“The Media Is Creating a False Perception of Rising Racism”


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And it certainly is successful

1.In this thread, the truth about racism in America…..there isn’t any, other than the anti-white version advanced by the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats. There may be ‘thought crimes,’ allowed by the Constitution, but criminalized by the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats. Americans are allowed to dislike anyone they so choose....some even- if you can imagine- moi.

That's the problem when our side prepares to confront theirs.....we fail to remember that they don't consider facts, experience or truth as matters of importance.
"Defend the Party" is their raison d'etre.
But….I remain the eternal optimist….so the facts follow below: racism is a chimera designed to keep the Democrats in power. Toward that end, government school and the media....our Ministry of Truth... mold perceptions.

2. “…America is currently undergoing a racial reckoning. … a nation-wide soul-searching over racism has seized hold of the collective imagination, with everyone from massive corporations to national media outlets leading the charge against America's enduring—even rising—white supremacism.
…the national conversation isn't exposing racism so much as creating it, or at least, creating the impression
that it is far more prevalent than we thought…[see recent report for the Manhattan Institute, The Social Construction of Racism in the United States.]

3. …party identification shapes perception, for example, is pretty uncontroversial. And social scientists have long known that exposure to unusual events that make news shapes our perceptions; Gallup surveys consistently show that concern with racism tends to spike after major events like the Ferguson protests….there's evidence to suggest that the constant beating of the racism drum has led many to see racism where they didn't previously.

4. Mentions of racism in national news outlets have soared since 2015. [Note who was President at that time....the Racism President leading the war on police].
And this media activity has coincided with a drop in the number of Americans who describe Black-white relations as good. From 2002 to 2013, 70 percent of Americans believed that race relations were good, a number that dropped to half after 2014….I know that negative media attention to race, rather than a worsening reality, is driving perception… Here's where my research comes in. To get at this question, I asked respondents the following question: Did they believe young Black men were more in danger of dying in a car crash, or of being shot by police?

…a second question to test this: Do they believe white Republicans are racist?
And what I found was that people who answered yes to the second question, who believe white Republicans are racist, were much less likely to accurately assess whether cars or cops were more lethal to Black men. [Note: the easily led.]

5. There is a correct answer to that question: Cars are around ten times more lethal to young Black men than police bullets. But it was something people on one side of the political spectrum were much more likely to know than the other side.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Democrats, Leftists, never let the facts get in the way of their biases.
So I think the article is interesting, but it doesn't seem to be as thorough as I'd like. Here is the core claim beyond the title:

But what if everyone is wrong? What if the media and the national conversation isn't exposing racism so much as creating it, or at least, creating the impression that it is far more prevalent than we thought?
While the article does present some information showing how politics, social media, and education can impact our perceptions of issues, it doesn't really take the next step. For example, it says this:

The effect this false perception of rising racism is having on society—especially on Black Americans—is devastating
Is the media wrong to be covering racism? Is racism not on the rise? Is it lowering? Do we have less or more of these incidents? How do people think of each other? What supports the claim that the media is creating racism? I wouldn't know based on this article because despite making the claim it doesn't try to support anything beyond its more narrow initial claim.

Lastly, outside of one example this shows a difference of perception but doesn't establish if or why the more "liberal" perception is wrong. It assumes the more "conservative" stance is correct without presenting why. I'd like to know that but again this article doesn't inform me of that and assumes what is right instead of providing me any information for why that's right.
I do not exaggerate when I say the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are the enemy of the American people. The Founding Fathers named our country the UNITED States of America because they knew that division within the country would mark the end of the country. Division is what the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are creating every hour of every day.
I do not exaggerate when I say the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are the enemy of the American people. The Founding Fathers named our country the UNITED States of America because they knew that division within the country would mark the end of the country. Division is what the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are creating every hour of every day.

...and they are winning.
6. “…70 percent of white Americans and 95 percent of Black Americans who agree with the statement "white Republicans are racist" believe that young Black men are more likely to be shot by the police than to be killed in a traffic accident. Fully 53 percent of Biden voters got the answer wrong—compared to just 15 percent of Trump voters.

