The most authoritative article on Trump's collusion I've seen.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
as Mueller clearly said, under DOJ rules, he legally could not. A president can't be charged or prosecuted while sitting as president.

And if Trump illegally pardons himself, then even after leaving office, charges can't be brought.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
It was his prerogative the follow the OLC opinion on indicting a sitting president.
Also, its just DOJ policy to follow that.
So Mueller failed to violate DOJ policy.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Four official investigations, FBI, Senate, House, and Mueller found nothing, but let's just all accept those people's interpretation...all while ignoring the corruption of the Biden family selling access to Joe for billions of dollars.

How can anyone take you seriously?
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
It was his prerogative the follow the OLC opinion on indicting a sitting president.
Also, its just DOJ policy to follow that.
So Mueller failed to violate DOJ policy.

No, he has the power of a Special Prosecutor to post Prosecution Charges or Declination decisions and explain in detail in the final report for the AG. I posted the law of the Special Prosecutors powers of duty many times here in the forum, to see people like YOU ignore it. It is the law passed by CONGRESS that allows SP Mueller to post PROSECUTION charges if the crime exist, he never did, which is why Pelosi didn't try to impeach him over it.

Your rationalization is stupid since it can't over turn CONGRESSIONAL law!
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.
and yet you are such a stupid fuck,you ignore the collusion by the dems to commit the most massive vote fraud in history.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
as Mueller clearly said, under DOJ rules, he legally could not. A president can't be charged or prosecuted while sitting as president.

And if Trump illegally pardons himself, then even after leaving office, charges can't be brought.

Of course the key words in your obtuse argument is "illegally pardons himself." Ya really think his attempt to become a momentary King will live for very long. The USSC may think differently.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Four official investigations, FBI, Senate, House, and Mueller found nothing, but let's just all accept those people's interpretation...all while ignoring the corruption of the Biden family selling access to Joe for billions of dollars.

How can anyone take you seriously?

You took the bagman Barr at his word. He may be out of DC government, but he will be back in front of Congress soon to answer for some lies he told.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.
Trump was a world wide business man. i'm sure he crossed with the russians many times.
But he didn't have access to classified documents like the bidens, and eric swallwell did.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
as Mueller clearly said, under DOJ rules, he legally could not. A president can't be charged or prosecuted while sitting as president.

And if Trump illegally pardons himself, then even after leaving office, charges can't be brought.

You are also ignoring the Special Prosecutor law, it is clear leftists will ignore the law that Congress passed allowing the Special Prosecutor, here is the law I posted many times you leftist idiots ignore:

The LAW says,

(c) Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.


bolding mine


Your lies and possibly his are exposed.
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
Jeeeez, we've been over this hundreds of times. He complied with the OLC opinion against indicting a sitting prez.

No amount of spin can change the facts.

"Trump and senior Campaign officials sought to obtain advance information about WikiLeaks through Roger Stone. In spring 2016, prior to Assange's public announcements, Stone advised the Campaign that WikiLeaks would be releasing materials harmful to Clinton. Following the July 22 DNC release, Trump and the Campaign believed that Roger Stone had known of the release and had inside access to WikiLeaks, and repeatedly communicated with Stone about WikiLeaks throughout the summer and fall of 2016. Trump and other senior Campaign officials specifically directed Stone to obtain information about upcoming document releases relating to Clinton and report back. At their direction, Stone took action to gain inside knowledge for the Campaign and shared his purported knowledge directly with Trump and senior Campaign officials on multiple occasions. Trump and the Campaign believed that Stone had inside information and expressed satisfaction that Stone's information suggested more releases would be forthcoming."

What are the implications of this information? For one, that Trump perjured himself in his written testimony to Mueller.

You should read this whole article. and Leak
I'm posting this for the progressives on the board who may want to use it as a future reference should the debate on Mueller's findings come up after the West Wing has been fumigated following Trump's departure. It is easily the most comprehensive review I've seen on the topic of "collusion." Of particular interest are the sections on Stone/Wikileaks under the heading "Hack/Leak" and the section on the Trump Tower meeting.

Billy the Bagman's mischaracterization of Mueller's report remains as one of the most effective acts of deceit ever perpetrated on the American public by a government official, elected or appointed. It's right up there with Shrub's duplicity in selling the Iraq invasion to us.

Here's a tease..........."It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity."

Enjoy. Trumpleton's, don't bother responding with your typical nonsense. The facts in this article speak for themselves and are unequivocal.

Mueller had full access to a lot of documents, how come he fails to make a Prosecution decision against him?
Jeeeez, we've been over this hundreds of times. He complied with the OLC opinion against indicting a sitting prez.

No amount of spin can change the facts.

"Trump and senior Campaign officials sought to obtain advance information about WikiLeaks through Roger Stone. In spring 2016, prior to Assange's public announcements, Stone advised the Campaign that WikiLeaks would be releasing materials harmful to Clinton. Following the July 22 DNC release, Trump and the Campaign believed that Roger Stone had known of the release and had inside access to WikiLeaks, and repeatedly communicated with Stone about WikiLeaks throughout the summer and fall of 2016. Trump and other senior Campaign officials specifically directed Stone to obtain information about upcoming document releases relating to Clinton and report back. At their direction, Stone took action to gain inside knowledge for the Campaign and shared his purported knowledge directly with Trump and senior Campaign officials on multiple occasions. Trump and the Campaign believed that Stone had inside information and expressed satisfaction that Stone's information suggested more releases would be forthcoming."

What are the implications of this information? For one, that Trump perjured himself in his written testimony to Mueller.

You should read this whole article. and Leak

I have seen the article before and the earlier versions, they were largely available to Mueller, still he didn't find any Prosecutable crimes to report.

You should read the law CONGRESS passed you idiot!

Here it is again:

(c) Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.

bolding mine

He never provided any to the AG, who released to entire report to the Public.

IF Mueller had found and reported prosecutable crimes, the House could have initiated IMPEACHMENT process against Trump. Did that ever crossed your skull at any time since April 2019?

How come Mueller didn't provide Perjury decision against Trump in the final report as REQUIRED by law!

Stop ignoring the law!

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