middle ground, just arguments and if we don't try to hear one another then we will never get anywhere.
CaféAuLait;6148478 said:

Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.

yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

So 30 straight months of non-growth is a talking point?
Well - you know - actually I believe you would think that.
Obama flat. Biden a demagogue, a bully, and a flat out liar. In the next few weeks, I expect the polling to reflect the deception that Joe so blatantly spewed!

Did you just pull this out your ass like Ryan did last night? Have you paid any attention to the fact checkers? You just prove all they have to do is say it and you believe it. Obama told Romney his tax plan wont work without adding to the deficit. Romney replied "where did you get this 5 tril from"? Then said "If I say it wont add to the deficit then it wont add to the deficit". Ryan basically said the same last night Joe's reply "Mathematically Impossible" The Tax Policy Center's answer? "Mathematically Impossible" Go to the TPC web site and read the plan and read why it can"t work. See that word CAN'T as in CAN NOT work. It is a mathematical impossibility. He can't do it he can't he can't he can't. No matter how many times he says he can he still can't. That is unless you believe Romney is smarter than math. You probably do.
CaféAuLait;6148478 said:
Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.

yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

So 30 straight months of non-growth is a talking point?
Well - you know - actually I believe you would think that.

They run from facts. They are actually celebrating it! Glad its not 46!
CaféAuLait;6148478 said:
Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.

yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

So 30 straight months of non-growth is a talking point?
Well - you know - actually I believe you would think that.

Hasn't been 30 straight months of non growth. It's been slow growth. What do you expect when your are handed the worst of EVERYTHING?
yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

So 30 straight months of non-growth is a talking point?
Well - you know - actually I believe you would think that.

Hasn't been 30 straight months of non growth. It's been slow growth. What do you expect when your are handed the worst of EVERYTHING?

I wonder if you believe that since Obama was handed the 'worst of everything' did the democrats and Obama himself have a hand in such since they controlled both houses since 2007 until 2011 and are still in contol of one? Did any law they passed over the years add to such?
CaféAuLait;6148514 said:
CaféAuLait;6148478 said:
Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.

yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

That is an issue that is facing our country right now, instead of each side listening to the other they turn a deaf ear. If both sides listened and both presented ideas we might be able to get somewhere. But it's turned into if the left says something it's BAD and if the right says something it's automatically BAD.

There is no middle ground, just arguments and if we don't try to hear one another then we will never get anywhere.

OK who was it again that said "Our mission for the next two years is to make sure Obama is a one term president? Who was it that said "We need this President to fail"? Who was it that said "I want to see this President fail"? Who was it that was appointed to a panel that could could come up with a plan that both parties could agree on and the voted against their own bill as to not make the POTUS look good? Who did all that?
CaféAuLait;6148605 said:
So 30 straight months of non-growth is a talking point?
Well - you know - actually I believe you would think that.

Hasn't been 30 straight months of non growth. It's been slow growth. What do you expect when your are handed the worst of EVERYTHING?

I wonder if you believe that since Obama was handed the 'worst of everything' did the democrats and Obama himself have a hand in such since they controlled both houses since 2007 until 2011 and are still in contol of one? Did any law they passed over the years add to such?

Yes they all had a hand in it but the Republicans act like Obama did this all on his own. You talk the country was in the shape it was when Bush got it. But when the Dems took control during the Bush years, they held a press conference and said. "We will work together with President Bush" when the Republicans took over they hald a press conference and said "Our number 1 goal is to make sure that Obama is a one term President". That right there tells you that they would all in their power to make him fail. Make the voters hate him and had no interest what so ever in working with him no matter what it cost the country. Also I think Obama was an idiot for spending so much time on health care when there were much mor important things to fix at the time. I also blame the Republicans for holding things up.
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CaféAuLait;6148514 said:
yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

That is an issue that is facing our country right now, instead of each side listening to the other they turn a deaf ear. If both sides listened and both presented ideas we might be able to get somewhere. But it's turned into if the left says something it's BAD and if the right says something it's automatically BAD.

There is no middle ground, just arguments and if we don't try to hear one another then we will never get anywhere.

OK who was it again that said "Our mission for the next two years is to make sure Obama is a one term president? Who was it that said "We need this President to fail"? Who was it that said "I want to see this President fail"? Who was it that was appointed to a panel that could could come up with a plan that both parties could agree on and the voted against their own bill as to not make the POTUS look good? Who did all that?

You know either party's objective is to ASSURE the opposite party's president is a one term president, it always has been. McConnell just said it outloud and he also said it was for 2012, TWO YEARS after Obama took office!

When did McConnell say he wanted to make Obama a ‘one-term president’?

When did McConnell say he wanted to make Obama a ‘one-term president’? - The Washington Post

I am unsure about who said I want to see this president fail, please direct me to those quotes. As far as voting on bills to make someone look bad, BOTH parties have done so. Back to my premise above, we need to hear one another instead of assuming that if it comes from the GOPs mouth its bad and if it comes from the DNC's mouth its bad. That whole train of thought is getting us nowhere.
CaféAuLait;6148478 said:

Wow, that was good! Great impression of Obama when it comes to the economy.

yokie dokie... you think rightwingnut talking points deserve any other kind of response?

thanks for playing.

that explains why we're in this mess you and the libtards think the suck ass economy is just a "talking point."
Republicans have not made the case for exactly what they would do economically that is an improvement over the present administration other than just making the "job creators" less scared whatever that means, I take it that they might create some jobs if we as a nation abandon the working class to a future of Foxcon type wage slavery and a free pass to pollute like China.
CaféAuLait;6148605 said:
Hasn't been 30 straight months of non growth. It's been slow growth. What do you expect when your are handed the worst of EVERYTHING?

I wonder if you believe that since Obama was handed the 'worst of everything' did the democrats and Obama himself have a hand in such since they controlled both houses since 2007 until 2011 and are still in contol of one? Did any law they passed over the years add to such?

Yes they all had a hand in it but the Republicans act like Obama did this all on his own. You talk the country was in the shape it was when Bush got it. But when the Dems took control during the Bush years, they held a press conference and said. "We will work together with President Bush" when the Republicans took over they hald a press conference and said "Our number 1 goal is to make sure that Obama is a one term President". That right there tells you that they would all in their power to make him fail. Make the voters hate him and had no interest what so ever in working with him no matter what it cost the country. Also I think Obama was an idiot for spending so much time on health care when there were much mor important things to fix at the time. I also blame the Republicans for holding things up.

You are taking McConnell's quote out of context IMO. He was speaking of HC law and what the republican's said they would it was clear that "he was speaking in a political context — that the goals of Republicans could not be achieved unless Obama is defeated in his race for reelection."

From the article I posted above:

Moreover, McConnell goes on to say that he does “not want the president to fail” and cooperation was possible “if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues.” McConnell in fact cited an extension of the Bush tax cuts — and Obama did strike such a deal shortly after the midterm elections.

When did McConnell say he wanted to make Obama a ‘one-term president’? - The Washington Post

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