Much of the false perception we have of rising racism is due to traditional news media. But a lot of it comes from social media, too, which is accelerating the problem.

7. In the same survey, 53 percent of Black Americans who use social media said they had experienced "people acting suspicious" around them—compared to 31 percent of Black Americans who do not use social media. Across several questions, controlling for age, income, education and other factors, social media exposure significantly increased a Black person's sense that they had been a victim of racial discrimination.” The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Actually, it seems that, due to fear of the cancel culture, many would prefer to be thought to be stupid, than to be targeted as not parroting the propaganda.
I do not exaggerate when I say the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are the enemy of the American people. The Founding Fathers named our country the UNITED States of America because they knew that division within the country would mark the end of the country. Division is what the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are creating every hour of every day.

Absolutely. Racial division keeps Dims in power and fuels ratings and money for the media. The last thing either want is for Americans to be unified.
I do not exaggerate when I say the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are the enemy of the American people. The Founding Fathers named our country the UNITED States of America because they knew that division within the country would mark the end of the country. Division is what the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are creating every hour of every day.

Absolutely. Racial division keeps Dims in power and fuels ratings and money for the media. The last thing either want is for Americans to be unified.

Absolutely. Racial division keeps the Dims in power and fuels ratings and money for media. The last thing either want is for Americans to be unified.
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I do not exaggerate when I say the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are the enemy of the American people. The Founding Fathers named our country the UNITED States of America because they knew that division within the country would mark the end of the country. Division is what the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are creating every hour of every day.

Absolutely. Racial division keeps Dims in power and fuels ratings and money for the media. The last thing either want is for Americans to be unified.

"Racial division keeps Dims in power and fuels ratings and money for the media. The last thing either want is for Americans to be unified."

Succinct and eminently accurate

Thank you.
And it certainly is successful

1.In this thread, the truth about racism in America…..there isn’t any, other than the anti-white version advanced by the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats. There may be ‘thought crimes,’ allowed by the Constitution, but criminalized by the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats. Americans are allowed to dislike anyone they so choose....some even- if you can imagine- moi.

That's the problem when our side prepares to confront theirs.....we fail to remember that they don't consider facts, experience or truth as matters of importance.
"Defend the Party" is their raison d'etre.
But….I remain the eternal optimist….so the facts follow below: racism is a chimera designed to keep the Democrats in power. Toward that end, government school and the media....our Ministry of Truth... mold perceptions.

2. “…America is currently undergoing a racial reckoning. … a nation-wide soul-searching over racism has seized hold of the collective imagination, with everyone from massive corporations to national media outlets leading the charge against America's enduring—even rising—white supremacism.
…the national conversation isn't exposing racism so much as creating it, or at least, creating the impression
that it is far more prevalent than we thought…[see recent report for the Manhattan Institute, The Social Construction of Racism in the United States.]

3. …party identification shapes perception, for example, is pretty uncontroversial. And social scientists have long known that exposure to unusual events that make news shapes our perceptions; Gallup surveys consistently show that concern with racism tends to spike after major events like the Ferguson protests….there's evidence to suggest that the constant beating of the racism drum has led many to see racism where they didn't previously.

4. Mentions of racism in national news outlets have soared since 2015. [Note who was President at that time....the Racism President leading the war on police].
And this media activity has coincided with a drop in the number of Americans who describe Black-white relations as good. From 2002 to 2013, 70 percent of Americans believed that race relations were good, a number that dropped to half after 2014….I know that negative media attention to race, rather than a worsening reality, is driving perception… Here's where my research comes in. To get at this question, I asked respondents the following question: Did they believe young Black men were more in danger of dying in a car crash, or of being shot by police?

…a second question to test this: Do they believe white Republicans are racist?
And what I found was that people who answered yes to the second question, who believe white Republicans are racist, were much less likely to accurately assess whether cars or cops were more lethal to Black men. [Note: the easily led.]

5. There is a correct answer to that question: Cars are around ten times more lethal to young Black men than police bullets. But it was something people on one side of the political spectrum were much more likely to know than the other side.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Democrats, Leftists, never let the facts get in the way of their biases.


How can there still be racism when the powers-that-be are doing everything possible to please those folks?

