The Moral Panic of the Covid Cult--Never Forget

Sure. You tell that to the families of the dead. My, how short our memories are. The 9/11 number of deaths for days upon days in 2020. The mask shaming. Going from exalting our health care workers to demonizing them.
Ah...the legacy of the just and righteous alt-right. You do understand had governors, mayors, and business leaders not acted (in place of no action from those in the federal government, specifically the guy in the big chair), the death toll would have
been much higher than it was.

The virus is airborne.

It was airborne in 2020. It is airborne now.

That means the lockdowns did a lot to destroy lives via the economy, education, businesses and personally, but nothing to mitigate the spread. Neither did masks, which Fauci now admits even if just privately.

Republican governors like DeSantis did the RIGHT thing--protected the vulnerable in nursing homes while allowing everyone else to get on with their lives. How many Democrat govs sent Covid patients TO NURSING HOMES to infect the most vulnerable, to their sure deaths?
Interestingly, the WEF is now openly talking about forwarding their agenda under a climate narrative. They're saying that the compliance during the COVID scam is what they're shooting for, using the same control models.

And why would they not?

Look how well it worked.

Look how many of our fellow citizens are weak-minded.

Remember the rush to sew masks out of old curtain fabric and who knows what? Cotton. Fabric.

Immediately I thought--this is garbage. This is junk. But so many around me--who I previously thought were smart, and definitely "college educated"--were not only bought in, but chastised everyone who wasn't.

Yeah. The cotton masks. Man.
No it's not. It's a "I didn't get COVID" so it wasn't serious thread. You talk crap now, but when the virus first hit, there was no cure.
there still IS NO CURE--nor is there an effective "vaccination"---you retards bought into EVERYTHING the SCUM demonRATS spewed---and ran with it----why is the chinese flu still around, when they (SCUM demonRATS) claimed to have a vaccine?----because all the SCUM demonRATS do is LIE----and your stupider for believing the anti-AMERICA SCUM demonRATS

there still IS NO CURE--nor is there an effective "vaccination"---you retards bought into EVERYTHING the SCUM demonRATS spewed---and ran with it----why is the chinese flu still around, when they (SCUM demonRATS) claimed to have a vaccine?----because all the SCUM demonRATS do is LIE----and your stupider for believing the anti-AMERICA SCUM demonRATS


The Covidian Cult has very little answer for anything in this thread, do they?

They really want all of this to go away.

Too bad, so sad.
I see some people still wearing them and I wonder--I do--what they think. They're people I know, not necessarily rabid leftists. I think they must have bought in that masks really do offer SOME protection. Either that, or they became something of a FELT protective.

What a strange period in history.
How are people wearing mask hurting you?
there still IS NO CURE--nor is there an effective "vaccination"---you retards bought into EVERYTHING the SCUM demonRATS spewed---and ran with it----why is the chinese flu still around, when they (SCUM demonRATS) claimed to have a vaccine?----because all the SCUM demonRATS do is LIE----and your stupider for believing the anti-AMERICA SCUM demonRATS

Yeah, Trump the Democrat certainly scammed the US.
I got Covid three times. Everyone I know got Covid. In fact, I only know one other person besides me, who was able to avoid not being forced to get the jab at least once. Even HE got Covid, pretty bad it turns out, and he never gets sick.

I didn't lose any family or friends to Covid.

I DID however, lose two relatives, right after they took booster shots. You want to talk about that?


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I got it three times too. After about a week, I was fine. Hated it but it certainly wasn’t life threatening and never made me consider the vax. Yes just about everyone I know got the jab and all got COVID. Some more than once.

We have a family friend suffering in ICU right now. He’s in his 80s with a few health issues. Would you believe they gave him the Fauci Protocol- Remdesivir? We can only hope he makes it.
How are people wearing mask hurting you?

Never did, never will. It was the cult-like mandates and insistence that *I* wear a mask that hurt all of us.

But apparently you're fine with it. Good to know. Do you still love "your mask protects me, my mask protects you" BS?
I got it three times too. After about a week, I was fine. Hated it but it certainly wasn’t life threatening and never made me consider the vax. Yes just about everyone I know got the jab and all got COVID. Some more than once.

We have a family friend suffering in ICU right now. He’s in his 80s with a few health issues. Would you believe they gave him the Fauci Protocol- Remdesivir? We can only hope he makes it.

They're still giving people that poison? Are you serious? Scary. Wow.

I have had it twice. The first time it impacted my asthma afterward and that was no fun. The second time it was even milder.

