The moslum claim to Jerusalem and the Mount is fake


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
Yes, the Dome is not even a mosque, it was built by Christians. Mohommed (may YHWH burn his soul forever) had a supposed 'dream' where the angel Gabriel took him to the 'furthest' place'.

It was only later when the I-slum lords decided that they wanted to capitalize on the attention that the Jews and Christians were giving to Jerusalem (and even in those early days) the monies that tourists were spending to go to see the most Holy city, the the I-slum lords decided to make the 'furthest place' Jerusalem.

It was all about money and politics then; it is the same now.

There is no factual historical claim for the I-slum lords to Jerusalem. their only claim is their desire and conquest that they created 1400 years ago; to make money and political gain.

There is no actual proof in their so called prophet Mohomed's (may his soul burn in hell) lunatic ravings that ties them scripturaly to Jerusalem.
The entire political ideology of Islam is based upon aggression, and just like the aggressive toddler, nobody else can have their own toys.

There has always been a pattern in Islam that the holy structures of those they invade become theirs -- complete with a phony history every bit the fabrication as the creation of this "Palestinian" people.
It is because of the jealousy of Mohammed (may his soul burn in hell) had against the established (and true) religions of the time that he originally set his sights upon Jerusalem as his most 'holy' site. Soon, though, once the Jews of his time rejected his 'religion' as what it is: Fake, that he decided that his most 'holy' sites would be Mecca and then Medina. But later, his successors decided that they still wanted to . . . . . what shall I say . . .. punish the Jews since they did not adhere to Mohommed's (may his soul burn in the deepest Hell) ranting fake religion and found that Jerusalem was a Holy place for the Jews (and Christians) to decide that it would be a great place to 'invent' it as the so called 'furthest place'.

What bullshit.

p.s., and yes dogmaphobe [sic], the 'Palestinians' are also created as well to further this injustice to the rightful peoples. Only because they are Jews. And we all know how cool it is and how much the world hates Jews.

Fuck them!
I dream to see the day when the majority of Muslims, Christians, and Jews are converted to a new religion and united under a single vision... while Mecca, the Vatican, and Jerusalem get what's coming...​
Yes, the Dome is not even a mosque, it was built by Christians. Mohommed (may YHWH burn his soul forever) had a supposed 'dream' where the angel Gabriel took him to the 'furthest' place'.

It was only later when the I-slum lords decided that they wanted to capitalize on the attention that the Jews and Christians were giving to Jerusalem (and even in those early days) the monies that tourists were spending to go to see the most Holy city, the the I-slum lords decided to make the 'furthest place' Jerusalem.

It was all about money and politics then; it is the same now.

There is no factual historical claim for the I-slum lords to Jerusalem. their only claim is their desire and conquest that they created 1400 years ago; to make money and political gain.

There is no actual proof in their so called prophet Mohomed's (may his soul burn in hell) lunatic ravings that ties them scripturaly to Jerusalem.

basilica of mary predated the dome. Al-aqsa was built as a mosque for the muslims that also wanted to visit the mount. The dome was built for the pilgrims.
Dome and al-asqa have been rebuilt a number of times due to earthquakes. Even now al-aqsa is in danger as the wall under it needs major repair.
Is there a point to this? Many Christian Churches were built on the sites of demolished Pagan temples. After 1000 years or so of existance, it has every right to remain where it is, although I've no objection if the Israelis want to build a Synagogue next door, if it's that important to them.
Yes, the Dome is not even a mosque, it was built by Christians. Mohommed (may YHWH burn his soul forever) had a supposed 'dream' where the angel Gabriel took him to the 'furthest' place'.

It was only later when the I-slum lords decided that they wanted to capitalize on the attention that the Jews and Christians were giving to Jerusalem (and even in those early days) the monies that tourists were spending to go to see the most Holy city, the the I-slum lords decided to make the 'furthest place' Jerusalem.

It was all about money and politics then; it is the same now.

There is no factual historical claim for the I-slum lords to Jerusalem. their only claim is their desire and conquest that they created 1400 years ago; to make money and political gain.

There is no actual proof in their so called prophet Mohomed's (may his soul burn in hell) lunatic ravings that ties them scripturaly to Jerusalem.

Wow, has your mask slipped; no more pretence at "reasonableness". Good, I'm sure you feel better coming out and now we know where we stand with you.
the Romans got fed up with the Jews and demolished the Herod's temple in the 70's.
The Romans got fed up with the Jews and demolished the Herod's temple in the 70's, also there is no Israelite claim either , ask yourself why so few Jews returned to Jerusalem from Babylon, they didn't want to. When the Jews operated Herods temple, they did it as a money making thing, people from miles around were to come and pay homage and had to buy doves or sheep whatever they could afford. The money changers , Jews , cheated the people. So its time to quit with this stuff like Jerusalem belongs to the Jews because it does not.
Is there a point to this? Many Christian Churches were built on the sites of demolished Pagan temples. After 1000 years or so of existance, it has every right to remain where it is, although I've no objection if the Israelis want to build a Synagogue next door, if it's that important to them.

The point is the first Islamic mosque on the Temple mount was not started until 10 years after the death of the paedophile prophet, thus proving the claims are LIES and he could not have visited Jerusalem's al aqsa mosque. The actual last mosque was a bare 8 kilometres from Mecca if you read the Koran and hadiths.
Yes, the Dome is not even a mosque, it was built by Christians. Mohommed (may YHWH burn his soul forever) had a supposed 'dream' where the angel Gabriel took him to the 'furthest' place'.