1. Reparations are a-coming.
2. They can enter the university without entrance requirements.
3. More and more companies (like that airline) are openly setting quotas for training & jobs.
4. Award shows (like the Oscars) are also setting quotas.
5. The police are losing funds that are being diverted to community groups.
6. Anything that they feel offensive is canceled (such as names, books, and people).
7. If certain folks commit violent crimes, there is often no bail requirements for them.
8. The Dem party was forced to nominate a person of color as VP.
9. The Dems want to build housing projects for them in the suburbs.
10. Their grievances are broadcast 24/7 on the network and cable channels.

And that's just a partial list.
I do not exaggerate when I say the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are the enemy of the American people. The Founding Fathers named our country the UNITED States of America because they knew that division within the country would mark the end of the country. Division is what the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are creating every hour of every day.

Democrat policies HAVE in the past and ARE in the present, worked so badly for African Americans that they should be leaving the Democrat party in droves but They keep getting offered the same bone to make them stay. Racism and the need for revenge is a powerful motivator. Democrat/ Leftists have learned as long as they can keep the population angry and motivated then they will never be scrutinized for their failed policies.

The great example was President Trump..He did more for minorities simply by increasing jobs, and creating a more business friendly environment, which in turn raises standards of living, gives hope for the future and creates more self worth. And he did this in depressed areas that Democrats normally give up on.

All Democrats had to do though is call Trump a "racist" and whatever policies Trump had in place that helped minorities, would be made meaningless and invisible. The racism card always wins which is why they will never let it go.
8. Radio host Dennis Prager has often said that the longer on remains in academia, the less wise one is. The following research bears this out:

“…rather than a corrective, higher education—where students are exposed to far left ideas on race like critical race theory—may lead to even greater sensitivity to racism.

Research tends to find that minorities with degrees are more likely to report discrimination than their non-college educated counterparts. My surveys also showed that college-educated Black Americans are significantly more likely than those without a degree to be offended by so-called microaggressions, like people saying, "I don't notice race."

But this isn't just a question of getting a question wrong on a survey. The effect this false perception of rising racism is having on society—especially on Black Americans—is devastating. And just reading a few paragraphs written by someone with an extreme view on racism in America can have an impact, ...”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Notice which party stands for unity, tranquility, brotherhood, and which stands for division, conflict, and never ending grievances.

There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not unity, not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.
Race, Class, and Gender.
And it certainly is successful

1.In this thread, the truth about racism in America…..there isn’t any, other than the anti-white version advanced by the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats. There may be ‘thought crimes,’ allowed by the Constitution, but criminalized by the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats. Americans are allowed to dislike anyone they so choose....some even- if you can imagine- moi.

That's the problem when our side prepares to confront theirs.....we fail to remember that they don't consider facts, experience or truth as matters of importance.
"Defend the Party" is their raison d'etre.
But….I remain the eternal optimist….so the facts follow below: racism is a chimera designed to keep the Democrats in power. Toward that end, government school and the media....our Ministry of Truth... mold perceptions.

2. “…America is currently undergoing a racial reckoning. … a nation-wide soul-searching over racism has seized hold of the collective imagination, with everyone from massive corporations to national media outlets leading the charge against America's enduring—even rising—white supremacism.
…the national conversation isn't exposing racism so much as creating it, or at least, creating the impression
that it is far more prevalent than we thought…[see recent report for the Manhattan Institute, The Social Construction of Racism in the United States.]

3. …party identification shapes perception, for example, is pretty uncontroversial. And social scientists have long known that exposure to unusual events that make news shapes our perceptions; Gallup surveys consistently show that concern with racism tends to spike after major events like the Ferguson protests….there's evidence to suggest that the constant beating of the racism drum has led many to see racism where they didn't previously.

4. Mentions of racism in national news outlets have soared since 2015. [Note who was President at that time....the Racism President leading the war on police].
And this media activity has coincided with a drop in the number of Americans who describe Black-white relations as good. From 2002 to 2013, 70 percent of Americans believed that race relations were good, a number that dropped to half after 2014….I know that negative media attention to race, rather than a worsening reality, is driving perception… Here's where my research comes in. To get at this question, I asked respondents the following question: Did they believe young Black men were more in danger of dying in a car crash, or of being shot by police?

