Why the dems love Biden's boorish behavior


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden
The problem here is not just that presidents and would-be commanders-in-chief must appear presidential. It is that the liberal base of the president’s party is so filled with anger and contempt for Republicans that they can’t abide even a show of civility from their champions.
Though President Obama may decide to show up and demonstrate a bit more involvement and passion in the upcoming debates, he is unlikely to satisfy his supporters’ need to bash the GOP. "

Why Dems Loved Biden

The funny thing is, they honestly believe that if you show contempt, people will think you're superior.

All it does is make you look classless. So of course dems love it.
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden

Biden wasn't boring. :lol: Or Boorish.
". . . . Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Obama won the independents in 2008 . . . he's sure to lose them in 2012, what, with his listless performance at the Colorado debate and his VP's sophmoric antics last night.
"liberalism is a mental disorder", "Obama pals around with terrorists", "Obama is a Communist", etc.............. Get off your high horse about politeness.
OOOOHHH You crybaby republicans just hate it when you lose. I totally agree you that Joe looked like a bully. And yes I was OK with that. As soon as Ryan started telling lies Joe laughed and readied himself to shove that shit right back up his ass where he got it from. I couldn't wait for the response when I knew what he said was a lie. That tax plan crap about not taxing the middle class and not adding to the defivit "Mathematical Impossible" then just like his boss he tried to assert it again. Well did you read what the tax police center said this morning? yeah "Mathematically Impossible" The only way it can even come close it to drastically reduce the capital gains tax that Romney has vowed not to touch. That Iran nuke crap Ryan was talking? Total baloney. That doubled the deficit nonsense? Bull crap. That little asshole has been lying his ass off ever since that lie laced speech at the RNC. The the on the fact checkers at Fox news even called him out on. And last night he got called and never responded to the facts that Biden was beating him over the head with. Then that little prick had the nerve to say they would bring honesty to the WH. But we all know and they know as well, all they have to do is say it and you believe it. Honesty give me a break.
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden

boorish behavior?

funny... you loved it when romney did it....

and you adore coulter and the most vile of the righties.

so i'd get over it if i were you, hon.
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden

You're one of the most obnoxious, rude, repugnant, socially backward posters on this board,

and YOU think you have standing to judge Biden?

Get out.
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden

boorish behavior?

funny... you loved it when romney did it....

and you adore coulter and the most vile of the righties.

so i'd get over it if i were you, hon.

( empahsis added)

Romeny did what exactly? Laugh, giggle, grin, roll his eyes, throws his arms up in protest, demand many times if he was going to get as much time as Obama? Did Romney interrupt Obama 80 plus times?
lol, from the awesome British political satire, The Thick of It,

Minister of Social Affairs complaining about his driver:

Hugh Abbott: I want a new driver. Get me a new driver. I don't wanna see this guy ever again.

Glenn Cullen: On what grounds?

Hugh Abbott: Smiling! Inappropriate smiling! And smirking! Smiling and smirking! I don't wanna see that smile or smirk ever again, ok?

You people are ridiculous. But funny.
Why the dems love Biden's boorish behavior

Probably because it is more boorish than Obamas behavior. They picked him for a reason in 2008.
CaféAuLait;6148541 said:
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden

boorish behavior?

funny... you loved it when romney did it....

and you adore coulter and the most vile of the righties.

so i'd get over it if i were you, hon.

( empahsis added)

Romeny did what exactly? Laugh, giggle, grin, roll his eyes, throws his arms up in protest, demand many times if he was going to get as much time as Obama? Did Romney interrupt Obama 80 plus times?
i do like the vice president personally as a someone with liberal view like myself.
But i must admit at times last night he went too aggressive in the vice presidential debate.

I know why he felt like he had to do that. President obama poor peformance against romney last week meant he felt he needed to fire up the base so they would come out and vote.

The problem is i think he went to much the other way at times and at times across as being rude interrupting mr ryan so much.
CaféAuLait;6148541 said:
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden

boorish behavior?

funny... you loved it when romney did it....

and you adore coulter and the most vile of the righties.

so i'd get over it if i were you, hon.

( empahsis added)

Romeny did what exactly? Laugh, giggle, grin, roll his eyes, throws his arms up in protest, demand many times if he was going to get as much time as Obama? Did Romney interrupt Obama 80 plus times?

smirk, interrupt, laugh.... talk over... call it what you want.
OOOOHHH You crybaby republicans just hate it when you lose. I totally agree you that Joe looked like a bully. And yes I was OK with that. As soon as Ryan started telling lies Joe laughed and readied himself to shove that shit right back up his ass where he got it from. I couldn't wait for the response when I knew what he said was a lie. That tax plan crap about not taxing the middle class and not adding to the defivit "Mathematical Impossible" then just like his boss he tried to assert it again. Well did you read what the tax police center said this morning? yeah "Mathematically Impossible" The only way it can even come close it to drastically reduce the capital gains tax that Romney has vowed not to touch. That Iran nuke crap Ryan was talking? Total baloney. That doubled the deficit nonsense? Bull crap. That little asshole has been lying his ass off ever since that lie laced speech at the RNC. The the on the fact checkers at Fox news even called him out on. And last night he got called and never responded to the facts that Biden was beating him over the head with. Then that little prick had the nerve to say they would bring honesty to the WH. But we all know and they know as well, all they have to do is say it and you believe it. Honesty give me a break.
Then you believe that Biden voted against the war he voted for.

Then you believe that the Catholic Church supports Obamacare.

Then you believe that Syria is 5 times bigger than Libya.

Because Joe was being honest, right?
CaféAuLait;6148541 said:
boorish behavior?

funny... you loved it when romney did it....

and you adore coulter and the most vile of the righties.

so i'd get over it if i were you, hon.

( empahsis added)

Romeny did what exactly? Laugh, giggle, grin, roll his eyes, throws his arms up in protest, demand many times if he was going to get as much time as Obama? Did Romney interrupt Obama 80 plus times?

Is lying incessantly not considered "boorish" behavior?

Last time I checked it was.
We find out Biden and the Democrats find the deaths at the Libyan embassy and American soldiers in Afghanistan.. not serious but funny.

American workers unemployment, the rotten Obama economy and saving Social Security & medicare not serious but just something to scoff and laugh about...

sick shit by Joe & Democrats

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