The Moral Panic of the Covid Cult--Never Forget

We already knew the disease barely had an effect on kids. Most certainly there was no excuse for any school to be remote in school year 2020-2021.
All of society could see it. The illogical madness and hypocrisy, and using kids as pawns by the teachers unions for a political agenda?

It was/is terrible. They do it for gun control and climate change as well. I remember when my kid was in school and they had the "kids," organize walk-out protests. All of that came from the teachers unions, or the NEA, and had nothing to do with kids grass roots organizing. They never made it mandatory of course, but when you purposely give kids a choice between sitting at their desk or walking out side and being an obnoxious pain?

But damn, here? They never even gave parents or kids a choice. :sigh2:

Using someone else's kids as political pawns in global politics game for money, power and control should be a crime.

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They want you obese, fucked up on anti-depressants, apathetic, and easy to control.
Ya think?



Sounds possible. I do think they want to thin the heard though. I saw an interview from a guy that was in the Club of Rome, I think he founded the WEF. . . I'lll go see if I can find it.
Ya think?



Sounds possible. I do think they want to thin the heard though. I saw an interview from a guy that was in the Club of Rome, I think he founded the WEF. . . I'lll go see if I can find it.
Ah, here it is. I was wrong, he co-authored the book that a lot of this insanity is based on.


Dennis Lynn Meadows

Remember when the dumb bitch/OP said we were all going to die from the shots we took about 2 years ago?

You have to admire how she keeps doubling down on her's amazing.
I for one, am glad you are still in good health, and with us. :113:

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All of society could see it. The illogical madness and hypocrisy, and using kids as pawns by the teachers unions for a political agenda?

It was/is terrible. They do it for gun control and climate change as well. I remember when my kid was in school and they had the "kids," organize walk-out protests. All of that came from the teachers unions, or the NEA, and had nothing to do with kids grass roots organizing. They never made it mandatory of course, but when you purposely give kids a choice between sitting at their desk or walking out side and being an obnoxious pain?

But damn, here? They never even gave parents or kids a choice. :sigh2:

Using someone else's kids as political pawns in global politics game for money, power and control should be a crime.

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"Remote instruction" was a farce and an outrage. I will never, not so long as I live, understand teachers who didn't mind it. I guess the only thing I can say is they really don't like teaching.

I know this is going to sound over the top but it is true--I'm not a crier but I turned into one on many days after attempting to "teach", remotely. So frustrating. Such a waste. So, so hard watching kids wilt almost before your eyes.
Remember when the dumb bitch/OP said we were all going to die from the shots we took about 2 years ago?

You have to admire how she keeps doubling down on her's amazing.

I have never said that, nor would I. I don't even believe that.

I take it you're embarrassed by your Moral Panic over Covid. Well, so should you be. Some of us did not succumb.
They want you obese, fucked up on anti-depressants, apathetic, and easy to control.

Public health is an obscene joke.

Two years. Two years. If they were honest, or even remotely cared about people, they could have spread the news about the dangers of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. TWO YEARS is long enough for people to lose even a small amount of weight, which makes a difference.

Instead, how many morbidly obese, clearly metabolic syndrome people did we see screeching at others about wearing a mask because they have comorbidities? Right. I know our food sucks, but even so, you could do something about that. And more than that, it's the job of our PUBLIC HEALTH to spread the news.

But nope. All they got are masks and shots and shots and shots. Pay no mind to the people falling over dead at very young ages, btw. Just a coincidence.
Look at how terrible this is. Destroyed economies. Educational opportunities, and lives. And for what? Nothing. Awful.

Sure. You tell that to the families of the dead. My, how short our memories are. The 9/11 number of deaths for days upon days in 2020. The mask shaming. Going from exalting our health care workers to demonizing them.
Ah...the legacy of the just and righteous alt-right. You do understand had governors, mayors, and business leaders not acted (in place of no action from those in the federal government, specifically the guy in the big chair), the death toll would have
been much higher than it was.


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