…a second question to test this: Do they believe white Republicans are racist?
And what I found was that people who answered yes to the second question, who believe white Republicans are racist, were much less likely to accurately assess whether cars or cops were more lethal to Black men. [Note: the easily led.]

5. There is a correct answer to that question: Cars are around ten times more lethal to young Black men than police bullets. But it was something people on one side of the political spectrum were much more likely to know than the other side.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Democrats, Leftists, never let the facts get in the way of their biases.
They have alot of blood on their hands.....and I bet they're just thrilled every time somebody gets killed because of what they have said and done in front of a camera.
I do not exaggerate when I say the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are the enemy of the American people. The Founding Fathers named our country the UNITED States of America because they knew that division within the country would mark the end of the country. Division is what the Democrats and THEIR MEDIA are creating every hour of every day.

...and they are winning.
Because they're corrupt, they play dirty, they cheat, they lie, and they have their brain washed cancel culture crew, and their violent rioting mob.
And it certainly is successful

1.In this thread, the truth about racism in America…..there isn’t any, other than the anti-white version advanced by the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats. There may be ‘thought crimes,’ allowed by the Constitution, but criminalized by the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats. Americans are allowed to dislike anyone they so choose....some even- if you can imagine- moi.

That's the problem when our side prepares to confront theirs.....we fail to remember that they don't consider facts, experience or truth as matters of importance.
"Defend the Party" is their raison d'etre.
But….I remain the eternal optimist….so the facts follow below: racism is a chimera designed to keep the Democrats in power. Toward that end, government school and the media....our Ministry of Truth... mold perceptions.

2. “…America is currently undergoing a racial reckoning. … a nation-wide soul-searching over racism has seized hold of the collective imagination, with everyone from massive corporations to national media outlets leading the charge against America's enduring—even rising—white supremacism.
…the national conversation isn't exposing racism so much as creating it, or at least, creating the impression
that it is far more prevalent than we thought…[see recent report for the Manhattan Institute, The Social Construction of Racism in the United States.]

3. …party identification shapes perception, for example, is pretty uncontroversial. And social scientists have long known that exposure to unusual events that make news shapes our perceptions; Gallup surveys consistently show that concern with racism tends to spike after major events like the Ferguson protests….there's evidence to suggest that the constant beating of the racism drum has led many to see racism where they didn't previously.

4. Mentions of racism in national news outlets have soared since 2015. [Note who was President at that time....the Racism President leading the war on police].
And this media activity has coincided with a drop in the number of Americans who describe Black-white relations as good. From 2002 to 2013, 70 percent of Americans believed that race relations were good, a number that dropped to half after 2014….I know that negative media attention to race, rather than a worsening reality, is driving perception… Here's where my research comes in. To get at this question, I asked respondents the following question: Did they believe young Black men were more in danger of dying in a car crash, or of being shot by police?

…a second question to test this: Do they believe white Republicans are racist?
And what I found was that people who answered yes to the second question, who believe white Republicans are racist, were much less likely to accurately assess whether cars or cops were more lethal to Black men. [Note: the easily led.]

5. There is a correct answer to that question: Cars are around ten times more lethal to young Black men than police bullets. But it was something people on one side of the political spectrum were much more likely to know than the other side.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Democrats, Leftists, never let the facts get in the way of their biases.
They have alot of blood on their hands.....and I bet they're just thrilled every time somebody gets killed because of what they have said and done in front of a camera.

Only someone on the right side of morality could post what you just did.

The other side simply shrugs at the idea of blood on their hands.

Here, a regular poster on this board:

When I pointed out that his antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....he sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society

There are no longer any shared values between the Left and the Right.
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And worse.....there doesn't look like there is a home team.
I think there is a home team, we just aren't very well organized.

You have a point.....it's like the Harlem Globetrotters vs the Washington Generals.

Overall, the Globetrotters had defeated the Generals over 16,000 times in their combined history and winning a mere 3–6 games.

Washington Generals - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Washington_Generals


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