It was only later when the I-slum lords decided that they wanted to capitalize on the attention that the Jews and Christians were giving to Jerusalem (and even in those early days) the monies that tourists were spending to go to see the most Holy city, the the I-slum lords decided to make the 'furthest place' Jerusalem.

It was all about money and politics then; it is the same now.

There is no factual historical claim for the I-slum lords to Jerusalem. their only claim is their desire and conquest that they created 1400 years ago; to make money and political gain.

There is no actual proof in their so called prophet Mohomed's (may his soul burn in hell) lunatic ravings that ties them scripturaly to Jerusalem.

Wow, has your mask slipped; no more pretence at "reasonableness". Good, I'm sure you feel better coming out and now we know where we stand with you.

Reasonable does not work with muslims or neo Marxists, the first are just arrogant psychopaths the second brainwashed immature buffoons
The Romans got fed up with the Jews and demolished the Herod's temple in the 70's, also there is no Israelite claim either , ask yourself why so few Jews returned to Jerusalem from Babylon, they didn't want to. When the Jews operated Herods temple, they did it as a money making thing, people from miles around were to come and pay homage and had to buy doves or sheep whatever they could afford. The money changers , Jews , cheated the people. So its time to quit with this stuff like Jerusalem belongs to the Jews because it does not.

Were you there to see it happen or are you taking the word of biased anti Jew reports as gospel. The Jews had never left Israel completely from the invasion by the romans to the present day, the same cant be said for the so called Palestinians that did not exist until 1960.Befare then they were just Syrians who migrated illegally on the promise of work.
The Romans got fed up with the Jews and demolished the Herod's temple in the 70's, also there is no Israelite claim either , ask yourself why so few Jews returned to Jerusalem from Babylon, they didn't want to. When the Jews operated Herods temple, they did it as a money making thing, people from miles around were to come and pay homage and had to buy doves or sheep whatever they could afford. The money changers , Jews , cheated the people. So its time to quit with this stuff like Jerusalem belongs to the Jews because it does not.

Were you there to see it happen or are you taking the word of biased anti Jew reports as gospel. The Jews had never left Israel completely from the invasion by the romans to the present day, the same cant be said for the so called Palestinians that did not exist until 1960.Befare then they were just Syrians who migrated illegally on the promise of work.

As opposed to taking the word of your Zionist handlers as gospel. You are right however, most of the Jewish inhabitants remained where they were and converted to other religions like Chistianity and Islam. When Nahmanides arrived in Jerusalem in the 13th century CE, there were only two Jewish inhabitants; the rest were either Muslims or Christans; Judaism had been all but stamped out by the Crusaders.
The Romans got fed up with the Jews and demolished the Herod's temple in the 70's, also there is no Israelite claim either , ask yourself why so few Jews returned to Jerusalem from Babylon, they didn't want to. When the Jews operated Herods temple, they did it as a money making thing, people from miles around were to come and pay homage and had to buy doves or sheep whatever they could afford. The money changers , Jews , cheated the people. So its time to quit with this stuff like Jerusalem belongs to the Jews because it does not.

Were you there to see it happen or are you taking the word of biased anti Jew reports as gospel. The Jews had never left Israel completely from the invasion by the romans to the present day, the same cant be said for the so called Palestinians that did not exist until 1960.Befare then they were just Syrians who migrated illegally on the promise of work.

As opposed to taking the word of your Zionist handlers as gospel. You are right however, most of the Jewish inhabitants remained where they were and converted to other religions like Chistianity and Islam. When Nahmanides arrived in Jerusalem in the 13th century CE, there were only two Jewish inhabitants; the rest were either Muslims or Christans; Judaism had been all but stamped out by the Crusaders.

For which you can only produce evidence from your islamonazi sources. But it does not matter if there were 2 or 2 million it proves that the Jews had lived there uninterupted for 4,500
I have learned over my lifetime that those who are guilty of a thing will accuse others of being that same way. Like a overly jealous wife who will accuse her husband of cheating when he is not. It is soon found that it was the wife who was the cheat all along.

To me, this explains all of Challenger's posts.
I dream to see the day when the majority of Muslims, Christians, and Jews are converted to a new religion and united under a single vision... while Mecca, the Vatican, and Jerusalem get what's coming...​

Which one of yours would you want it to be? The one that encourages human sacrifice?
Yes, the Dome is not even a mosque, it was built by Christians. Mohommed (may YHWH burn his soul forever) had a supposed 'dream' where the angel Gabriel took him to the 'furthest' place'.

It was only later when the I-slum lords decided that they wanted to capitalize on the attention that the Jews and Christians were giving to Jerusalem (and even in those early days) the monies that tourists were spending to go to see the most Holy city, the the I-slum lords decided to make the 'furthest place' Jerusalem.

It was all about money and politics then; it is the same now.

There is no factual historical claim for the I-slum lords to Jerusalem. their only claim is their desire and conquest that they created 1400 years ago; to make money and political gain.

There is no actual proof in their so called prophet Mohomed's (may his soul burn in hell) lunatic ravings that ties them scripturaly to Jerusalem.

The claim everything that goes against their religion is fake. Even if it was proven true.

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