The Man Barry Just Climbed Into Bed With....

And that hot war would be......?
How about taking your silly ass little troll questions and your little troll ass out of here? You wouldn't try to bait me IRL and you know it.
No...I'm curious. Which hot war would that be that RR referred to?

Are you that dense?

They have no idea what real communism is and what's required to get it and keep it. They think it's all berets and cheering crowds and getting free shit for doing nothing....not their fault really....they were taught by experts in anti-American propaganda. Luckily we had Bush between Clinton and the turd we got now for the country to get back on it's feet.....otherwise Fidel might have his troops in Miami this afternoon.
How is Cuba to be opened up? Has Raul Castro made any agreement to open Cuba up? Has there been any concessions by Cuba to permit investment?

No of course not. It's wishful thinking. obama wants to normalize the relationship. Cuba hasn't said they want to normalize the relationship.

This shows every indication of ending up like the climate change deal with China. After the agreement where China got all concessions and we got all restrictions. The US inked the deal and China walked out saying they didn't agree to jack shit.
The Democrats has always love the commies

selling us out left and right to them

what a party
I am hesitant to trust the SCOTUS to reign him in, after the Kafka like ruling on Obamacare.

I just hope if any of them die, it's one already in the Obama/Dem camp.
Roberts could have stopped it but in June they will rule on the part of the law that says very clearly that all 50 states have to have healthcare exchanges....only about 14 do....they'll have no choice but to rule the law has to fall.
Just about all the sane people on this board. If you have to make meaningless threats to fellow citizens to get your point across, you really haven't much of a point.

Why should we continue to have garbage eaters like you stand in the way of getting this country back on it's feet? You'd hate the old America being back anyway so we'd be doing you a favor.....I think I'd send you to Somalia to test your superior notions of racial equality.
So, while the entire world moves forward, you want this country to move backwards! :laugh:
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Where do people like this come from anyways! :omg:
He's just an old Cold War Has-Been. Probably has the same crying-jag going on when Viet Nam opened up.
You don't know anything more about Vietnam than why your own cat stares at you...waiting for you to stroke out so it can eat your face.
How much did you cry when we normalized relations with Viet Nam?
How is Cuba to be opened up? Has Raul Castro made any agreement to open Cuba up? Has there been any concessions by Cuba to permit investment?

No of course not. It's wishful thinking. obama wants to normalize the relationship. Cuba hasn't said they want to normalize the relationship.

This shows every indication of ending up like the climate change deal with China. After the agreement where China got all concessions and we got all restrictions. The US inked the deal and China walked out saying they didn't agree to jack shit.

To top it off he does another 5 for 1 Bergdahl trade...we get back an aid worker, they get back 5 murderers....and there's Barry all tits and teeth like a starlet after her latest couch casting telling us what a great movie it's gonna be.

Somebody get a rope.....
How is Cuba to be opened up? Has Raul Castro made any agreement to open Cuba up? Has there been any concessions by Cuba to permit investment?

No of course not. It's wishful thinking. obama wants to normalize the relationship. Cuba hasn't said they want to normalize the relationship.

This shows every indication of ending up like the climate change deal with China. After the agreement where China got all concessions and we got all restrictions. The US inked the deal and China walked out saying they didn't agree to jack shit.

To top it off he does another 5 for 1 Bergdahl trade...we get back an aid worker, they get back 5 murderers....and there's Barry all tits and teeth like a starlet after her latest couch casting telling us what a great movie it's gonna be.

Somebody get a rope.....
Did Bergdahl ever meet with his space cadet daddy and hottie mommie after Obama pawed all over her?
How is Cuba to be opened up? Has Raul Castro made any agreement to open Cuba up? Has there been any concessions by Cuba to permit investment?

No of course not. It's wishful thinking. obama wants to normalize the relationship. Cuba hasn't said they want to normalize the relationship.

This shows every indication of ending up like the climate change deal with China. After the agreement where China got all concessions and we got all restrictions. The US inked the deal and China walked out saying they didn't agree to jack shit.

To top it off he does another 5 for 1 Bergdahl trade...we get back an aid worker, they get back 5 murderers....and there's Barry all tits and teeth like a starlet after her latest couch casting telling us what a great movie it's gonna be.

Somebody get a rope.....
Here....have the whole box of tissues. You can share with Steph and Tipsy.
Did Bergdahl ever meet with his space cadet daddy and hottie mommie after Obama pawed all over her?

Who knows? Last I heard he wouldn't speak to them...UCMJ states very clearly what he did was desertion.....Barry has gutted all his combat generals and decimated the officer ranks so I reckon nobody is in a big hurry to resolve his future....I say he belongs in Leavenworth same as Hussein.
"The Man Barry Just Climbed Into Bed With...."


By this 'reasoning' we should end diplomatic relations with countries such as China with much worse human rights records.

The old policy against Cuba was unwarranted and inconsistent.
"The Man Barry Just Climbed Into Bed With...."


By this 'reasoning' we should end diplomatic relations with countries such as China with much worse human rights records.

The old policy against Cuba was unwarranted and inconsistent.
Unwarranted, no.

Inconsistent, yes.

Obama should have waited for the Castros to die, but he is thrashing about for a legacy, anything can happen in the animated cartoon that the Obama administration has become.
"The Man Barry Just Climbed Into Bed With...."


By this 'reasoning' we should end diplomatic relations with countries such as China with much worse human rights records.

The old policy against Cuba was unwarranted and inconsistent.
Yep, sanctions just don't work. I wonder who was the idiot that came up with that tactic anyway.

We should go back to bombing the fuck out of them like the old days.

Oh well ... if everything goes to shit like with Russia we can just ask any Cubans who want to flee Communist oppression if they want to make the trip to the states, and we'll give em Obamacare and welcome them with open arms, and a Green Card.
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