The Market Will Set You Free

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
The Market Will Set You Free
Andy Puzder uses a few powerful graphs to demonstrate the unprecedented global prosperity and decline in poverty that have resulted from capitalism:

There ought to be a statue of Adam Smith in every park on the planet. Who has done more to benefit the human race?

Should be ...the leftist will only tear it down ...snapper heads the lot of em

In the name of egalitarianism and/or the global warming hoax, today’s Democrats want to reimpose the wretched poverty that characterized human existence before capitalism lifted up the world. To support them is not merely foolish but wicked.

Ya think
And yes I'm well aware of the crony capitalism that has infected the nation
But not really the subject is it .
So a capitalist system worked well for communist countries ?

Did you not watch the video ....capitalist pigs are not the one that have to explain .
After the fall of the union of soviet socialist republic More open capitalistic markets are certainly benefiting the former eastern blocks ...ifnya wanna be a moron pre soviet and pre ww2 eastern europe was still kind of backwards ....even parts of western europe like Italy..Greece...

The world has come a long way ...
...another point of the video ...

But I thought real socialism was never tried before ?

You could always go with the real socialism has never been tried or the post office and military is socialism..which isnt double think at all ....maybe even throw in jesus was a socialist
The Market Will Set You Free
Andy Puzder uses a few powerful graphs to demonstrate the unprecedented global prosperity and decline in poverty that have resulted from capitalism:

There ought to be a statue of Adam Smith in every park on the planet. Who has done more to benefit the human race?

Should be ...the leftist will only tear it down ...snapper heads the lot of em

In the name of egalitarianism and/or the global warming hoax, today’s Democrats want to reimpose the wretched poverty that characterized human existence before capitalism lifted up the world. To support them is not merely foolish but wicked.

Ya think
And yes I'm well aware of the crony capitalism that has infected the nation
But not really the subject is it .

I'm shorting the market. I suggest all do the same.
Regulated Capitalism works when our borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.
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Did you not watch the video

Yeah i did.....

Free market cheerleaders lauding 'the hidden hand' as Smith's remedy for all things economic , using canned stats encompassing the entire human existence for the last millennium.

Any globalists would agree.

And they're hanging hat on a 17th century sheep farmer's macroeconomics , back when this rocks economy had little to nothing compared to the globalists and globalization of today's world

makes as much sense as a chicken with a kickstand, but we're all just slightly to the right of Che Guevara if we point it out

Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Probably one of the easiest national issues to solve
Illegal immigration

But the destructive uniparty is hell bent on doing whatever it wants ...voters and taxpayers be damned
Trump was so screwed he really had no other choice but to put the screws to Mexico
Which has been somewhat successful
For starters you could easily fine companies for hiring illegals , cut benefits and medical services right off .
I'd bet money illegals would start self deporting
Did you not watch the video

Yeah i did.....

Free market cheerleaders lauding 'the hidden hand' as Smith's remedy for all things economic , using canned stats encompassing the entire human existence for the last millennium.

Any globalists would agree.

And they're hanging hat on a 17th century sheep farmer's macroeconomics , back when this rocks economy had little to nothing compared to the globalists and globalization of today's world

makes as much sense as a chicken with a kickstand, but we're all just slightly to the right of Che Guevara if we point it out


You should get the book now before the left burns it and removes any statues or painting of him from college campus ....he was white after all

We know you rubes and "deep thinkers "have a glorious new and improved western european like 3rd way to go...we've heard
Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Probably one of the easiest national issues to solve
Illegal immigration

But the destructive uniparty is hell bent on doing whatever it wants ...voters and taxpayers be damned
Trump was so screwed he really had no other choice but to put the screws to Mexico
Which has been somewhat successful
For starters you could easily fine companies for hiring illegals , cut benefits and medical services right off .
I'd bet money illegals would start self deporting
Socialism does not work; neither does unfettered capitalism.
Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Probably one of the easiest national issues to solve
Illegal immigration

But the destructive uniparty is hell bent on doing whatever it wants ...voters and taxpayers be damned
Trump was so screwed he really had no other choice but to put the screws to Mexico
Which has been somewhat successful
For starters you could easily fine companies for hiring illegals , cut benefits and medical services right off .
I'd bet money illegals would start self deporting
Socialism does not work; neither does unfettered capitalism.

Ya think...point
You're always going to have rules and regulations
And protectionism and what not

When it comes to our nation shouldnt those rules and regulations be sensible and shouldnt they put the American population/workers /tax payers and our nation first before everyone else
Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Probably one of the easiest national issues to solve
Illegal immigration

But the destructive uniparty is hell bent on doing whatever it wants ...voters and taxpayers be damned
Trump was so screwed he really had no other choice but to put the screws to Mexico
Which has been somewhat successful
For starters you could easily fine companies for hiring illegals , cut benefits and medical services right off .
I'd bet money illegals would start self deporting
Socialism does not work; neither does unfettered capitalism.

Ya think
You're always going to have rules and regulations
And protectionism and what not

When it comes to our nation shouldnt those rules and regulations be sensible and shouldnt they put the American population and our nation first before everyone else
Under GW both parties were passing Legislation putting Americans out of work.
None of that changed under Obama.
It's not pure right of the book ...never will be ...but the basic principles work ..proof is in the results

What are we ridged dumbed down left wingers
Yeah but that wasn't weal capitalism

Somebody shoot me ferp
Did you not watch the video

Yeah i did.....

Free market cheerleaders lauding 'the hidden hand' as Smith's remedy for all things economic , using canned stats encompassing the entire human existence for the last millennium.

Any globalists would agree.

And they're hanging hat on a 17th century sheep farmer's macroeconomics , back when this rocks economy had little to nothing compared to the globalists and globalization of today's world

makes as much sense as a chicken with a kickstand, but we're all just slightly to the right of Che Guevara if we point it out


You should get the book now before the left burns it and removes any statues or painting of him from college campus ....he was white after all

We know you rubes and "deep thinkers "have a glorious new and improved western european like 3rd way to go...we've heard

like my last sentence implied, you will resort to this^^^ due to your inability to comprehend a response short of 'cheerleading'

But i'll play non the less, you want a libertopian market that magically cures all it's ills ,to the benefit of any given populace's prosperity

Ok, no more FDA,
i can feed my pigs dynamite , and sell it

No more EPA
choke on my smoke

No more Professional licensure
the landscape guy can do brain surgery

No trade agreements
sorry Trump

No vetting of any kind, no biz bureaucracy ,oversight , regulations , anti trust, anti monopolizing any thing zip zero nada

You're left with 'buyer beware'

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But i'll play non the less, you want a libertopian market that magically cures all it's ills ,to the benefit of any given populace's prosperity

Yes cause those of us who lean towards a more law of the jungle style of capitalism dont believe in winners and losers ..... like socailsit.....who value a fair and just society that itll fix everything!

But you must of missed the rules and regulations part
I'll say it again you're always going to always have rules and regulations
Yes cause those of us who lean towards a more law of the jungle style of capitalism dont believe in winners and losers and that like socailsit.....who value a fair and just society that itll fix everything

does that include quantitative easing too?


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