Imagine that people injected themselves 3, 4, 5 times with the spike proteins and then, on top of it, ALSO got the spikes naturally. No thanks.
Sure. You tell that to the families of the dead. My, how short our memories are. The 9/11 number of deaths for days upon days in 2020. The mask shaming. Going from exalting our health care workers to demonizing them.
Ah...the legacy of the just and righteous alt-right. You do understand had governors, mayors, and business leaders not acted (in place of no action from those in the federal government, specifically the guy in the big chair), the death toll would have
been much higher than it was.

Not only can you NOT prove that, we know from places that did not have mitigation strategies, compared to place that DID have them, that this is a lie.

Fuck off.
Interestingly, the WEF is now openly talking about forwarding their agenda under a climate narrative. They're saying that the compliance during the COVID scam is what they're shooting for, using the same control models.
If we have a President and a Senate that ratifies "The WHO's Pandemic Treaty," yes, we can kiss American national sovereinty goodby. I sense a lot of the progressives and socialists on this board don't really care, and a lot of the conservatives don't really think it will be ratified.

I don't think they are living in reality.




I got it three times too. After about a week, I was fine. Hated it but it certainly wasn’t life threatening and never made me consider the vax. Yes just about everyone I know got the jab and all got COVID. Some more than once.

We have a family friend suffering in ICU right now. He’s in his 80s with a few health issues. Would you believe they gave him the Fauci Protocol- Remdesivir? We can only hope he makes it.
One of those times, if it hadn't been for my stocks of vitamins C, D, zinc and Sambucol, I might have landed in the hospital.

I am definitely not denying, the first or second time it went around, it was hell on me. It really does vary on the individual, their health, and their genetics I believe.

Now I regularly take a regime of several vitamins recommended by Dr. Cole to cleanse spike proteins from my system.

I feel it has made a difference in energy and health. I is recommended for those who have had the jab as well, to detox from the spike protein.

One of those times, if it hadn't been for my stocks of vitamins C, D, zinc and Sambucol, I might have landed in the hospital.

I am definitely not denying, the first or second time it went around, it was hell on me. It really does vary on the individual, their health, and their genetics I believe.

Now I regularly take a regime of several vitamins recommended by Dr. Cole to cleanse spike proteins from my system.

I feel it has made a difference in energy and health. I is recommended for those who have had the jab as well, to detox from the spike protein.

I too used lots of supplements, many of those listed in your article I’ve used for years.

I’ve found nebulizing and gargling with hydrogen peroxide as outlined in this attachment, worked well for me. I felt almost instantly better after each nebulization. I continue to do this daily to prevent reinfection.
The Covidian Cult has very little answer for anything in this thread, do they?

They really want all of this to go away.

Too bad, so sad.
the SCUM demonRATS have NO answers-----fake-i --just told you the lock downs were draconian (unnecessary)
go enjoy your "vaccine" people-----tell yourself its working, then let us know when you contract the chinese flu---ACHOO all over you
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One of those times, if it hadn't been for my stocks of vitamins C, D, zinc and Sambucol, I might have landed in the hospital.

I am definitely not denying, the first or second time it went around, it was hell on me. It really does vary on the individual, their health, and their genetics I believe.

Now I regularly take a regime of several vitamins recommended by Dr. Cole to cleanse spike proteins from my system.

I feel it has made a difference in energy and health. I is recommended for those who have had the jab as well, to detox from the spike protein.

well, if you don't get the chinese flu jab, then you wouldn't need that shit----BTW, go have your organs checked out to see what damage the jab did to you----good luck
Remember when the dumb bitch/OP said we were all going to die from the shots we took about 2 years ago?

You have to admire how she keeps doubling down on her's amazing.
hopefully soon for you, but give it time, shit stain---remember when the SCUM demonRATS refused the jab if it was developed under TRUMP?----AND then mandated it---talk about brain dead fucks

well, if you don't get the chinese flu jab, then you wouldn't need that shit----BTW, go have your organs checked out to see what damage the jab did to you----good luck
I never got the jab.

I don't think you understand. The jab works on the science of the spike protein. ANYONE that gets Covid, is exposed to spike proteins.

If you have been exposed to them? Your body is then at risk to damage endothelial cells, which can disrupt the blood-brain barrier and a host of other organ/tissue problems. It can damage many parts of your body, regardless of whether you get the vaccine.

Be aware of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: There is more than meets the eye​

The whole point of my post, was to detox AFTER Covid, and get rid of those spike proteins, they are dangerous. They were purposely engineered in this virus through gain of function.


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