The Misinformation Campaigns For‭ ‬2020 Are Reaching High Gear


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Misinformation Campaigns For‭ ‬2020 Are Reaching High Gear

Democrats have saddled themselves with 77 year-old Joe Biden,‭ ‬and while his mastery of lying falls well short of that of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬Biden has a nearly fifty year record in politics.‭ ‬Sadly,‭ ‬it is a record that does not bode well given the expectations of most Democratic voters.‭ ‬His congressional voting record shows significant collaboration with the GOP to help them serve the greed of the ruling billionaire class while screwing average Americans at every turn.‭ ‬It is however,‭ ‬a record with overwhelming potential to capture the votes of formerly staunch Republicans dissatisfied with the impeached president trump’s gross inability to govern.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬as Status Quo Joe,‭ ‬voters hoping Biden will make an effort to reverse the severe damage done by the impeached president trump will likely be extremely disappointed.‭ ‬Biden’s five decades long congressional voting record indicates his many campaign promises will go unfulfilled.

Voters wanting proof need only look back and remember exactly why the party elders chose Biden as Obama’s running mate.‭ ‬Biden was there to rein in Obama’s‭ “‬Audacity of hope‭” ‬to prevent damage it might cause to the status quo it had taken the ruling billionaire class decades to establish.‭ (‬As an example,‭ ‬the many failures congressional Democrats and Republicans built into Obamacare with the strict intention of protecting the profits of the health insurance industry.‭)

The impeached president trump makes empty promises,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬and other various false statements knowing they are the words most conservatives have longed to hear from their politicians.

The impeached president trump discarded the subtlety employed by the GOP for the past five decades,‭ ‬which had slowly,‭ ‬but steadily,‭ ‬cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by the poor who,‭ ‬with the help of liberal Democrats,‭ ‬are stealing their money and property.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by foreigners bent on stealing their jobs and country.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by the‭ “‬educated elitists‭” trying to take away their guns and religion‬.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by scientific,‭ ‬medical,‭ ‬and all other trained professionals.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by ambitious women determined to steal their manhood‭ (‬for conservative women,‭ ‬the manhood of their husbands‭)‬.‭ ‬It would appear the only two groups NOT believed by conservatives to be victimizing them are the Republican politicians and the very,‭ ‬very wealthy.‭ ‬For the conservatives‭’ ‬protection,‭ ‬the GOP cultivated their bigotry,‭ ‬racism,‭ ‬xenophobia,‭ ‬homophobia,‭ ‬misogyny,‭ ‬etc.

However,‭ ‬the impeached president trump demonstrated to the GOP leaders how those many years of subtle persuasion were unnecessary.‭ ‬He fast-tracked the final phase of instilling vicious hatred in the GOP’s voting base.‭ ‬The impeached president trump showed the world going full-on,‭ ‬in-your-face Nazi was the strategy for the twenty-first century to win the hearts of not only conservative voters,‭ ‬but many centrists as well.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch was one of the first of the Republican establishment to jump on this bandwagon,‭ ‬and he is looking at a strong chance of reelection in‭ ‬2020.

The impeached president trump proved to the GOP the truth in the old adage,‭ “‬Give the people what they want and they’ll come.‭”

It is bad enough that voters are offered such sorry excuses for presidential candidates,‭ ‬but it is the truly stupid Americans who believe what these crooks say and promise.

The Misinformation Campaigns For‭ ‬2020 Are Reaching High Gear

Democrats have saddled themselves with 77 year-old Joe Biden,‭ ‬and while his mastery of lying falls well short of that of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬Biden has a nearly fifty year record in politics.‭ ‬Sadly,‭ ‬it is a record that does not bode well given the expectations of most Democratic voters.‭ ‬His congressional voting record shows significant collaboration with the GOP to help them serve the greed of the ruling billionaire class while screwing average Americans at every turn.‭ ‬It is however,‭ ‬a record with overwhelming potential to capture the votes of formerly staunch Republicans dissatisfied with the impeached president trump’s gross inability to govern.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬as Status Quo Joe,‭ ‬voters hoping Biden will make an effort to reverse the severe damage done by the impeached president trump will likely be extremely disappointed.‭ ‬Biden’s five decades long congressional voting record indicates his many campaign promises will go unfulfilled.

Voters wanting proof need only look back and remember exactly why the party elders chose Biden as Obama’s running mate.‭ ‬Biden was there to rein in Obama’s‭ “‬Audacity of hope‭” ‬to prevent damage it might cause to the status quo it had taken the ruling billionaire class decades to establish.‭ (‬As an example,‭ ‬the many failures congressional Democrats and Republicans built into Obamacare with the strict intention of protecting the profits of the health insurance industry.‭)

The impeached president trump makes empty promises,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬and other various false statements knowing they are the words most conservatives have longed to hear from their politicians.

The impeached president trump discarded the subtlety employed by the GOP for the past five decades,‭ ‬which had slowly,‭ ‬but steadily,‭ ‬cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by the poor who,‭ ‬with the help of liberal Democrats,‭ ‬are stealing their money and property.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by foreigners bent on stealing their jobs and country.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by the‭ “‬educated elitists‭” trying to take away their guns and religion‬.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by scientific,‭ ‬medical,‭ ‬and all other trained professionals.‭ ‬The GOP cultivated conservative’s belief they are being victimized by ambitious women determined to steal their manhood‭ (‬for conservative women,‭ ‬the manhood of their husbands‭)‬.‭ ‬It would appear the only two groups NOT believed by conservatives to be victimizing them are the Republican politicians and the very,‭ ‬very wealthy.‭ ‬For the conservatives‭’ ‬protection,‭ ‬the GOP cultivated their bigotry,‭ ‬racism,‭ ‬xenophobia,‭ ‬homophobia,‭ ‬misogyny,‭ ‬etc.

However,‭ ‬the impeached president trump demonstrated to the GOP leaders how those many years of subtle persuasion were unnecessary.‭ ‬He fast-tracked the final phase of instilling vicious hatred in the GOP’s voting base.‭ ‬The impeached president trump showed the world going full-on,‭ ‬in-your-face Nazi was the strategy for the twenty-first century to win the hearts of not only conservative voters,‭ ‬but many centrists as well.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch was one of the first of the Republican establishment to jump on this bandwagon,‭ ‬and he is looking at a strong chance of reelection in‭ ‬2020.

The impeached president trump proved to the GOP the truth in the old adage,‭ “‬Give the people what they want and they’ll come.‭”

It is bad enough that voters are offered such sorry excuses for presidential candidates,‭ ‬but it is the truly stupid Americans who believe what these crooks say and promise.

You can always vote for Bernie. I don’t know why you commie freaks just don’t join the Communist Party USA and make your stand. Oh that’s right, because you’d never win an election. It must really suck to be an Antifa loser.

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