The March To More War Continues: Senate Adopts Tough Iranian Sanctions...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
A prelude to War?

The US Senate unanimously adopted harsh new economic sanctions on Iran, dismissing US officials' fears they risked fracturing global unity on blocking Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program.
Lawmakers voted 100-0 to include the measure, which aims to cut off Iran's central bank from the global financial system, in a must-pass annual military spending bill poised for final approval.

Senators rebuffed an 11th-hour campaign from top aides to President Barack Obama who warned the legislation could shatter a growing but fragile global consensus on confronting the defiant Islamic republic over its nuclear drive.

The measure, crafted by Democratic Senator Robert Menendez and Republican Senator Mark Kirk, calls for freezing the US-based assets of financial institutions that do business with the central bank.

It would apply to non-US central banks that do so for the purpose of buying or selling petroleum -- Iran's chief source of revenues -- or related goods, amid growing fears that time is running short to solve the standoff peacefully.
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The Vote was unanimous. Everyone's onboard the War Machine now. So how long before it happens?
There's no way we can avoid war with Iran. They are too determined!

More worrisome is the way obama is fucking with Pakistan, an Iranian/Pak alliance would be disastrous. Don't think sanctions will work either.
Can we really avoid war? Sure we should try to avoid it when possible. But human history doesnt really indicate that we can avoid it completely.
These sanctions remind me of so much of the past. It does look like War with Iran is inevitible.
These sanctions remind me of so much of the past. It does look like War with Iran is inevitible.

I wonder who has a better grasp of all of the facts, to make the informed decision:

The Senators who - have their hands on all of the intelligence and voted it approved overwhelmingly.............

Or the idiot who retreads on message boards and has none of the classified intelligence to make the informed decision, and thinks Rome is burning daily yet retains his free will to eat, shit, fuck, cruise the internetz and get money.
There's no way we can avoid war with Iran. They are too determined!

More worrisome is the way obama is fucking with Pakistan, an Iranian/Pak alliance would be disastrous. Don't think sanctions will work either.

That might even pull China to alliance in such. WWIII is quite possible and tens of millions would die. China most likely will side with Iran and Pakistan.

I doubt Russia will side with us either. :(
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These sanctions remind me of so much of the past. It does look like War with Iran is inevitible.

I wonder who has a better grasp of all of the facts, to make the informed decision:

The Senators who - have their hands on all of the intelligence and voted it approved overwhelmingly.............

Or the idiot who retreads on message boards and has none of the classified intelligence to make the informed decision, and thinks Rome is burning daily yet retains his free will to eat, shit, fuck, cruise the internetz and get money.

They may have more intelligence reports, but I sure as heck don't trust them.
Lets hope it doesn't happen. How much more War can we afford?
I'm seriously scared that this could set off wwIII if Pakistan sides with Iran. I can see China and Russia siding with such and India attacking Pakistan on our side. It would be a very nasty war.

Anything is possible. I think civil war is more likely here atleast. though that doesnt mean there won't be a world war.
Things could get pretty hairy on this one. Iran will not go so quietly.
Pakistan will do nothing if we get involved with Iran. Their arch enemy is sitting to the east and most of their military has to stay on the border with India. So strategically Pakistan is non-factor. We also have minimal financial dealing with Pakistan and do they have oil?

China and Russia will always side with our enemies but they will stop short of going to war over Iran because it is not in their interest to intervene militarily. China is more focused on Formosa and might try to instigate Iran or assist covertly so they can wear our military and financial resources down more. We cannot carry on fighting wars for 20 years straight without doing irreparable harm to our country and Russia and China understand this. For them the more wars get involved in helps them in the long run because our economy cannot take the strain and eventually we will wear out our military and financial reserves to where they can move into the void that we will have to leave open.

WWIII, not happening.
Newt said this is what he'd do, libocalypsenow's retread. Point missed you by 100-yards. Safety.

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