Zone1 The man who was executed Friday...

there is no such tradition. People cannot "give away" inherited land allotments by saying "KORBAN" and certainly not to the temple.
The Tribe of Levi (priests and levites) do not hold tribal land
There was according to my bible, and the many commentators.

Many leave money to churches still, often depriving heirs of an inheritance.
There was according to my bible, and the many commentators.
nope----Long ago---when I was (sob) young---I came upon a patient
(I was working in a hospital) who was in bed---giant crucifix necklace and
reading an english translation of a volume of "the jewish wars" by Josephus
Flavius. The patient was discharged but he left the book behind. There was
a forward written by a Christian SCHOLAR. He praised the book for its
scholarship but noted ONE GIANT MISTAKE---a real BIGGIE--the only one.
Josephus "mistakenly" wrote in praise of DA PHARISEES (the people who
EVERYONE KNOWS--were rotten bastards----ask your jelly bean school
teacher). The moral to the story is.........there are christian scholars and christian scholars........................some day I will recount my experience with a
DIVINITY STUDENT of SETON HALL ----who was hot on giving me lessons
in Judaism---he also KNEW
there is no such tradition. People cannot "give away" inherited land allotments by saying "KORBAN" and certainly not to the temple.
The Tribe of Levi (priests and levites) do not hold tribal land
It seems, by the context, that both the children and the Pharisees were misusing Korban. The children to deliberately dishonor their parents by denying them material support, the Pharisees to enrich themselves.

your cited article is not entirely idiotic----but the land give away story
is nonsense----and the libel thrown in---"it's what the pharisees did" is
consistent with the filth of CONSTANTINE---in order to understand---review
the JUSTINIAN CODE and learn a little bit about the Nazi dog who founded
CANON LAW---the law of the "HOLY" roman empire (and the third reich)
your cited article is not entirely idiotic----but the land give away story
is nonsense----and the libel thrown in---"it's what the pharisees did" is
consistent with the filth of CONSTANTINE---in order to understand---review
the JUSTINIAN CODE and learn a little bit about the Nazi dog who founded
CANON LAW---the law of the "HOLY" roman empire (and the third reich)
According to the article korban ended with the destruction of the second temple, so Constantine and others who came later had nothing to do with it.

The point is that the term is in the NT, has been studied, explained, is understood, and isn't going anywhere regardless of Jewish protestations.
According to the article korban ended with the destruction of the second temple, so Constantine and others who came later had nothing to do with it.

The point is that the term is in the NT, has been studied, explained, is understood, and isn't going anywhere regardless of Jewish protestations.
the term in the NT has been studied and explained but it is, clearly,
not understood. At no point did I suggest that Constantine did
away with Korban---it was a TEMPLE rite that, very simply, is not done
in the absence of the Temple (despite what you may have learned in
jelly bean school) The written word does not disappear no matter who
protests-----Mein Kampf remains very popular no matter how much
jews protests as does "the protocols of zion" An interesting fact that
would be helpful if you were willing to UNDERSTAND IT, is---the ROMANS
hated the Pharisees because the Pharisees hated ROMAN RULE. Constantine
was EMPEROR OF ROME---he authorized the NT
the term in the NT has been studied and explained but it is, clearly,
not understood. At no point did I suggest that Constantine did
away with Korban---it was a TEMPLE rite that, very simply, is not done
in the absence of the Temple (despite what you may have learned in
jelly bean school) The written word does not disappear no matter who
protests-----Mein Kampf remains very popular no matter how much
jews protests as does "the protocols of zion" An interesting fact that
would be helpful if you were willing to UNDERSTAND IT, is---the ROMANS
hated the Pharisees because the Pharisees hated ROMAN RULE. Constantine
was EMPEROR OF ROME---he authorized the NT
Constantine didn't write or edit the NT.
nope----Long ago---when I was (sob) young---I came upon a patient
(I was working in a hospital) who was in bed---giant crucifix necklace and
reading an english translation of a volume of "the jewish wars" by Josephus
Flavius. The patient was discharged but he left the book behind. There was
a forward written by a Christian SCHOLAR. He praised the book for its
scholarship but noted ONE GIANT MISTAKE---a real BIGGIE--the only one.
Josephus "mistakenly" wrote in praise of DA PHARISEES (the people who
EVERYONE KNOWS--were rotten bastards----ask your jelly bean school
teacher). The moral to the story is.........there are christian scholars and christian scholars........................some day I will recount my experience with a
DIVINITY STUDENT of SETON HALL ----who was hot on giving me lessons
in Judaism---he also KNEW

Were you enrolled at Seton Hall?
Constantine didn't write or edit the NT.
ROFLMAO try reading it some time----it includes ROMAN
PROPAGANDA to the point that the word PHARISEE is a negative
in the English language and possibly any language spoken by
christians. Your "saint" Pontius Pilate crucified thousands of Pharisees to
the point that the pre-christian ROME relieved him of his rank and sent him
back home---he was too brutal even for their barbaric tastes. The fact that Jesus was crucified is more than enough evidence ---that like his executed
cousin, John the mikveh man---he was a PHARISEE
ROFLMAO try reading it some time----it includes ROMAN
PROPAGANDA to the point that the word PHARISEE is a negative
in the English language and possibly any language spoken by
christians. Your "saint" Pontius Pilate crucified thousands of Pharisees to
the point that the pre-christian ROME relieved him of his rank and sent him
back home---he was too brutal even for their barbaric tastes. The fact that Jesus was crucified is more than enough evidence ---that like his executed
cousin, John the mikveh man---he was a PHARISEE
Neither Jesus nor John were Pharisees.

There is no historical evidence that Pilate executed Pharisees.
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ROFLMAO try reading it some time----it includes ROMAN
PROPAGANDA to the point that the word PHARISEE is a negative
in the English language and possibly any language spoken by
christians. Your "saint" Pontius Pilate crucified thousands of Pharisees to
the point that the pre-christian ROME relieved him of his rank and sent him
back home---he was too brutal even for their barbaric tastes. The fact that Jesus was crucified is more than enough evidence ---that like his executed
cousin, John the mikveh man---he was a PHARISEE
Mr. Nutz disagrees with something in my post that includes many points
Neither Jesus nor John were Pharisees.
both. I understand your pov. I grew up in a very christian town.
I even attended "sunday school" about a dozen times" I came into
contact with normal adolescents who actually believed that Jesus ate
bacon and eggs for breakfast and was the only person in the history of
the world who was crucified
ROFLMAO try reading it some time----it includes ROMAN
PROPAGANDA to the point that the word PHARISEE is a negative
in the English language and possibly any language spoken by
christians. Your "saint" Pontius Pilate crucified thousands of Pharisees to
the point that the pre-christian ROME relieved him of his rank and sent him
back home---he was too brutal even for their barbaric tastes. The fact that Jesus was crucified is more than enough evidence ---that like his executed
cousin, John the mikveh man---he was a PHARISEE
John the Baptist called Pharisees a brood of vipers.

both. I understand your pov. I grew up in a very christian town.
I even attended "sunday school" about a dozen times" I came into
contact with normal adolescents who actually believed that Jesus ate
bacon and eggs for breakfast and was the only person in the history of
the world who was crucified
I wouldn't judge biblical knowledge by those folks. ;)
John the Baptist called Pharisees a brood of vipers.

you have that statement recorded? tape recorder or video or you got his
diary? not likely----but better than "I am sitting at the lunch table but refuse to wash my hands because I am "god" Among the many things
that annoyed Romans, two were PHARISEES----and that nutty incessant hand

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